604 research outputs found

    Knowledge of and misconceptions about the spread and prevention of HIV infection among older urban women attending the Tshwane District Hospital, South Africa

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    Background: Statistics around the world show a rapid increase in HIV infection in the older population. Many older women remain sexually active and are therefore exposed to heterosexual transmission of HIV infection. Older women are most likely considered respected opinion leaders within the families and communities and are likely to influence others’ attitudes and behaviours. An increase in knowledge through information plays a fundamental role and is a prerequisite for behavioural change that may prevent new HIV infections. The purpose of the current study was to assess the knowledge and misconceptions regarding the spread and prevention of HIV in older women attending the Tshwane District Hospital (TDH) in South Africa.Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study of 100 women, aged 50 to 80 years, attending the TDH out-patient section during November and December 2006 was done. The levels of knowledge were determined by using a directed questionnaire.Results: Eight per cent of the participants answered all the questions correctly, showing knowledge gaps in the remaining 92% (95% confidence interval: 86.7%–97.3%). Many participants were unaware of the protective effects of condom use, especially female condoms, and of HIV spread by anal transmission, the sharing of needles and blood transfusion. Three or more misconceptions were present in 48% of the participants, such as HIV spread by casual contact, the sharing of personal items, air-borne infection, mosquito bites, HIV testing and AIDS prevention or cure by traditional medicines or alternatives. Sixty-two per cent of the older women were found to have adequate knowledge (95% confidence interval: 52%–71.5%), knowing the basic concepts regarding HIV transmission.Conclusion: There is a significant need for HIV-related preventive health education in older women, not only to decrease potential high-risk behaviours, but also to reduce unnecessary feelings of anxiety and misconceptions. Family physicians, due to their unique role, might be able to use the present study in their practices in order to optimise the planning and structuring of awar eness interventions and prevention programmes.Keywords: knowledge; HIV; misconceptions; beliefs; older women; transmission; preventio

    Four generated, squarefree, monomial ideals

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    Let I⊋JI\supsetneq J be two squarefree monomial ideals of a polynomial algebra over a field generated in degree ≥d\geq d, resp. ≥d+1\geq d+1 . Suppose that II is either generated by three monomials of degrees dd and a set of monomials of degrees ≥d+1\geq d+1, or by four special monomials of degrees dd. If the Stanley depth of I/JI/J is ≤d+1\leq d+1 then the usual depth of I/JI/J is ≤d+1\leq d+1 too.Comment: to appear in "Bridging Algebra, Geometry, and Topology", Editors Denis Ibadula, Willem Veys, Springer Proceed. in Math. and Statistics, 96, 201

    Kajian Erosi Kualitatif Pada Budidaya Tanaman Karet Rakyat Usia 15 Tahun Di Desa Lau Damak Kecamatan Bahorok, Kabupaten Langkat

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    Qualitative Erosion Studies on The Rubber Cultivation of The People Age 15 Years In the village of Lau Damak Bahorok subdistrict Langkat. The study aims to determine the qualitative erosion in the area of cultivation by using descriptive method with sampling technique based on stratified random sampling method. Research analyzing various parameters such as pH level of soil fertility, texture, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). Organic C, N-total, P-available, K can be exchanged (K-dd) and Bulk Density. The results show that the qualitative erosion that occurs in the area of rubber cultivation people aged 15 years in the village of Lau Damak Bahorok subdistrict Langkat cause terangkutnya nutrients P and K to the valley as well as the value of the levels of C-organic and N-total high value of land in the back caused by a number of existing litter above the soil surface.Required soil and water conservation efforts in the form of ground cover (cover crop) as well as the manufacture of terracing on slopes to prevent soil erosion

    Implementation of Open JPTP Fulfillment Policy to Improve Leadership Competence the Area of Gorontalo Government (Case Study of Open Selection 2016)

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    The research aims to describe and analyze strategies and factors determining a successful implementation of open JPTP fulfillment policy to improve leadership competence in the area of Gorontalo Government. The research applied the qualitative method and the data collection techniques included observation, in-depth interview analysis, documentation study, and focus group discussion. Furthermore, data analysis technique used here was the interactive model analysis. The findings clarified that (1) A successful implementation of open JPTP fulfillment policy to improve leadership competence in the area of Gorontalo government was realized by conducting the planning, implementation, and monitoring strategies collaborated with a limited public debate and selected candidate performance assessment; (2) Factors determining a successful implementation of open JPTP fulfillment policy to improve leadership competence in the area of Gorontalo Government were the communication factor, implementing attitude factor, resource factor, bureaucracy structure factor, training factor, motivation factor, and Mololawalo culture factor. Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama (Pratama Main Leadership Position) DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-6-03 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Parameter Neraca Hayati Dan Pertumbuhan Populasi Kutu Putih Phenacoccus Manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Pada Dua Varietas Ubi Kayu

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    The life history and population growth parameters of mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on two cassava varieties. The development, reproduction, and population growth parameters of the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on two cassava varieties were studied in laboratory. The varieties tested were UJ-5 with high cyanide content (>100 mg per kg) dan Adira-1 with low cyanide content (27.5 mg per kg). Our research revealed that P. manihoti performances were highly affected by cassava varieties. Incubation period of eggs of P. manihoti were 7.93 ± 0.09 and 8.33 ± 0.11 days, nymphal development periode 12.32±0.13 and 15.67 ± 0.13 days, respectively on UJ-5 and Adira-1. Fecundity averaged 386.37 ± 5.83 on UJ-5 and 318.67±2.81 eggs on Adira-1. Intrinsic rate of increase (rm) were 0.258 ± 0.001 on UJ-5 and 0.220 ± 0.001 on Adira-1. Mean generation time (T) on UJ-5 and Adira-1 were 22.795 ± 0.050 and 25.532 ± 0.047 days, repectively. Our findings showed that variety UJ-5 was more suitable for development and population growth of the cassava mealybug

    Morphological Character of Local Irrigated Rice on Farmer Field in North Sulawesi

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    Local rice is a potential germplasm as a source of genes that control important properties in rice plants. The research aimed to characterize the morphological character of local rice cultivars of North Sulawesi. The research was conducted from January to June 2015 in North Sulawesi. The method used was the descriptive qualitative method. Exploration was done by collecting samples of local rice cultivars in North Sulawesi. Each cultivar was characterized its morphological characters according to the Characterization and Evaluation Guidelines of Rice Germplasm. The local rice found in North Sulawesi were 10 varieties, namely Pulo Sawah, Superwin, CK, Serwo, Pilihan, Sako, Sito Merah, Sito Putih, TB, and Serayu. There were similarities of the characters from all local rice varieties of North Sulawesi, such as culm (culm strength and culm habit), leaf character (basal leaf sheath color, leaf blade color, collar color, and auricle color), and flower character (panicle exsertion and panicle attitude of branches). The character of grain morphology was very diverse for all local rice varieties of North Sulawesi
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