1,362 research outputs found

    For Want of a Better Estimate, Let’s Call It the Year 2000: The Twilight Zone and the Aural Conception of a Dystopian Future

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    This paper examines the aural conceptions of futuristic dystopias in episodes of The Twilight Zone, focusing on one specific episode, season five’s “Number Twelve Looks Just Like You.” I examine how the music director of CBS conceived of the future, aurally representing these episodes as having an affinity with the premise of Brave New World by reusing its radio score by Bernard Herrmann. As a result, I will explore the use of the radio score in the episode and the ways in which dystopian futures were aurally represented in the series

    I Am Big, It’s the Pictures That Got Small: Sound Technologies and Franz Waxman’s Scores for Sunset Boulevard (1950) and The Twilight Zone’s “The Sixteen Millimeter Shrine” (1959)

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    Franz Waxman composed over 150 film scores, the most famous of which is Billy Wilder’s film noir Sunset Boulevard (1950). The film plot bears a striking resemblance to Rod Serling’s teleplay for The Twilight Zone, “The Sixteen-Millimeter Shrine” (1959). Waxman, composer of the film, was approached to compose a score for a television episode that was what many term a shortened version of Wilder’s film for the small screen, but with supernatural elements. This article serves to remedy the dearth of literature on this topic and to form an examination of the ways that Waxman conceived of music to accompany films with similar themes but on different screens. Through this comparison of the two scores, a clearer picture of Waxman’s approaches to composing music for moving images will be presented

    To sleep perchance to sing: the suspension of disbelief in the prologue to Francesco Cavalli's Gli Amori d'Apollo e di Dafne (1640)

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    In the newly popularized genre of opera during the seventeenth century, the allegorical prologue was commonly used as a preface from about 1600 to 1670, with no fewer than 98 opera prologues composed throughout Venice during this period. These prologues, often sung by allegories and/or characters from myth, set the stage for the proceeding drama. In the prologue to Francesco Cavalli’s 1640 opera Gli Amori d’Apollo e di Dafne, its characters, the gods of sleep and dreams, set the stage for an opera that revolves around a dream. This article explores the act of wishing the audience peaceful and pleasant dreams by using oratory as a method that the allegorical figures use to sing the audience a lullaby. The purpose of this lullaby is to instigate the suspension of disbelief required to allow the story to gain the audience’s credibility. This article will show how Cavalli’s opera does so uniquely by spatially extending its effects outwards onto the audience rather than only onto the characters onstage

    Letter from Reba ? to Claire Engel regarding SEAALL Scholarship guidelines, March 4, 1997

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    A letter from Reba ? to Claire Engel regarding proposed guidelines for SEAALL Scholarships, March 4, 198

    Sea surface temperature retrieval using TRMM microwave imager satellite data in the South China Sea

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    The passive microwave TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) sensor which is one of the payloads of the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) satellite was launched in 1997 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). The TMI provides daily maps, 3 day average, weekly and monthly binary data via internet that can be used to retrieve geophysical parameters such as sea surface temperature (SST), 10 meter surface wind speed using 11 GHz channel, 10 meter surface wind speed using 37 GHz channel, atmospheric water vapour, liquid cloud water and precipitation rates. The SST study over the South China Sea was carried out using the 10.7 GHz channel of the TMI. The advantage of using this data is that the SST can be measured through clouds that are nearly transparent on this channel. This is a distinct advantage over the traditional infrared SST observations that require a cloud-free field of view. In this study, multitemporal TMI binary data were processed using FORTRAN Programming Language to evaluate the SST variations with time over the study area. The 3-day, weekly and monthly binary files are similar to the daily TMI binary files. All data consists of six maps with grid size of 0.25o by 0.25o and each file can be read as a 1440, 320, 6 array. For the data processing, the data values fall between 0 and 250 that need to be scaled to obtain meaningful geophysical data. The TMI scanning system causes striping that contains 0 or invalid data. In-situ temperature values were taken at locations where useful satellite data are available i.e. no striping. Regression analysis was carried out using the SST from TMI data and in-situ data obtained from the Meteorological Department of Malaysia. The two-dimensional scatter plot between TMI data and in-situ data gives a R2 value of 0.92 and RMSE of 0.3oC. The SST during the north east monsoon period was slightly lower than the SST during the south west monsoon. The study shows that TMI satellite data can be used to derive SST over large areas of the sea

