1,235 research outputs found

    Love Constellations to Loss Configurations for self-actualization: A Psychoanalytical novel study of Anjali Joseph’s Saraswati Park

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    Despite an unprocessed approach towards identity, the word Identity tangles itself in such a heavyweight question where the known fails to answer the unknown ideology of the human nature. Ever since humans have awareness of his/her own self, that took leaps and bounds on the insightful strides towards the affinity transformation because identity is rapidly changing and restoring its genres to its roots. There has been an ongoing and never ending research on the multitudes nature of human and it looks like man is endeavoring to achieve the unattainably attainable. Identity as comprehended is the drive which springs, shaping at every stage of one’s life. The quest of self means disassociation and disassociation is a coping mechanism where a person literally disassociates himself from the self who mirrors in diversified shades and modes. As an individual it may spark a lot of effort to navigate through this questioning the self but the same question when broadened on a higher plane as disassociation unplugs us from ourselves, interfering with the identity formation through development. Recovery of the self starts with recognition, moving towards more connected identities

    Characterization and Quantification of Covalent Modification of Proteins Using Mass Spectrometry

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    Identification and characterization of various post-translational modifications of protein is a key to understanding many unknown cellular processes. In the last few decades, mass spectrometry has evolved as an essential and effective analytical tool for qualitative and quantitative analysis of proteins. In this research, we have developed a novel MALDI-MS2 based quantification method for Desmosine and Isodesmosine, which served as cross-linking amino acids of elastin, in order to measure the elastin degradation in the body. This is the first quantification method that not only illustrates the potential of MALDI-Ion Trap MS2, but also improvement over the current LC-MS method, in terms of analysis time and solvent consumption, while maintaining similar analytical characteristics. The method is utilized to evaluate the time-dependent degradation of Des upon UV radiation (254nm) and result found to be consistent with quantification by 1H NMR. This work also involves the investigation of potential phosphorylation sites and evaluation of its role in various biochemical processes during HIV infection. Based on the results from different phosphorylation prediction algorithms, many in-vitro kinase assays were performed on HIV-derived peptides/proteins in presence of potential kinases. We have successfully identified few novel interactions between host-kinases/HIV phosphorylation substrates. These include the interactions of phosphorylation sites of Vif, Nef and Capsid proteins with protein kinase C (PKC), protein kinase A (PKA), and p38 MAPK respectively. Moreover, this work includes the development of cell-active inhibitors for cysteine cathepsins, a class of enzymes involve in many important cellular processes and in various disorders. In this study, we have synthesized library of two different classes of molecules containing oxirane and vinylsulfonate moieties. Various cell-based experiments were conducted to successfully demonstrate intracellular inhibition of cysteine cathepsin by these developed inhibitory molecules. The result of our study shows 2-(2-ehtylphenylsulfonyl) oxirane is cell-permeable and irreversible inhibitor of cathepsin B. On the other hand, peptidyl vinylsulfonate inhibitor (KD-1) is highly potent and selective cathepsin L inhibitor

    Equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters for heterogeneous esterification of butyric acid with methanol under microwave irradiation

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    Synthesis of methyl butyrate was investigated in a microwave irradiated batch reactor in presence of acid ion-exchange resin catalyst, amberlyst-15. Methyl ester was heterogeneously produced by the reaction between butyric acid and methanol. Effect of reaction parameters of temperature (323-343 K), catalyst loading (0-10.5% w/w), alcohol to acid ratio, M (1-5), and amount of molecular sieves added (0-13.5% w/w) on conversion were studied. Equilibrium conversion of 92.6% was achieved in 60 minutes under microwave irradiation. Equilibrium constants at varied temperatures and dependency of equilibrium constant on temperature were studied. Equilibrium constant and equilibrium conversion showed increase with the increase in temperature as expected as per le-Chatelier principle. Van't Hoff plot for esterification of butyric acid was linear with negative slope indicating that reaction was endothermic. Comparative study showed that microwave irradiated method for methyl butyrate synthesis to be very efficient and fast compared with conventional and ultrasound assisted routes under optimized reaction conditions

    Intra-spinal epidural leakage of bone cement during vertebroplasty of an osteoporotic vertebral fracture: case report and review of literature

