9 research outputs found

    Miesnäkökulmaselvitys naisvaltaisessa yhdistystoiminnassa : Miehet vapaaehtoistoimijoina Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton Uudenmaan piirin paikallisyhdistyksissä

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    Tämä on tiivistelmä Humanistisen ammattikorkeakoulun opinnäytetyöstä, joka on toteutettu yhteistyössä Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton (MLL) Uudenmaan piirin kanssa. Kiinnostus opinnäytetyön aiheisiin syntyi omista kokemuksista yhdistystoiminnasta, vapaaehtoisuudesta sekä isyydestä. Miesnäkökulma selvitys naisvaltaisessa yhdistystoiminnassa opinnäytetyön keskeisimmät tavoitteet olivat uuden ja ajankohtaisen, kyselyn avulla kerätyn, tiedon myötä saadun mieserityisen osaamisen ja yhdistystoiminnassa tarvittavan tietotaidon kehittyminen sekä uusien ajatusten ja toimintatapojen ideointi paikallisyhdistystoiminnan tulevaisuutta miesnäkökulmasta ajatellen. Tämän opinnäytetyön yhteydessä toteutettiin kyselytutkimus, jonka avulla kerättiin opinnäytetyön em-piirinen tutkimusaineisto. Internet-pohjainen Webropol-kyselysovellus mahdollisti sähköisesti toteutetun kyselyn. Kysely lähetettiin MML:n Uudenmaan piirin alueen paikallistoimijoista valitulle joukolle. Kohderyhmänä kyselyssä olivat piirin alueen paikallisyhdistysten puheenjohtajat, miestoimijat hallituksessa sekä muissa yhdistysten vapaaehtoisissa tehtävissä. Kohderyhmän oli tarkoitus toimia otoksena koko MLL:n paikallisyhdistystoimijoista, mutta valitettavan vähäiseksi jäänyt vastausaktiivisuus muutti hieman opinnäytetyön tuloksellisuutta ja näin ollen kyselystä saatuja vastauksia voitiin analysoida ainoastaan näytteen omaisena. Kyselyn vähäiset vastaukset ja tulokset johtivat kuitenkin yhdessä olemassa olevan tutkimustiedon, henkilökohtaisten kokemusten ja näkemysten kautta tämän työn johtopäätöksiin. Opinnäytetyön pääteemat ovat yhdistystoiminta, vapaaehtoisuus ja miesnäkökulma. Nämä teemat yhdistyvät tässä työssä yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi, jossa miesnäkökulma on vapaaehtoisen yhdistystoiminnan tarkastelu perspektiivi. Miesten tarpeellisuudesta MLL:n paikallisyhdistyksissä ei jää epäselvyyttä, kun kysymykseen ”tarvitaanko miehiä mukaan toimintaan?” vastataan toiminnassa olevien miesten osalta 100% kyllä.This is abstract of thesis in Humak University of Applied sciences. Thesis was carried out in co-operation with the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLC) Uusimaa district. Interest in the topics of the thesis was based on my own experience in activities of the local association, as well as the volunteering and fatherhood. Main goals of the thesis were to gather the new and the current information to use on development in activities of the local associations. Information to improve know-how and male perspectives in local association’s operational know-how. To make new ideas and practices in order to male perspectives to better reflect in the future. In the context of thesis was conducted a survey study, which were gathering the main research data of the thesis. The e-survey was enabled by the Internet-based Webropol application. The e-survey was sent to Uusimaa districts local operators in the selected group. The target group of the e-survey was the chairmen of the local associations, man operators of the board and other volunteer men in local associations. The target group was intended to serve as a sample of MLC's local branch of the opera-tors. Unfortunately response rate remained low so that moved slightly to the effectiveness of the thesis and, therefore, the responses to the questionnaire could be analyzed only as specimen. Limited responses and the results of the e-survey however resulted in the final conclusions by combining of existing research in the field, personal experiences and views with the main topics of the thesis. The main themes of this thesis are in association activities, the volunteering and the male perspective. These themes are combined in this work into a single entity with the male perspective towards voluntary local association activities. The need of men in MLC's local associations will not be in doubt when the question is "is there a need for men to join in the activities?" - 100% of operative men answered yes

