10 research outputs found

    Fluctuation Moments for Regular Functions of Wigner Matrices

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    We compute the deterministic approximation for mixed fluctuation moments of products of deterministic matrices and general Sobolev functions of Wigner matrices. Restricting to polynomials, our formulas reproduce recent results of [Male, Mingo, Pech\'e, Speicher 2022], showing that the underlying combinatorics of non-crossing partitions and annular non-crossing permutations continue to stay valid beyond the setting of second-order free probability theory. The formulas obtained further characterize the variance in the functional central limit theorem obtained recently in the companion paper [Reker 2023].Comment: 52 pages (including appendix), 20 figure

    On the operator norm of a Hermitian random matrix with correlated entries

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    We consider a correlated N×NN\times N Hermitian random matrix with a polynomially decaying metric correlation structure. By calculating the trace of the moments of the matrix and using the summable decay of the cumulants, we show that its operator norm is stochastically dominated by one

    Multi-Point Functional Central Limit Theorem for Wigner Matrices

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    Consider the random variable Tr(f1(W)A1…fk(W)Ak)\mathrm{Tr}( f_1(W)A_1\dots f_k(W)A_k) where WW is an N×NN\times N Hermitian Wigner matrix, k∈Nk\in\mathbb{N}, and choose (possibly NN-dependent) regular functions f1,…,fkf_1,\dots, f_k as well as bounded deterministic matrices A1,…,AkA_1,\dots,A_k. We give a functional central limit theorem showing that the fluctuations around the expectation are Gaussian. Moreover, we determine the limiting covariance structure and give explicit error bounds in terms of the scaling of f1,…,fkf_1,\dots,f_k and the number of traceless matrices among A1,…,AkA_1,\dots,A_k, thus extending the results of [Cipolloni, Erd\H{o}s, Schr\"oder 2023] to products of arbitrary length k≥2k\geq2. As an application, we consider the fluctuation of Tr(eitWA1e−itWA2)\mathrm{Tr}(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i} tW}A_1\mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} tW}A_2) around its thermal value Tr(A1)Tr(A2)\mathrm{Tr}(A_1)\mathrm{Tr}(A_2) when tt is large and give an explicit formula for the variance.Comment: 48 pages (including appendix

    Short-time behavior of solutions to L\'evy-driven SDEs

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    We consider solutions of L\'evy-driven stochastic differential equations of the form dXt=σ(Xt−)dLt\mathrm{d} X_t=\sigma(X_{t-})\mathrm{d} L_t, X0=xX_0=x where the function σ\sigma is twice continuously differentiable and maximal of linear growth and the driving L\'evy process L=(Lt)t≥0L=(L_t)_{t\geq0} is either vector or matrix-valued. While the almost sure short-time behavior of L\'evy processes is well-known and can be characterized in terms of the characteristic triplet, there is no complete characterization of the behavior of the process XX. Using methods from stochastic calculus, we derive limiting results for stochastic integrals of the from t−p∫0+tσ(Xt−)dLt\smash{t^{-p}\int_{0+}^t\sigma(X_{t-})\mathrm{d} L_t} to show that the behavior of the quantity t−p(Xt−X0)t^{-p}(X_t-X_0) for t↓0t\downarrow0 almost surely mirrors the behavior of t−pLtt^{-p}L_t. Generalizing tpt^p to a suitable function f:[0,∞)→Rf:[0,\infty)\rightarrow\mathbb{R} then yields a tool to derive explicit LIL-type results for the solution from the behavior of the driving L\'evy process

    On the law of killed exponential functionals

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    For two independent L\'{e}vy processes ξ\xi and η\eta and an exponentially distributed random variable τ\tau with parameter q>0q>0 that is independent of ξ\xi and η\eta, the killed exponential functional is given by Vq,ξ,η:=∫0τe−ξs− dηsV_{q,\xi,\eta} := \int_0^\tau \mathrm{e}^{-\xi_{s-}} \, \mathrm{d} \eta_s. With the killed exponential functional arising as the stationary distribution of a Markov process, we calculate the infinitesimal generator of the process and use it to derive different distributional equations describing the law of Vq,ξ,ηV_{q,\xi,\eta}, as well as functional equations for its Lebesgue density in the absolutely continuous case. Various special cases and examples are considered, yielding more explicit information on the law of the killed exponential functional and illustrating the applications of the equations obtained. Interpreting the case q=0q=0 as τ=∞\tau=\infty leads to the classical exponential functional ∫0∞e−ξs− dηs\int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-\xi_{s-}} \, \mathrm{d} \eta_s, allowing to extend many previous results to include killing

    Continuity properties and the support of killed exponential functionals

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    For two independent L\'evy processes ξ\xi and η\eta and an exponentially distributed random variable τ\tau with parameter q>0q>0, independent of ξ\xi and η\eta, the killed exponential functional is given by Vq,ξ,η:=∫0τe−ξs− dηsV_{q,\xi,\eta} := \int_0^\tau \mathrm{e}^{-\xi_{s-}} \, \mathrm{d} \eta_s. Interpreting the case q=0q=0 as τ=∞\tau=\infty, the random variable Vq,ξ,ηV_{q,\xi,\eta} is a natural generalization of the exponential functional ∫0∞e−ξs− dηs\int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-\xi_{s-}} \, \mathrm{d} \eta_s, the law of which is well-studied in the literature as it is the stationary distribution of a generalised Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. In this paper, the support and continuity of the law of killed exponential functionals is characterized, and many sufficient conditions for absolute continuity are derived. We also obtain various new sufficient conditions for absolute continuity of ∫0te−ξs−dηs\smash{\int_0^te^{-\xi_{s-}}\mathrm{d}\eta_s} for fixed t≥0t\geq0, as well as for integrals of the form ∫0∞f(s) dηs\smash{\int_0^\infty f(s) \, \mathrm{d}\eta_s} for deterministic functions ff. Furthermore, applying the same techniques to the case q=0q=0, new results on the absolute continuity of the improper integral ∫0∞e−ξs− dηs\int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-\xi_{s-}} \, \mathrm{d} \eta_s are derived. We also show that the law of the killed exponential functional Vq,ξ,ηV_{q,\xi,\eta} arises as a stationary distribution of a solution to a certain stochastic differential equation, thus establishing a close connection to generalised Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes

    Prethermalization for Deformed Wigner Matrices

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    We prove that a class of weakly perturbed Hamiltonians of the form Hλ=H0+λWH_\lambda = H_0 + \lambda W, with WW being a Wigner matrix, exhibits prethermalization. That is, the time evolution generated by HλH_\lambda relaxes to its ultimate thermal state via an intermediate prethermal state with a lifetime of order λ−2\lambda^{-2}. Moreover, we obtain a general relaxation formula, expressing the perturbed dynamics via the unperturbed dynamics and the ultimate thermal state. The proof relies on a two-resolvent law for the deformed Wigner matrix HλH_\lambda.Comment: 31 pages (including appendix), 3 figure