24 research outputs found

    Promoting Students\u27 Listening Comprehension Through Online Peer-Correction

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    Listening practices have widely been conducted face to face in language laboratory for years in language laboratory. However, students\u27 interaction and collaboration were not much emphasized because of teacher-centred learning. The teaching of listening in language laboratory focuses primarily on how to answer comprehension questions correctly without any interactive discussion. Students just relied on teacher\u27s absolute role in language laboratory. Thus, the students were not independent in learning listening. Meanwhile, limited materials used in listening instruction are mostly influenced by teacher educator\u27s textbooks whose content lacked of authenticity. Promoting online learning in listening practices and evaluating students\u27 outcomes through peer-corrective feedback through learning platform were needed to enhance their comprehension. This article highlighted five central issues, including: (1) theoritical framework of online learning; (2) edmodo as a learning platform for online mediated listening tool; (3) the selection of authentic listening materials; (4) peer-collaborative correction in listening tasks; and (5) the development of students\u27 autonomous listening through online corrective feedbacks. The impacts of this article findings successfully contributed to support teachers\u27 educators face-to-face language laboratory based listening practices while promoting students\u27 collaboration, autonomy, and comprehension

    Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Persepsi Petugas Gawat Darurat terhadap Kesalahan Medik

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    Kesalahan medik serius paling sering terjadi di intensive care unit, ruang operasi, dan unit gawat darurat. Tujuan penelitian ini mendapat informasi tentang pengetahuan, sikap, dan persepsi tenaga kesehatan terhadap kesalahan medik. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap manajer, kepala seksi, kepala ruangan, ke- tua kelompok perawat, dokter dan perawat pelaksana. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif meliputi wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan telaah dokumen. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis konten yg membandingkan hasil penelitian dengan teori. Ditemukan bahwa pengetahuan, sikap, dan persepsi tenaga kesehatan cukup baik, tetapi belum diikuti tindakan, sarana prasarana dan pengawasan yang memadai. Sistem rujukan pasien yang kurang baik menyulitkan keluarga pasien. Kesalahan medik dipengaruhi oleh kasus sulit, pasien banyak dan tindakan tergesa-gesa. Sumber kesalahan medik adalah manusia, komunikasi, pasien. Keterampilan SDM dan kondisi fasilitas telah memadai. Namun, ruangan yang belum memadai dinilai sebagai sumber kesalahan medis. Selain itu, sikap antispasi atasan terhadap kesalahan medik kurang memadai. Untuk memperkecil kesalahan medik yang dilakukan upaya-upaya pelatihan, refreshing keilmuan, kolaborasi sesama tim, perbaikan komunikasi, dan mengikuti SOP.Kata kunci : Kesalahan medik, unit gawat darurat, pengetahuan, sikap, tenaga medisMedical error is known to occur mostly in the intensive care unit, operation room, and emergency unit. The objective of this study is to obtain information on knowledge, attitude, and perception of health workers on medical error. Study was conducted to manager, head of section, head of room, head of nursing team, doctors, and nurse. Qualitative method was employed including in-depth interview, observation, and document review. Analysis was conducted using content analysis that compare study results with theory. The study found that knowledge, attitude, and perception are relatively good, but has not been fol- lowed by appropriate action and not supported by sufficient facilities and monitoring system. Not very good referral system was an obstacle for patient's fa- mily. Medical error was infleunced to happen by the presence of difficult cases, big number of patients, and in hurry action. The source of medical error was human factor, communication, and patient. Insufficiency or less equipped room was also perceived as source of medical error. Moreover, the attitude of ma- nagement regarding medical error was not really appropriate. To minimize medical error, it is necessary to conduct trainings, refreshing course, collaboration between teams, communication improvement, and SOP compliance

    Structural Stability of Short Latency Alfalfa-Based Pastures in the Humid Pampa, Argentina