    Counterparts to the Nuclear Bulge X-ray source population

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    We present an initial matching of the source positions of the Chandra Nuclear Bulge X-ray sources to the new UKIDSS-GPS near-infrared survey of the Nuclear Bulge. This task is made difficult by the extremely crowded nature of the region, despite this, we find candidate counterparts to ~50% of the X-ray sources. We show that detection in the J-band for a candidate counterpart to an X-ray source preferentially selects those candidate counterparts in the foreground whereas candidate counterparts with only detections in the H and K-bands are more likely to be Nuclear Bulge sources. We discuss the planned follow-up for these candidate counterparts.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, published in the proceedings of "A population Explosion", AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1010, pp. 117-12

    Chandra Localizations of LMXBs: IR Counterparts and their Properties

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    We present new Chandra observations of the low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) X1624−490, X1702−429, and X1715−321 and the search for their Infrared (IR) counterparts. We also report on early results from our dedicated IR survey of LMXBs. The goal of this program is to investigate whether IR counterparts can be identified through unique IR colors and to trace the origin of the IR emission in these systems

    Complex small-scale structure in the infrared extinction towards the Galactic Centre

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    A high level of complex structure, or ``granularity'', has been observed in the distribution of infrared-obscuring material towards the Galactic Centre (GC), with a characteristic scale of 5arcsec - 15arcsec, corresponding to 0.2 - 0.6pc at a GC distance of 8.5kpc. This structure has been observed in ISAAC images which have a resolution of 0.6arcsec, significantly higher than that of previous studies of the GC. We have discovered granularity throughout the GC survey region, which covers an area of 1.6deg x 0.8deg in longitude and latitude respectively (300pc x 120pc at 8.5kpc) centred on Sgr A*. This granularity is variable over the whole region, with some areas exhibiting highly structured extinction in one or more wavebands and other areas displaying no structure and a uniform stellar distribution in all wavebands. The granularity does not appear to correspond to longitude, latitude or radial distance from Sgr A*. We find that regions exhibiting high granularity are strongly associated with high stellar reddening.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    The Nuclear Bulge extinction

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    We present a new, high resolution (5" per pixel) near-infrared extinction map of the Nuclear Bulge using data from the UKIDSS-GPS. Using photometry from the J, H and K-bands we show that the extinction law parameter is also highly variable in this region on similar scales to the absolute extinction. We show that only when this extinction law variation is taken into account can the extinction be measured consistently at different wavelengths.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, published in the proceedings of "A population Explosion", AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1010, pp. 168-17


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penahanan anak untuk kepentingan penyidikan menurut sistem peradilan pidana anak di Indonesia dan bagaimana perlindungan hak-hak anak selama dalam proses penahanan untuk kepentingan penyidikan. Dengan menggunakan metodep penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Penahanan anak untuk kepentingan penyidikan menurut sistem peradilan pidana anak di Indonesia, dilakukan dengan cara penahanan harus melindungi keamanan Anak, sehingga perlu penempatan di  dilaksanakan di Lembaga Penempatan Anak Sementara (LPAS) Dalam hal tidak terdapat LPAS, penahanan dapat dilakukan di Lembaga Penyelenggaraan Kesejahteraan Sosial (LPKS) setempat. Penahanan untuk kepentingan penyidikan dilakukan paling lama 7 (tujuh) hari. Jangka waktu penahanan atas permintaan Penyidik dapat diperpanjang oleh Penuntut Umum paling lama 8 (delapan) hari. Apabila jangka telah berakhir, Anak wajib dikeluarkan demi hukum. 2. Perlindungan hak-hak anak selama dalam penahanan untuk kepentingan penyidikan yang merupakan salah satu unsur dalam proses peradilan pidana perlu dilakukan dengan memperhatikan hak-hak anak untuk diperlakukan secara manusiawi dengan cara memenuhi kebutuhannya sesuai dengan umurnya berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Anak dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya memerlukan perlakuan khusus termasuk yang berkonflik dengan hukum dalam dalam proses peradilan pidana. Kata kunci: Penanganan anak, penyidikan, sistem peradilan pidana ana