17 research outputs found

    Gender metaphors in Russian and English linguocultures: a comparative study

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    The article represents the results of the comparison between gender oppositions of Russian and English linguocultures that are fixed in the system of conceptual metaphors. As the main sources of data for metaphor study dictionaries of the Russian and the English languages are used. We reveal the peculiar characteristics of a person with no respect to gender and gender-marked characteristics that are common and culture-specific for the two linguocultures. What the metaphorical nominations of a person have in common is that the aspect of gender differences is not predominant; however, they are of importance when describing a person's appearance. The distinctive feature of the metaphorical systems is a significant prevalence of metaphors characterizing women in Russian

    Types of discourse markers: their ethnocultural diversity in scientific text

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    The paper aims to reveal the role of ethnolinguistic and discursive factors that determine the direction of discursive units’ functioning in an academic text. The issue is dealt with on the basis of academic texts in the German and Russian languages belonging to geological type of academic discourse. The following functional types of discursive markers (DMs) are distinguished: 1) the markers ensuring text coherence, 2) the markers disclosing a speaker's attitude to an utterance, and 3) the markers reflecting the process of interaction between the author and the reader. This article is devoted to consideration of the second group DMs. Comparative analysis of using DMsdiscloses specific ways of presenting academic knowledge and the influence of ethnolinguistic models of academic discourse organization on this variety

    Metaphors for language and speech in Russian and Chinese: a comparative study

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    The study focuses on the ways of modeling the figurative component of the concept of β€œlanguage” in Russian and Chinese. The concept is represented in lexical metaphorical nominations of speech, talking and the talking person. Basic metaphorical models are defined, as well as the degree of their commonness between the two languages. The ways of specific figurative modeling of formal and content aspects of speech are outlined

    Gender-marked metaphors: influence of grammatical gender and frequency on referential choice of metaphorical name of the person in the Russian language

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    AbstractThe paper aims to discuss the results of the experimental research into the correlation between the influence of language (the gender of the noun) and speech (frequency of using words in speech) on the referential choice of a metaphorical name of a person. As a result, we prove a significant influence of grammatical gender on solving the problem of figurative reference to the name of a man or woman.The interaction between linguistic factors (the grammatical gender) and speech (frequency) is manifested in the fact that the frequency factor is significant in functionally weak areas where there is a conflict between the problem being solved and grammatical gender of the word (for example, the problem to determine the reference of feminine words to a male)

    Gender metaphors in Russian and English linguocultures: a comparative study

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    The article represents the results of the comparison between gender oppositions of Russian and English linguocultures that are fixed in the system of conceptual metaphors. As the main sources of data for metaphor study dictionaries of the Russian and the English languages are used. We reveal the peculiar characteristics of a person with no respect to gender and gender-marked characteristics that are common and culture-specific for the two linguocultures. What the metaphorical nominations of a person have in common is that the aspect of gender differences is not predominant; however, they are of importance when describing a person's appearance. The distinctive feature of the metaphorical systems is a significant prevalence of metaphors characterizing women in Russian