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    The aim of this study was to search the effects of grazing intensity and nitrogen fertilization on the structural stability of a mixed pasture composed by alfalfa (latency group 9), brome grass, tall fescue and white clover, sown in April 1997. Rotational grazing was carried out with dairy cattle with high intensity (HI: up to 3-4 cm) or moderate intensity (LI: up to 8-10 cm), whenever the alfalfa showed basal regrowth. According to a split-plot design, grazing intensities were subdivided to assign three levels of nitrogen fertilization: N0, without fertilization; N1 with 50 kg N/ha per year; and N2 with 100 kg N/ha per year, its supplied at the beginning of autumn and at the end of winter. The botanical composition (%), module density (number per m2) and basal cover (%) before grazing were measured from September 1997 through December 1999. After 20 grazing periods the use intensity affected significantly (p\u3c 0.05) all the variables, while N had minor effect. The average alfalfa content changed from 46.8% to 11.0% in HI, and 25.0% in LI in November 1999; fescue from 15.3% to 5.3% and 36% respectively; brome grass from 28.1% to 65% and 21.7% respectively; and perennial weeds from 4.3% to 8.3% and 6.3% respectively; the rest being dead material. The white clover practically disappeared during the drought of the second summer. The pasture basal cover showed an evolution from 21% to 20.7% in HI and 95% in LI in December 1999; the weed Bermuda grass from 15% to 68.8% and 3.3%, respectively, and the bare soil from 63.9% to 8.2% and 0.5%, respectively. The total module density of alfalfa, tall fescue and brome grass was dramatically reduced from a global mean of 577 mod per m2 to 79 in HI and 152 in LI

    Effect of Climatic Factors on the Plant Population Dynamics in Temperate Pasture Implantation

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    The objective of this experiment was to determine the environmental influence on seedling emergence of alfalfa and fescue in mixture. We hypothesized that the temperature and precipitation data could be used to estimate field emergence of alfalfa and fescue. A field trial was carried out at Zavalla, Argentina and consisted of sowing a tall fescue – alfalfa mixture at different seeding date (March, April and June). Relationships between the range of temperature, rainfalls and alfalfa and fescue seedling emergence were described by linear regression models. Patterns of emergence and death of alfalfa and fescue seedling were found in the different sowing dates. The measurements performed in other mixed pastures on the area were used to adjust the models. Historical series (1973-1999) of temperature and rainfall data were used to verify the obtained models. The r2 of the correlation between predicted and observed demographic curves of the species was 64 to 97%. The species studied presented varied situations in the phase of emergency and death. When they were sowed in different dates, the April sowing generated an appropriate composition of the mixture. The application of models based on meteorological factors that explain the demographic variations of a forage mixture will allow to plan sowing strategies and to predict the structure of the resulting pastures

    Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan Manajerial dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Profitabilitas melalui Moderating Struktur Modal pada Perusahaan Food And Beverages yang Terdaftar di Bei Periode 2010-2013

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Managerial Ownership Structure on profitability, the effect size of the Company to Profitability and through moderating capital structure of the two independent variables on profitability indirectly. The samples determined by purposive sampling method in order to obtain a sample of 15 food and beverage companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data were analyzed using Multiple Linier Regression , Classical Assumption Test and Test of Hypothesis. Partial test results can be concluded that the Managerial Ownership structure has an influence on profitability. It can be seen the value of 2,601 t and p value (sign) 0.012, 0.05, including after by moderating capital structure, H3 and H4 is rejected. And Capital Structure has an influence on the profitability of which 2,085 t and p value (sign) 0.042 < 0.05 so H5 accepted

