36 research outputs found
Analysing Repeat Visitation on Country Level with Passive Mobile Positioning Method: an Estonian Case Study
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the capabilities and limits of the passive mobile positioning (PMP) method in studying loyalty of tourists on the macro level. The repeat visitors were identified using database of call activities of roaming phones in Estonia since 25.04.2005 till 31.01.2009. For this purpose was developed model which selected repeat visits on the basis of time interval. The findings of the study revealed that it is possible to observe the duration, density, seasonality and dynamics of repeat visitations. In addition the local destinations and events most loved by repeat visitors and the trajectory they are using could be also identified. Another important finding revealed that repeat visitors stay longer in destination than first time visitors. The results presented in this paper could be used by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and by Enterprise Estonia developing the Estonian tourism polic
Benefication of Estonian phosphate ore by flotataion
Sole active mining phosphate operation in European Union (EU) is in Finland Siilinjärvi with limited resources available for approximately next 20-30 years [1]. In this context it is important that Estonia holds the largest unused sedimentary phosphate rock reserve in EU. Estonian phosphate is a sedimentary rock composed of variegated sandstone that contains abundant remains (detritus) of (biogenic) phosphatic brachiopod shells [2]. Phosphate enriched beds occur stratigraphically at the transition between Cambrian and Ordovician and the phosphatic sandstones belong to Kallavere formation. The biogenic phosphate is dominated by francolite mineral phase. The P2O5 content of the sandstone beds is quite low varying between 6–20% [3]. However, the brachiopod shells and detritus contain up to 35–37% of P2O5 and sandstone is weakly cemented that allows rather efficient enrichment of the phosphate ore. Despite of its economical and, perhaps, political importance, Estonian phosphate rock is currently not mined or explored due to concerns over the ecological impact of phosphate rock mining. The main concern is on the environmental effects of the rock mining in the inhabited area with numerous settlements and intensive agricultural use.
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Techno-economic modelling of the Baltic CCUS onshore scenario
Techno-economic modelling of the Baltic onshore CO2 transport, storage, and utilization scenario included HeidelberCement-owned Kunda Nordic Cement (KNC) plant, the main Estonian cement producer, four Estonian and one Latvian power plant and CO2 mineral carbonation of the oil shale ash, as possible CO2 use option. In 2019 nearly 6.5 Mt of oil shale ash (OSA) was produced in Estonia from energy production. Estonian OSA could be used as an effective sorbent in the proposed CO2-mineralization process, using CO2 from flue gas and producing precipitated CaCO3 (PCC) of high quality. Mineral carbonation of 0.42 Mt CO2 using 3.8 Mt of fresh OSA and about 6.33 Mt CO2 produced annually by five Estonian and one Latvian plant transported by pipeline for storage into the North-Blidene structure in western Latvia are combined in the CCUS scenario. Cambrian Deimena Formation reservoir sandstone is located at the depth of 1035-1150 m in the selected saline aquifer. The average optimistic storage capacity of about 270 Mt allows planning CCUS project for 30 years. The share of the Estonian emissions avoided and stored in Latvia is 86.5 %, including 8.2 % by KNC, while Latvian stored emissions will compose 13.5 %. Annually 6.8 Mt CO2 could be captured, transported and injected, including 6 Mt CO2 avoided using transport and storage and 0.42 Mt CO2 avoided using MC of Estonian OSA. During 30 years nearly 204 Mt CO2 will be captured, used and stored, while 193 Mt CO2 could be avoided. The total average transport and storage (T&S) cost of the scenario is 18.4 €/t CO2 injected. This cost depends on the transport distance, according to the applied methodology, and it is the most expensive for the Eesti Energia PPs. The lowest T&S cost of 5.54 €/t CO2 injected will have Latvenergo TEC-2 PP located at a smaller distance from the storage site. At the price of EEAP (CO2 Emission Allowance Price in EU ETS) of 40 €/t CO2 and 50 €/t PCC, the CCUS scenario could be beneficial for three Eesti Energia and Latvenergo TEC-2 power plants. For the KNC and VKG Energia plants without CO2 use options, the higher EEAP of about 48-50 €/t CO2 is needed to cover all CCUS costs including capture, compression, transport, storage and monitoring. The transport and storage costs are distance-dependent, as pipelines are the most expensive part of the transport, storage and monitoring costs. At the present EEAP of about 90 €/t CO2, all the participating plants will get benefits from the proposed scenario. This study is supported by CLEANKER project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement n. 764816
Why do students choose to study Information and Communications Technology?
