1,310 research outputs found

    Fingerprints for spin-selection rules in the interaction dynamics of O2 at Al(111)

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    We performed mixed quantum-classical molecular dynamics simulations based on first-principles potential-energy surfaces to demonstrate that the scattering of a beam of singlet O2 molecules at Al(111) will enable an unambiguous assessment of the role of spin-selection rules for the adsorption dynamics. At thermal energies we predict a sticking probability that is substantially less than unity, with the repelled molecules exhibiting characteristic kinetic, vibrational and rotational signatures arising from the non-adiabatic spin transition.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figures; related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/th.htm

    Signatures of nonadiabatic O2 dissociation at Al(111): First-principles fewest-switches study

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    Recently, spin selection rules have been invoked to explain the discrepancy between measured and calculated adsorption probabilities of molecular oxygen reacting with Al(111). In this work, we inspect the impact of nonadiabatic spin transitions on the dynamics of this system from first principles. For this purpose the motion on two distinct potential-energy surfaces associated to different spin configurations and possible transitions between them are inspected by means of the Fewest Switches algorithm. Within this framework we especially focus on the influence of such spin transitions on observables accessible to molecular beam experiments. On this basis we suggest experimental setups that can validate the occurrence of such transitions and discuss their feasibility.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Mast cells and the development of allergic airway disease

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    Murine models have highlighted the importance of T-cells and TH2 cytokines in development of allergen-induced airway disease. In contrast, the role of mast cells for the development of allergic airway disease has been controversial. Recent studies in murine models demonstrate a significant contribution of mast cells during the development of airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation. Furthermore these models have allowed identifying certain mast cell-produced mediators (e.g. histamine and leukotriene B4) to be involved in the recruitment of effector T-cells into the lung. Additionally, mast cell-produced TNF can directly activate TH2 cells and contribute to the development of allergic airway disease. These new findings demonstrate a complex role of mast cells and their mediators, not only as effector cells, but also during sensitization and development of allergic airway disease. Therefore mast cells and certain mast cell-produced mediators might be an interesting target for the prevention and treatment of allergic asthma

    TrustyTweet: An Indicator-based Browser-Plugin to Assist Users in Dealing with Fake News on Twitter

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    The importance of dealing with fake news on social media has increased both in political and social contexts. While existing studies focus mainly on how to detect and label fake news, approaches to assist users in making their own assessments are largely missing. This article presents a study on how Twitter-users’ assessments can be supported by an indicator-based white-box approach. First, we gathered potential indicators for fake news that have proven to be promising in previous studies and that fit our idea of a white-box approach. Based on those indicators we then designed and implemented the browser-plugin TrusyTweet, which assists users on Twitter in assessing tweets by showing politically neutral and intuitive warnings without creating reactance. Finally, we suggest the findings of our evaluations with a total of 27 participants which lead to further design implications for approaches to assist users in dealing with fake news


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    Rendered into English for the first time by Wayne Wonderley and provided with a critical introduction, this rollicking tale of baroque satire by Christian Reuter not only illuminates the mores and mentality of the time but forms a noteworthy link in the development of the European novel

    Physical exercise during encoding improves vocabulary learning in young female adults

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    Acute physical activity has been repeatedly shown to improve various cognitive functions. However, there have been no investigations comparing the effects of exercise during verbal encoding versus exercise prior to encoding on long-term memory performance. In this current psychoneuroendocrinological study we aim to test whether light to moderate ergometric bicycling during vocabulary encoding enhances subsequent recall compared to encoding during physical rest and encoding after being physically active. Furthermore, we examined the kinetics of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in serum which has been previously shown to correlate with learning performance. We also controlled for the BDNF val66met polymorphism. We found better vocabulary test performance for subjects that were physically active during the encoding phase compared to sedentary subjects. Post-hoc tests revealed that this effect was particularly present in initially low performers. BDNF in serum and BDNF genotype failed to account for the current result. Our data indicates that light to moderate simultaneous physical activity during encoding, but not prior to encoding, is beneficial for subsequent recall of new items
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