    Detecting Sequential Genre Change in Eighteenth-Century Texts

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    Machine classification of historical books into genres is a common task for NLP-based classifiers and has a number of applications, from literary analysis to information retrieval. However it is not a straightforward task, as genre labels can be ambiguous and subject to temporal change, and moreoever many books consist of mixed or miscellaneous genres. In this paper we describe a work-in-progress method by which genre predictions can be used to determine longer sequences of genre change within books, which we test out with visualisations of some hand-picked texts. We apply state-of-the-art methods to the task, including a BERT-based transformer and character-level Perceiver model, both pre-trained on a large collection of eighteenth century works (ECCO), using a new set of hand-annotated documents created to reflect historical divisions. Results show that both models perform significantly better than a linear baseline, particularly when ECCO-BERT is combined with tfidf features, though for this task the character-level model provides no obvious advantage. Initial evaluation of the genre sequence method shows it may in the future be useful in determining and dividing the multiple genres of miscellaneous and hybrid historical texts.</p

    Detecting Sequential Genre Change in Eighteenth-Century Texts

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    Machine classification of historical books into genres is a common task for NLP-based classifiers and has a number of applications, from literary analysis to information retrieval. However it is not a straightforward task, as genre labels can be ambiguous and subject to temporal change, and moreoever many books consist of mixed or miscellaneous genres. In this paper we describe a work-in-progress method by which genre predictions can be used to determine longer sequences of genre change within books, which we test out with visualisations of some hand-picked texts. We apply state-of-the-art methods to the task, including a BERT-based transformer and character-level Perceiver model, both pre-trained on a large collection of eighteenth century works (ECCO), using a new set of hand-annotated documents created to reflect historical divisions. Results show that both models perform significantly better than a linear baseline, particularly when ECCO-BERT is combined with tfidf features, though for this task the character-level model provides no obvious advantage. Initial evaluation of the genre sequence method shows it may in the future be useful in determining and dividing the multiple genres of miscellaneous and hybrid historical texts.Peer reviewe

    Explainable Publication Year Prediction of Eighteenth Century Texts with the BERT Model

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    In this paper, we describe a BERT model trained on the Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) dataset of digitized documents. The ECCO dataset poses unique modelling challenges due to the presence of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) artifacts. We establish the performance of the BERT model on a publication year prediction task against linear baseline models and human judgement, finding the BERT model to be superior to both and able to date the works, on average, with less than 7 years absolute error. We also explore how language change over time affects the model by analyzing the features the model uses for publication year predictions as given by the Integrated Gradients model explanation method.Peer reviewe

    Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change

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    In this paper, we describe a BERT model trained on the Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) dataset of digitized documents. The ECCO dataset poses unique modelling challenges due to the presence of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) artifacts. We establish the performance of the BERT model on a publication year prediction task against linear baseline models and human judgement, finding the BERT model to be superior to both and able to date the works, on average, with less than 7 years absolute error. We also explore how language change over time affects the model by analyzing the features the model uses for publication year predictions as given by the Integrated Gradients model explanation method

    Proceedings of the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2022

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    Explainable Publication Year Prediction of Eighteenth Century Texts with the BERT Model

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    In this paper, we describe a BERT model trained on the Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) dataset of digitized documents. The ECCO dataset poses unique modelling challenges due to the presence of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) artifacts. We establish the performance of the BERT model on a publication year prediction task against linear baseline models and human judgement, finding the BERT model to be superior to both and able to date the works, on average, with less than 7 years absolute error. We also explore how language change over time affects the model by analyzing the features the model uses for publication year predictions as given by the Integrated Gradients model explanation method.Peer reviewe

    Proceedings of the 23rd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa 2021)

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    In this paper, we introduce the firstfully manually annotated paraphrase cor-pus for Finnish containing 53,572 para-phrase pairs harvested from alternative subtitles and news headings. Out of all paraphrase pairs in our corpus 98% are manually classified to be paraphrases at least in their given context, if not in all contexts. Additionally, we establish a manual candidate selection method and demonstrate its feasibility in high quality paraphrase selection in terms of both costand quality.</p