25 research outputs found

    Forprosjekt: Sikker medisinering i hjemmet

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    Beskriver et forprosjekt som hadde til hensikt å etablere ett eller flere hovedprosjekt innen sikker medisinering i hjemmet.Denne rapporten utgjør sluttrapporten for forprosjektet "Sikker medisinering i hjemmet". Hovedmålsettingen med forprosjektet har vært å etablere ett eller flere hovedprosjekt innenfor området sikker medisinering i hjemmet, på bakgrunn av en grundig behovskartlegging og konseptutvikling. Rapporten beskriver behov og erfaringer som har kommet fram gjennom behovskartleggingen, kartlegging av teknologi, pilotering av løsning og utvikling av tjenesteforløp. Funnene belyser områder der det er potensiale for å øke sikkerheten i bruk av medisiner i hjemmet. Konsepter for ny multidosedispenser og tjenestemodell for medisinering er også skissert. Forprosjektet har innfridd målsettingen om etablering av hovedprosjekt. Med utgangspunkt i funn fra prosjektet, er tre ulike satsinger igangsatt. Disse er: 1) Utdanning av helsepersonell: "The Medical Home" er et nystartet, tverrfaglig forskningsprosjekt innenfor NFRs praksisVEL-program, og er et utspring fra forprosjektet. Med medisinering i hjemmet som case tar prosjektet tak i de nevnte velferdsteknologiske utfordringene ved å kombinere perspektiver og tilnærminger fra sykepleievitenskap, sosiologi, filosofi, ingeniørvitenskap og design. Det overordnede målet er å bygge kunnskap om og en bedre forståelse av utfordringene og mulighetene knyttet til innføring og bruk av teknologi for medisinering i hjemmet, på ulike nivåer og for ulike aktører, gitt mål om sikker og ressurseffektiv behandling og omsorg. 2) Utvikling av ny teknologi: Med utgangspunkt i forprosjektet har også initiativet Pi Medical blitt startet opp, for å arbeide videre med utvikling av en multidosedispenser. Målet med Pi er å gjøre det enklere og sikrere for brukere å styre medisineringen selv. Gjennom påminning, visuell oversikt og enkel bruk tilrettelegger Pi for at flere eldre kan styre egen medisinering lengre. Pi jobber nå med utvikling av prototyp for utprøving. 3) Utvikling av ny tjenestemodell: Med utgangspunkt i forprosjektet vil det også bli søkt videreføring til Regionalt forskingsfond, knyttet til regionale offentlige prosjekter innen tjenesteinnovasjon innenfor kommunale ansvarsområder. Målet er å utvikle et nytt kommunalt tjenestetilbud for oppfølging av brukere av reseptbelagte medisiner i hjemmet. Tjenestetilbudet vil kunne støttes med bruk av velferdsteknologi og vil resultere i en større trygghet for at riktig medisiner tas til riktig tid

    Safer work clothing for fishermen

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    The fisherman’s work environment consists of many potential risks. A study of occupational accidents in the Norwegian fishing industry in the nine-year period from 1998 to 2006 shows that more than 3/4 of the deaths were caused by loss of fishing vessel or man-overboard accidents. Furthermore, the greatest risk of drowning is found in the smallest fleet. The aim of our project was to develop safer work clothing and through this contribute to a reduction in work accidents and injuries in the fishing fleet. We considered that it is possible to produce protective work clothing that satisfies a specification of requirements covering the fishermen’s needs for protection and comfort during work. An end user-centred process including twenty-three personal interviews and a questionnaire was used to clarify the fishermen’s needs and wishes before detailed design and product development. We identified an overview of all the fishermen’s needs for protection during work, and produced a prioritised list of functional requirements for the clothing. The results show that the clothing previously preferred by fishermen does not satisfy all the users’ demands for safety, functionality and comfort. These demands have been taken into consideration when designing improved work clothing for the fishing fleet. A selected number of prototypes were developed on the basis of the established specification of requirements. The prototypes were evaluated according to the users’ requirements through tests in SINTEF’s Work Physiology Laboratory and on board fishing vessels. The results demonstrate that the new protective clothing satisfies the fishermen’s requirements