Abstract It is a worldwide problem that although many students are highly interested in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), they do not study it at the higher education level, or if they do then many of them eventually dropout. We studied the reasons student candidates choose to study ICT, in order to gather data that can be used for improving future ICT recruitment and retention. During the admissions procedure to three higher education institutions in Estonia, 1,464 student candidates were asked what reasons influenced them to apply to Informatics or Information Technology. On average, 2.6 candidates competed per available position at the institutions. Qualitative content analysis was used to code the candidates' open-ended answers and resulted inductively in 14 distinguishable categories. The most frequent reasons for studying ICT were general interest in ICT, previous experience in the field, need for personal professional development, and importance of the field in the future. Interestingly, only a few candidates expressed as a reason the importance of high salaries. Chi-square analysis showed that candidates were accepted with higher probability if they found ICT to be suitable for them, or expressed good opportunities in the labour market. These results are useful for planning effective admission procedures to recruit ICT students
A new hierarchical clustering algorithm based on theory of monotonic systems is described. Let us have N ⋅ M data table ( N is number of objects, M is number of attributes), where each attribute j, j = 1,..., M, has a discrete value M h j = 0, 1,...
The ability of turism events to generate destination loyalty towards the country: an Estonian case study. Turismiürituste võime genereerida sihtkohalojaalsust riigi suhtes: Eesti juhtum
Globaliseerumise taustal on riigid ja kohad üha rohkem hakanud omavahel konkureerima. Konkureeritakse nii välisinvesteeringute, külastajate, ettevõtete asukoha kui ka kohalike elanike pärast. (Kotler et al. 1999) Mida liikuvamad on kapital, inimesed ja ettevõtted, seda rohkem peavad kohad muutma end atraktiivseks. Selle tõttu on eraldi turunduse suunana välja kujunenud kohaturundus (place marketing). Kohaturunduse ühte osa, mis tegeleb turistide sihtgrupiga, nimetatakse sihtkohaturunduseks (destination marketing). Ürituste korraldamine on üks võimalus sihtkohaturunduse viljelemiseks. Väga palju on uuritud suurürituste mõju sihtriigi imagole ja inimeste teadlikkuse tõusule sihtriigi suhtes. Palju vähem on aga tähelepanu pööratud ürituste võimele genereerida korduvkülastusi. Seetõttu on üsna tavaline, et riigi tasemel toetatakse suurüritusi, mis tekitavad maailmas kära, samas, kui võib-olla mõistlikum oleks toetada hoopis väiksemate ja keskmise suurusega ürituste korraldamist, mis genereeriks riigile lojaalseid külastajaid. Just sellele valdkonnale selle artikli raames keskendutaks
Analysing Repeat Visitation on Country Level with Passive Mobile Positioning Method: an Estonian Case Study
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the capabilities and limits of the passive mobile positioning (PMP) method in studying loyalty of tourists on the macro level. The repeat visitors were identified using database of call activities of roaming phones in Estonia since 25.04.2005 till 31.01.2009. For this purpose was developed model which selected repeat visits on the basis of time interval. The findings of the study revealed that it is possible to observe the duration, density, seasonality and dynamics of repeat visitations. In addition the local destinations and events most loved by repeat visitors and the trajectory they are using could be also identified. Another important finding revealed that repeat visitors stay longer in destination than first time visitors. The results presented in this paper could be used by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and by Enterprise Estonia developing the Estonian tourism polic
The ability of turism events to generate destination loyalty towards the country: an Estonian case study. Turismiürituste võime genereerida sihtkohalojaalsust riigi suhtes: Eesti juhtum
Globaliseerumise taustal on riigid ja kohad üha rohkem hakanud omavahel konkureerima. Konkureeritakse nii välisinvesteeringute, külastajate, ettevõtete asukoha kui ka kohalike elanike pärast. (Kotler et al. 1999) Mida liikuvamad on kapital, inimesed ja ettevõtted, seda rohkem peavad kohad muutma end atraktiivseks. Selle tõttu on eraldi turunduse suunana välja kujunenud kohaturundus (place marketing). Kohaturunduse ühte osa, mis tegeleb turistide sihtgrupiga, nimetatakse sihtkohaturunduseks (destination marketing). Ürituste korraldamine on üks võimalus sihtkohaturunduse viljelemiseks. Väga palju on uuritud suurürituste mõju sihtriigi imagole ja inimeste teadlikkuse tõusule sihtriigi suhtes. Palju vähem on aga tähelepanu pööratud ürituste võimele genereerida korduvkülastusi. Seetõttu on üsna tavaline, et riigi tasemel toetatakse suurüritusi, mis tekitavad maailmas kära, samas, kui võib-olla mõistlikum oleks toetada hoopis väiksemate ja keskmise suurusega ürituste korraldamist, mis genereeriks riigile lojaalseid külastajaid. Just sellele valdkonnale selle artikli raames keskendutaks