15,944 research outputs found

    Fano-Kondo effect in a two-level system with triple quantum dots: shot noise characteristics

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    We theoretically compare transport properties of Fano-Kondo effect with those of Fano effect. We focus on shot noise characteristics of a triple quantum dot (QD) system in the Fano-Kondo region at zero temperature, and discuss the effect of strong electric correlation in QDs. We found that the modulation of the Fano dip is strongly affected by the on-site Coulomb interaction in QDs.Comment: 4 pages, 6figure

    A simplified model of the Martian atmosphere - Part 1: a diagnostic analysis

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    In this paper we derive a reduced-order approximation to the vertical and horizontal structure of a simplified model of the baroclinically unstable Martian atmosphere. The original model uses the full hydrostatic primitive equations on a sphere, but has only highly simplified schemes to represent the detailed physics of the Martian atmosphere, e.g. forcing towards a plausible zonal mean temperature state using Newtonian cooling. Three different norms are used to monitor energy conversion processes in the model and are then compared. When four vertical modes (the barotropic and first three baroclinic modes) are retained in the reduced-order approximation, the correlation norm captures approximately 90% of the variance, while the kinetic energy and total energy norms capture approximately 83% and 78% of the kinetic and total energy respectively. We show that the leading order Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) modes represent the dominant travelling waves in the baroclinically-unstable, winter hemisphere. In part 2 of our study we will develop a hierarchy of truncated POD-Galerkin expansions of the model equations using up to four vertical modes

    A simplified model of the Martian atmosphere - Part 2: a POD-Galerkin analysis

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    In Part I of this study Whitehouse et al. (2005) performed a diagnostic analysis of a simplied model of the Martian atmosphere, in which topography was absent and in which heating was modelled as Newtonian relaxation towards a zonally symmetric equilibrium temperature field. There we derived a reduced-order approximation to the vertical and the horizonal structure of the baroclinically unstable Martian atmosphere, retaining only the barotropic mode and the leading order baroclinic modes. Our objectives in Part II of the study are to incorporate these approximations into a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Galerkin expansion of the spherical quasi-geostrophic model in order to derive hierarchies of nonlinear ordinary differential equations for the time-varying coefficients of the spatial structures. Two different vertical truncations are considered, as well as three different norms and 3 different Galerkin truncations. We investigate each in turn, using tools from bifurcation theory, to determine which of the systems most closely resembles the data for which the original diagnostics were performed

    Potential solar axion signatures in X-ray observations with the XMM-Newton observatory

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    The soft X-ray flux produced by solar axions in the Earth's magnetic field is evaluated in the context of ESA's XMM-Newton observatory. Recent calculations of the scattering of axion-conversion X-rays suggest that the sunward magnetosphere could be an observable source of 0.2-10 keV photons. For XMM-Newton, any conversion X-ray intensity will be seasonally modulated by virtue of the changing visibility of the sunward magnetic field region. A simple model of the geomagnetic field is combined with the ephemeris of XMM-Newton to predict the seasonal variation of the conversion X-ray intensity. This model is compared with stacked XMM-Newton blank sky datasets from which point sources have been systematically removed. Remarkably, a seasonally varying X-ray background signal is observed. The EPIC count rates are in the ratio of their X-ray grasps, indicating a non-instrumental, external photon origin, with significances of 11(pn), 4(MOS1) and 5(MOS2) sigma. After examining the constituent observations spatially, temporally and in terms of the cosmic X-ray background, we conclude that this variable signal is consistent with the conversion of solar axions in the Earth's magnetic field. The spectrum is consistent with a solar axion spectrum dominated by bremsstrahlung- and Compton-like processes, i.e. axion-electron coupling dominates over axion-photon coupling and the peak of the axion spectrum is below 1 keV. A value of 2.2e-22 /GeV is derived for the product of the axion-photon and axion-electron coupling constants, for an axion mass in the micro-eV range. Comparisons with limits derived from white dwarf cooling may not be applicable, as these refer to axions in the 0.01 eV range. Preliminary results are given of a search for axion-conversion X-ray lines, in particular the predicted features due to silicon, sulphur and iron in the solar core, and the 14.4 keV transition line from 57Fe.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 67 pages total, including 39 figures, 6 table

    An RVB phase in the triangular lattice quantum dimer model

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    We study the quantum dimer model on the triangular lattice, which is expected to describe the singlet dynamics of frustrated Heisenberg models in phases where valence bond configurations dominate their physics. We find, in contrast to the square lattice, that there is a truly short ranged resonating valence bond (RVB) phase with no gapless collective excitations and with deconfined, gapped, spinons for a {\it finite} range of parameters. We also establish the presence of three crystalline phases in this system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Revtex 3.

    Ground State Entropy of the Potts Antiferromagnet on Cyclic Strip Graphs

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    We present exact calculations of the zero-temperature partition function (chromatic polynomial) and the (exponent of the) ground-state entropy S0S_0 for the qq-state Potts antiferromagnet on families of cyclic and twisted cyclic (M\"obius) strip graphs composed of pp-sided polygons. Our results suggest a general rule concerning the maximal region in the complex qq plane to which one can analytically continue from the physical interval where S0>0S_0 > 0. The chromatic zeros and their accumulation set B{\cal B} exhibit the rather unusual property of including support for Re(q)<0Re(q) < 0 and provide further evidence for a relevant conjecture.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, 4 figs., J. Phys. A Lett., in pres

    Learning preferences for large scale multi-label problems

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    Despite that the majority of machine learning approaches aim to solve binary classification problems, several real-world applications require specialized algorithms able to handle many different classes, as in the case of single-label multi-class and multi-label classification problems. The Label Ranking framework is a generalization of the above mentioned settings, which aims to map instances from the input space to a total order over the set of possible labels. However, generally these algorithms are more complex than binary ones, and their application on large-scale datasets could be untractable. The main contribution of this work is the proposal of a novel general online preference-based label ranking framework. The proposed framework is able to solve binary, multi-class, multi-label and ranking problems. A comparison with other baselines has been performed, showing effectiveness and efficiency in a real-world large-scale multi-label task

    Charge order, superconductivity, and a global phase diagram of doped antiferromagnets

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    We investigate the interplay between lattice-symmetry breaking and superconducting order in a two-dimensional model of doped antiferromagnets, with long-range Coulomb interactions and Sp(2N) spin symmetry, in the large-N limit. Our results motivate the outline of a global phase diagram for the cuprate superconductors. We describe the quantum transitions between the phases, the evolution of their fermion excitation spectrum, and the experimental implications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figs, final version as publishe

    Chandra Observations of "The Antennae" Galaxies (NGC 4038/39)

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    We report the results of a deep Chandra ACIS pointing at the merging system NGC 4038/39. We detect an extraordinarily luminous population of X-ray sources, with luminosity well above that of XRBs in M31 and the Milky Way. If these sources are unbeamed XRBs, our observations may point to them being 10-100Mo black hole counterparts. We detect an X-ray bright hot ISM, with features including bright superbubbles associated with the actively star-forming knots, regions where hot and warm (Hα\alpha) ISM intermingle, and a large-scale outflow.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Condensation of `composite bosons' in a rotating BEC

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    We provide evidence for several novel phases in the dilute limit of rotating BECs. By exact calculation of wavefunctions and energies for small numbers of particles, we show that the states near integer angular momentum per particle are best considered condensates of composite entities, involving vortices and atoms. We are led to this result by explicit comparison with a description purely in terms of vortices. Several parallels with the fractional quantum Hall effect emerge, including the presence of the Pfaffian state.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 3 figure