601 research outputs found
Comparison Fusion of Iris and Fingerprint Traits for Personal Authentication using Artificial Neural Network with Previous Algorithm
Biometrics is the science of determining the identity of a person based on the physiological / behavioral characteristics of the individual. A person can be identified by using biometrics based on ‘what you are’ rather than ‘what you possess’ such as ID card or ‘what you remember’ such as password . Biometrics are incorporated in many different applications because of the need for reliable user authentication techniques has increased in the wake of heightened concerns about security, and rapid advances in communication, networking and mobility . A variety of biometric characteristics including face, fingerprint, palm print, iris, retina, signature, gait, ear, hand vein, voice pattern, odor or DNA are being used in various applications. Each biometric has its merits and demerits. Therefore, the selection of a biometric trait depends on several issues other than matching performance
“Integrating Iris and Fingerprint Traits for Personal Authentication using Artificial Neural Network”
In recent years, biometric based security systems chieved more attention due to continuous terrorism threats around the world. However, a security system comprised of a single form of biometric information cannot fulfil user’s expectations and may suffer from noisy sensor data, intra and inter class variations and continuous spoof attacks. To overcome some of these problems, multimodal biometric aims at increasing the reliability of biometric systems through utilizing more than one biometric in decision-making process. In order to take full advantage of the multimodal approaches, an effective fusion scheme is necessary for combining information from various sources. I present a new methodology based on fusion at the feature level, which is a relatively new approach compared to others, to combine multimodal biometric information from two biometric identifiers (Iris and Fingerprint).The proposed system is for multimodal database comprising of 21 samples. The performance of the system is tested on a database prepared to find accuracy, false acceptance rate and false rejection rate
Aged leaves effect on essential components in green and oolong tea
Tea leaf encompasses essential components like caffeine, polyphenol, lipid etc. The study was conducted to find out the essential constituents in green and oolong tea from aged tea leaves during the year of 2012. Tea leaves with different plucked aged were collected from Lackatoorah Tea Estate at sylhet district in Bangladesh. Collected leaves were processesed to make desirable samples for biochemical analysis in the laboratory of Department of Food Enginnering and Tea Technology, SUST. Results revealed that the essential constituents like moisture, caffeine, polyphenol, lipid, protein, ash, ascorbic acid, acidity and pH value in green tea made from different aged leaves were found slightly higher than oolong tea, ranged from 6.38±1.06 to 3.49±0.59%; 4.91±0.82 to 1.49±0.24%; 30.88±5.15 to 18.23±3.04%; 7.50±1.25 to 9.58±1.59%; 13.15±2.19 to 17.33±2.88%; 3.87±1.65 to 7.86±1.31%; 48.4±8.05 to 21.3±3.55(mg); 2.13±0.68 to 1.18±0.19% and 5.52±0.11 to 5.97±0.18%, respectively. Similarly, the moisture, caffeine, polyphenol, lipid, protein, ash, ascorbic acid, acidity and pH value from different aged leaves were found in oolong tea from 6.19±1.04 to 2.98±0.49%; 4.68±0.78 to 1.11±0.19%; 20.89±3.48 to 8.23±1.37%; 6.40±1.07 to 9.13±1.52%; 13.03±2.17 to 17.19±2.86%; 3.44±0.58 to 7.57±1.27% 6.44±1.08 to 0.98±0.17 (mg); 2.02±0.34to 1.02±0.17% and 5.53±0.11 to 5.97±0.20%, respectively. Therefore, young tea leaves (i.e. 5 to 8 days tea leaves) should be plucked for considering useful constituents in processed green tea and oolong tea. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i2.17845 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (2): 54-58, December, 201
Mobile Computing: Fundamentals
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Use of ICT in Collection Management of Public Libraries in Punjab, Pakistan
Objectives of the study: This study is about the assessing of use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in Collection Management (CM) of Public Libraries in Punjab (PLsP), Pakistan.
Research Design:The study was conducted in seventeen PLsP. Target population was the Head Librarians(HLs) of the selected PLsP. Data regarding current status of ICT apparatus, IT staff, available ICT resources and usage of ICT in CM was collected from the concerned HLs through a comprehensive questionnaire. The questionnaire having mostly closed ended questions was constructed in the light of extensive literature review. The data collected from HLs was analyzed and interpreted manually.
Key Findings: Present status of ICT apparatus, IT staff & available ICT resources like internet in PLs was found unsatisfactory and lack of IT professionals & skilled IT staff was note over there. The respondents found convinced about the importance of ICT in CM. Status of usage of ICT in CM was found poor. Absence of required ICT related staff training was also noted. Scarcity of needed funds for ICT and interrupted power supply were found as the pressing issues in PLsP.
Practical Implication: PLsP were recommended to develop their ICT apparatus, ensure qualified IT staff, and enrich their available ICT resources to improve their status of usage of ICT in CM. ICT training of staff, availability of needed funds and arrangements for uninterrupted power supply were also recommended
Pee revieweer Pudarnya Nilai-nilai Pancasila
Pancasila sebagai falsafah hidup bangsa Indonesia sejak dulu sampai kini tidak pernah terimplementasi nilai-nilainya. Khususnya di bidang ekonomi, dari mulai regulasi dan prilaku regulator dan pengusaha belum sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan oleh Pancasila sebagai sumber segala sumbe
Lembar Pengesahan Penelitian berjudul Model Pemberdayaan Keluarga Muslim Pesisir Pantai Utara Jawa
Tipologi masyarakat pantur
(1)Pudarnya Nilai-nilai Pancasila
Sudah dimafhum bahwa Pancasila adalah dasar negara, falsafah hidup, ideologi bangsa, dan sumber dari segala sumber kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara di Indonesia. Namun daripada itu, dalam kehidupan keseharian berbangsa dan bernegara banyak yang tidak bisa mengimplementasikannya baik dari penyelenggara negara, maupun masyarakat pada umumnya. Meskipun di kepemimpinan pertama sampai kini, Pancasila selalu diinfokan, dibaca setiap ada hari-hari penting nasional, namun belum bisa secara konsisten diimplementasikan. Misal dibidang ekonomi
Dokumen Pengesahan Penelitian berjudul Pancasila dan Keragaman Kehidupan Masyarakat
Perilaku kehidupan yang beragam masyarakat di Indonesia merupakan suatu keniscayaan, yang mana bangsa Indonesia terdiri dari berbagai pulau, bahasa, agama, ras, suku dan bahasa merupakan kekayaan yang terbingkai dalam kebinekaan tunggal ika sebagai bagian dari rahmat Allah Yang Maha Kuas termasuk di dalamnya adalah Falsafah dan Ideologi negara yaitu Pancasila. Pancasila sebagai suatu kesepahaman bersama (“piagam”) oleh seluruh komponen bangsa yang telah final menjadi produk kreatif untuk bersatu dalam melangkah, berpegangan dalam mengayun langkah dalam berbagai perilaku faktanya sejak dulu sampai saat ini masih terjadi anomali yang belum bisa urai redaka
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