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    Vertebral fractures are one of the most common complications of osteoporosis. Prolonged and intractable pain leads to immobilization and significant morbidity. Vertebroplasty is designed primarily to relieve pain, and the procedure is considered when osteoporotic vertebral fracture does not respond to a reasonable period of conservative care. Vertebroplasty has a low complication rate with most common complication being adjacent vertebral body fracture and rare complication due to extra-vertebral cement leakage causing nerve root compression or pulmonary embolism. We report a case of 55 year old lady with osteoporotic D12 wedge compression fracture subjected to vertebroplasty resulting in intraspinal cement leakage noticed intra-operatively. Patient underwent immediate decompression, cement extraction and posterior instrumentation. Postoperative course was uneventful

    A Novel Fibrinolytic Enzyme from Bacillus Sphaericus MTCC 3672: Optimization and Purification Studies

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    A novel extracellular fibrinolytic enzyme was produced from Bacillus sphaericus MTCC 3672 for dissolving blood clots. Optimized fermentation parameters achieved by one factor at a time approach had demonstrated 2.85 fold increase in fibrinolytic activity i.e. from 3.5*104 U/l (basal media) to 9.98*104 U/l after 24 h of incubation in submerged fermentation. Statistical screening of six independent nutritional variables such as, glucose, yeast extract, NaCl, MgCl2, MnCl2, CaCl2 was studied using Plackett-Burman design. Amongst six variables, yeast extract was found to be significant factor affecting yield of a fibrinolytic enzyme. Furthermore, growth kinetics of biomass formation, enzyme production, and substrate utilization was evaluated by unstructured kinetic models and various biokinetic parameters such as µmax (0.37 1/h), Pr (0.12 1/h), YP/S (7.74 U/g) and YX/S (3.32 g/g) were determined. In purification step, ultrafiltered broth was purified with DEAE Cellulose anion exchange chromatography and Sephadex G100 gel filtration chromatography with 10 fold purity. In vitro fibrin clot degradation study had revealed significant breakdown of fibrin clot. The fibrinolytic activity of purified enzyme (7.5 mm) was found to be matching with marketed Nattolife® (8.0 mm) (nattokinase) and superior to Thromboflux® (0 mm) (streptokinase) formulations. Hence, efficient formulation containing purified fibrinolytic agent can be used for medical emergencies viz. myocardial infarction and deep vein thrombosis

    Spontaneous heterotopic pregnancy: a rare possibility

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    Heterotopic pregnancy is defined as a condition when intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy occur simultaneously. It is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate and accurate diagnostics and treatment. We present the case of a 34-year-old multigravida in her 7 weeks of gestation came to emergency ward with complains of pain in abdomen for 3 days. Ultrasonographic examination showed a live intrauterine pregnancy and mild to moderate free fluid in abdomen with moving internal echoes. An emergency exploratory laparotomy done and left sided tubal ectopic removed along with right salpingectomy as patient was willing for family planning. A high index of suspicion is required to diagnose Heterotopic pregnancy as clinical as well as radiological findings may be insufficient for diagnosis

    Ayurvedic interventional management of Manyagatavata w.s.r. to Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM) - A Case Study

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    Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM) is a degenerative spinal disease which may lead to significant clinical morbidity. The onset of symptoms is usually insidious, with long periods of fixed disability and episodic worsening events. Regarding the pathophysiology of CSM, the repeated injuries to the spinal cord are caused by both static and dynamic mechanical factors. Only limited surgical procedures, neuroplasticity and other medical interventions are employed in modern medicine.  The standard treatment for moderate to severe CSM is operative procedures which are least preferred by the elderly patients. Hence there is a need to search for effective treatment in alternative medicine. According to Ayurveda, cervical spondylosis can be co-related with Manyagatavata, a type of Vataja Vyadhi. A 48 years old male patient presented with Neck pain, neck stiffness, and back pain since 4 years. Here, we are presenting a case of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM) which was treated with Ayurvedic Panchakarma procedures such as Virechana with Mahatikta Ghruta, Tiktaksheera Basti, Greeva Basti, Nasya Karma with Vacha Taila along with Ayurvedic oral drugs like Tab Brihatvata Chintamani Rasa, Ashvagandha Churna with Kavacha Beeja Churna, Amruta Guggula, Ekangaveera Rasa and Chaturbhurja Rasa. These entire drugs were prescribed for twice a day after meals. This case report revealed usefulness of Panchakarma procedures and Ayurveda oral medicines in the management of Manyagatavata w.s.r. to Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM)