61 research outputs found

    A brain-spinal interface (BSI) system-on-chip (SoC) for closed-loop cortically-controlled intraspinal microstimulation

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    This paper reports on a fully miniaturized brain-spinal interface system for closed-loop cortically-controlled intraspinal microstimulation (ISMS). Fabricated in AMS 0.35 µm two-poly four-metal complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor technology, this system-on-chip measures ~ 3.46 mm × 3.46 mm and incorporates two identical 4-channel modules, each comprising a spike-recording front-end, embedded digital signal processing (DSP) unit, and programmable stimulating back-end. The DSP unit is capable of generating multichannel trigger signals for a wide array of ISMS triggering patterns based on real-time discrimination of a programmable number of intracortical neural spikes within a pre-specified time-bin duration via thresholding and user-adjustable time–amplitude windowing. The system is validated experimentally using an anesthetized rat model of a spinal cord contusion injury at the T8 level. Multichannel neural spikes are recorded from the cerebral cortex and converted in real time into electrical stimuli delivered to the lumbar spinal cord below the level of the injury, resulting in distinct patterns of hindlimb muscle activation

    Photoacoustic imaging of squirrel monkey cortical and subcortical brain regions during peripheral electrical stimulation

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    The investigation of neuronal activity in non-human primate models is of critical importance due to their genetic similarity to human brains. In this study, we tested the feasibility of using photoacoustic imaging for the detection of cortical and subcortical responses due to peripheral electrical stimulation in a squirrel monkey model. Photoacoustic computed tomography and photoacoustic microscopy were applied on squirrel monkeys for real-time deep subcortical imaging and optical-resolution cortical imaging, respectively. The electrically evoked hemodynamic changes in primary somatosensory cortex, premotor cortices, primary motor cortex, and underlying subcortical areas were measured. Hemodynamic responses were observed in both cortical and subcortical brain areas at the cortices during external stimulation, demonstrating the feasibility of photoacoustic technique for functional imaging of non-human primate brain

    A novel device to measure power grip forces in squirrel monkeys

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    Understanding the neural bases for grip force behaviors in both normal and neurologically impaired animals is imperative prior to improving treatments and therapeutic approaches. The present paper describes a novel device for the assessment of power grip forces in squirrel monkeys. The control of grasping and object manipulation represents a vital aspect of daily living by allowing the performance of a wide variety of complex hand movements. However, following neurological injury such as stroke, these grasping behaviors are often severely affected, resulting in persistent impairments in strength, grip force modulation and kinematic hand control. While there is a significant clinical focus on rehabilitative strategies to address these issues, there exists the need for translational animal models. In the study presented here, we describe a simple grip force device designed for use in nonhuman primates, which provides detailed quantitative information regarding distal grip force dynamics. Adult squirrel monkeys were trained to exceed a specific grip force threshold, which was rewarded with a food pellet. One of these subjects then received an infarct of the M1 hand representation area. Results suggest that the device provides detailed and reliable information on grip behaviors in healthy monkeys and can detect deficits in grip dynamics in monkeys with cortical lesions (significantly longer release times). Understanding the physiological and neuroanatomical aspects of grasping function following neurological injury may lead to more effective rehabilitative interventions

    Differential effects of open- and closed-loop intracortical microstimulation on firing patterns of neurons in distant cortical areas

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    Intracortical microstimulation can be used successfully to modulate neuronal activity. Activity dependent stimulation (ADS), in which action potentials recorded extracellularly from a single neuron are used to trigger stimulation at another cortical location (closed-loop), is an effective treatment for behavioral recovery after brain lesion, but the related neurophysiological changes are still not clear. Here we investigated the ability of ADS and random stimulation (RS) to alter firing patterns of distant cortical locations. We recorded 591 neuronal units from 23 Long-Evan healthy anesthetized rats. Stimulation was delivered to either forelimb or barrel field somatosensory cortex, using either RS or ADS triggered from spikes recorded in the rostral forelimb area (RFA). Both RS and ADS stimulation protocols rapidly altered spike firing within RFA compared with no stimulation. We observed increase in firing rates and change of spike patterns. ADS was more effective than RS in increasing evoked spikes during the stimulation periods, by producing a reliable, progressive increase in stimulus-related activity over time and an increased coupling of the trigger channel with the network. These results are critical for understanding the efficacy of closed-loop electrical microstimulation protocols in altering activity patterns in interconnected brain networks, thus modulating cortical state and functional connectivity

    LFP Analysis of Brain Injured Anesthetized Animals Undergoing Closed-Loop Intracortical Stimulation.

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    Activity dependent stimulation (ADS) is a closed loop stimulation technique whose neurophysiological effects have not been deeply investigated. Here we explored how Local field Potentials (LFP) are impacted by a focal ischemic lesion and, subsequently, by ADS treatment. Intracortical microelectrode arrays were implanted in the rostral forelimb area (RFA) and in the primary somatosensory area (S1) of anaesthetized rats. An ischemic injury was induced in the caudal forelimb area through microinjections of Endothelin-1. The lesion induced an acute depressive trend in LFP power in RFA (evaluated in 6 bands of interest: Delta (1-4Hz), Theta (4-8Hz), Alpha (8-11Hz), Beta (11-30Hz), LowGamma (30-55Hz) and HighGamma (55-80)) followed by a noticeable significant rebound in both areas. Applying ADS induced an overall decrease of power. The lesion impacted the connectivity in a frequency specific manner, resulting in widespread increase in connectivity in Delta both between and within areas. Two hours after the lesion, without stimulation, correlated activity between areas increased in Beta and Gamma. After stimulation, inter-area connectivity increased in Delta, Theta and Alpha, while considerably dropping within RFA in highGamma. By computing phase-amplitude coupling, we found that the lesion produced an incremental increase in the coupling between (Theta) Alpha phase and (lowGamma) highGamma amplitude within RFA, while S1 had a more generalized increase. Likewise, coupling between Theta phase and lowGamma/highGamma amplitudes increased between areas after lesion. ADS induced a similar increase, but greater in magnitude both within and between RFA and S1. These results have important implications on the emerging field of closed-loop adaptive stimulation promoting ADS as an innovative tool for the treatment of neurological disorders

    Recovery after Brain Injury: Mechanisms and Principles

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    The past 20 years have represented an important period in the development of principles underlying neuroplasticity, especially as they apply to recovery from neurological injury. It is now generally accepted that acquired brain injuries, such as occur in stroke or trauma, initiate a cascade of regenerative events that last for at least several weeks, if not months. Many investigators have pointed out striking parallels between post-injury plasticity and the molecular and cellular events that take place during normal brain development. As evidence for the principles and mechanisms underlying post-injury neuroplasticity has been gleaned from both animal models and human populations, novel approaches to therapeutic intervention have been proposed. One important theme has persisted as the sophistication of clinicians and scientists in their knowledge of neuroplasticity mechanisms has grown: Behavioral experience is the most potent modulator of brain plasticity. While there is substantial evidence for this principle in normal, healthy brains, the injured brain is particularly malleable. Based on the quantity and quality of motor experience, the brain can be reshaped after injury in either adaptive or maladaptive ways. This paper reviews selected studies that have demonstrated the neurophysiological and neuroanatomical changes that are triggered by motor experience, by injury, and the interaction of these processes. In addition, recent studies using new and elegant techniques are providing novel perspectives on the events that take place in the injured brain, providing a real-time window into post-injury plasticity. These new approaches are likely to accelerate the pace of basic research, and provide a wealth of opportunities to translate basic principles into therapeutic methodologies

    Postinfarct Cortical Plasticity and Behavioral Recovery

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