    Video Alat Bantu Cek Proses Produksi di PT. Roda Prima Lancar

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    Perkembangan teknologi komputer khususnya bidang multimedia, audio visual dan broadcasting sudah sangat berkembang pesat saat ini serta semakin luasnya kebutuhan akan informasi pada masyarakat, maka semakin banyak kontribusi baru dalam menyajikan company profile baik sebagai media informasi maupun sebagai media promosi. PT. Roda Prima Lancar. bergerak di bidang Metal Manifacturing yang memproduksi beragam produk, produksi terbesarnya adalah produk untuk otomotif roda dua khususnya serta memiliki pelanggan-pelanggan yang tersebar di dalam pulau jawa dan luar pulau dan menjadi salah satu Perusahaan besar di Indonesia. Dengan tujuan untuk memperkenalkan identitas dan keseluruhan informasi yang terkait didalamnya. Permasalahan yang bisa diangkat menjadi topik observasi laporan skripsi kali ini adalah PT. Roda Prima Lancar, tentunya menginginkan penyajian informasi yang efektif, akurat dan menarik dari segi tampilan maupun isi konten didalamnya. Agar menghasilkan rancangan media berbasis video yang baik dan berkualitas digunakan aplikasi penunjang adobe photoshop, After Effek,&nbsp; Sony Vegas Pro, Adobe Premier, Penyajian informasi yang dikemas dalam bentuk video company profile dirasa sangat berguna untuk tujuan tersebut. Diharapkan video company profile ini bermanfaat dan bisa diimplementasikan oleh PT. Roda Prima Lancar. &nbsp; Kata kunci : Video, teknologi, multimedia, informasi, promosi

    Studi Komparasi Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Dengan Metode Eksperimen Dan Metode Proyek Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Siswa Pada Materi Pokok Koloid SMA N 1 Teras Tahun Pelajaran 2011/ 2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh pembelajaran kimia dengan pendekatan pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning menggunakan metode eksperimen dan metode proyek terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada materi sistem koloid, (2) pengaruh tingkat kreativitas siswa terhadap prestasi belajar pada materi pokok sistem koloid, dan (3) interaksi antara pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning menggunakan metode eksperimen dan metode proyek dengan kreativitas siswa terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada materi pokok sistem koloid . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian desain faktorial 2x2. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Sampel penelitian yaitu kelas XI IPA 1 dan XI IPA 3. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik tes untuk prestasi belajar kognitif, metode angket untuk prestasi belajar afektif dan kreativitas, dan observasi untuk prestasi belajar psikomotor. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis variansi dua jalan dengan sel tak sama. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) terdapat pengaruh metode eksperimen dan proyek terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif dan afektif siswa pada materi sistem koloid, (2) terdapat pengaruh kreativitas kategori tinggi dan rendah terhadap terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada materi sistem koloid, dan (3) tidak ada interaksi antara metode pembelajaran eksperimen dan proyek terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor siswa pada materi sistem koloid

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengiris Bawang Merah Tipe Vertikal

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    Bawang goreng merupakan salah satu bentuk olahan dari bawang merah yang dalam proses pembuatannya melalui tahap pengirisan. Tahap pengirisan dalam pembuatan bawang goreng di USAha industri kecil masih dilakukan secara manual. Pengirisan bawang merah secara manual memiliki kelemahan seperti memerlukan banyak waktu dan tenaga kerja. Untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi dari penggunaan waktu dan tenaga kerja dalam proses pengirisan bawang merah, dirancanglah mesin pengiris bawang merah tipe vertikal. Pengujian kinerja mesin pengiris bawang merah tipe vertikal diperoleh kapasitas alat 56,21 kg/jam dengan kecepatan pengirisan 162 RPM, efisiensi pengirisan 89%, rendemen 89 %, persentase kerusakan hasil 11%, kehilangan hasil rata-rata 0,11 kg, laju pengumpanan 63,50 kg/jam, dan tebal rata-rata pengirisan 0,21 mm. Analisa ekonomi mesin pengiris bawang merah didapat biaya pembuatan mesin pengiris bawang merah Rp 2.574.200,-, harga jual Rp 3.346.200,-, biaya tetap Rp 843.242,4,-/tahun, biaya tidak tetap Rp 10.550,39,- /jam, biaya pokok Rp 539,05 Kg, Break Event Point (BEP) 1.038,09,- kg/jam, B/C ratio Rp 1,3,-