    Ambient Assistive Technology Considered Harmful

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    Abstract. Ambient assistive technology (AAT) is envisioned as a powerful tool for facing the growing demands the demographic change toward an aging society puts on care. While AAT is often expected to increase the quality of life of older people, this paper holds that relevant interventions often embody values that can contradict such visions, and in some cases even be harmful to care receivers. We argue that the strong focus AAT puts on illness and risk management reflects a medical model of care, which often disregards the psychosocial challenges that impairments and disabilities associated with old age can rise. We suggest that design of AAT could benefit from using the social model of care as design inspiration and value foundation. Such an approach puts focus on the person rather than the illness. The paper ends by providing a short description of work in which the social model of care is adopted as a basis for design of AAT

    Design for end-user acceptance: requirements for work clothing for fishermen in mediterranean and northern fishing grounds

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    Fishing is one of the most dangerous occupations, and as many as 24,000 fishermen around the world suffer fatal injuries or drowning at sea every year. Although fishermen in the European fishing fleet work in harsh and dangerous environments, many fishermen do not use personal protective clothing and buoyancy aids due to reduced work comfort and poor functionality. This emphasizes the importance of designing work clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) with functionality that matches the fishermen’s needs. The aim of this study was to identify the requirements for work clothing in terms of comfort, protection, and safety for fishermen operating in northern fishing grounds and in the Mediterranean. Furthermore, we investigated whether fishermen in the Mediterranean prioritize workclothing requirements differently from fishermen in northern fishing grounds. Interviews and observations of fishermen provided us with the requirements for work clothing for fishermen. A questionnaire was then distributed to a selection of European fishermen. The study showed that fishermen operating in the Mediterranean prioritized their requirements differently from fishermen in northern fishing grounds. There was good agreement on requirements regarding work comfort. Safety requirements, such as integrated buoyancy, were ranked as less important by the Mediterranean fishermen compared to fishermen in northern fishing grounds. The results of this study provide a basis for the development of work clothing and PPE for fishermen. Work clothing and PPE that fulfil the requirements are likely to obtain end-user acceptance and thus improve safety for fishermen at sea

    Veikart for innovasjon av velferdsteknologi

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    -Resultatene bygger på erfaringer som er innhentet fra seks case, i form av prosjekteksempler, i norske kommuner. De seks casene er valgt ut fra flere kriterier, og representerer en bredde når det gjelder relevante velferdsteknologiske erfaringer. Flere mulige case ble vurdert og drøftet med oppdragsgiver før endelige case ble valgt. De seks casene er hentet fra kommunene: Stavanger og Randaberg, Lyngdal, Drammen, Bærum, Vågå og Nøtterøy

    Value Tensions in Telecare: An Explorative Case Study

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    We describe the results from a Norwegian case study of the attitudes of community-dwelling lung patients and health response center personnel toward a telecare service for such a patient group. The telecare service was intended to prevent exasperations in patients and employed a digital self-report application for remote monitoring of patients’ health condition. Based on interviews conducted after a service trial of ten weeks, patient and provider-perceived benefits and concerns related to the service are described. Comparing the data from the two stakeholder groups, we highlight key tensions related to patient safety, what it constitutes as a value, and views on how it can be promoted or undermined through telecare. The way potential technology-embedded value biases can fuel patientprovider tensions are also discussed. Our objective is to inform value-centered design of telecare technology and services by providing an in-depth empirical understanding of relevant value perspectives and tensions.acceptedVersio

    Value Tensions in Telecare: An Explorative Case Study

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    We describe the results from a Norwegian case study of the attitudes of community-dwelling lung patients and health response center personnel toward a telecare service for such a patient group. The telecare service was intended to prevent exasperations in patients and employed a digital self-report application for remote monitoring of patients’ health condition. Based on interviews conducted after a service trial of ten weeks, patient and provider-perceived benefits and concerns related to the service are described. Comparing the data from the two stakeholder groups, we highlight key tensions related to patient safety, what it constitutes as a value, and views on how it can be promoted or undermined through telecare. The way potential technology-embedded value biases can fuel patientprovider tensions are also discussed. Our objective is to inform value-centered design of telecare technology and services by providing an in-depth empirical understanding of relevant value perspectives and tensions.acceptedVersion© ACM, 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions of Computing Education, DO