633 research outputs found

    On the stability of circular orbits in galactic dynamics: Newtonian thin disks

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    The study of off-equatorial orbits in razor-thin disks is still in its beginnings. Contrary to what was presented in the literature in recent publications, the vertical stability criterion for equatorial circular orbits cannot be based on the vertical epicyclic frequency, because of the discontinuity in the gravitational field on the equatorial plane. We present a rigorous criterion for the vertical stability of circular orbits in systems composed by a razor-thin disk surrounded by a smooth axially symmetric distribution of matter, the latter representing additional structures such as thick disk, bulge and (dark matter) halo. This criterion is satisfied once the mass surface density of the thin disk is positive. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of nearly equatorial orbits are presented. In particular, the analysis of nearly equatorial orbits allows us to construct an approximate analytical third integral of motion in this region of phase-space, which describes the shape of these orbits in the meridional plane.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. In Proceedings of the MG13 Meeting on General Relativity, Stockholm University, Sweden, 1-7 July 2012. World Scientific, Singapore. Based on arXiv:1206.6501. in The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories (In 3 Volumes), chap. 438, pages 2346-2348 (2015

    Axially Symmetric Post-Newtonian Stellar Systems

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    We introduce a method to obtain self-consistent, axially symmetric, thin disklike stellar models in the first post-Newtonian (1PN) approximation. The models obtained are fully analytical and corresponds to the post-Newtonian generalizations of classical ones. By introducing in the field equations provided by the 1PN approximation a known distribution function (DF) corresponding to a Newtonian model, two fundamental equations determining the 1PN corrections are obtained, which are solved using the Hunter method. The rotation curves of the 1PN-corrected models differs from the classical ones and, for the generalized Kalnajs discs, the 1PN corrections are clearly appreciable with values of the mass and radius of a typical galaxy. On the other hand, the relativistic mass correction can be ignored for all models.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to be published at Rev.Integr.Temas Ma

    Distribution functions for a family of axially symmetric galaxy models

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    We present the derivation of distribution functions for the first four members of a family of disks, previously obtained in (MNRAS, 371, 1873, 2006), which represent a family of axially symmetric galaxy models with finite radius and well behaved surface mass density. In order to do this we employ several approaches that have been developed starting from the potential-density pair and, essentially using the method introduced by Kalnajs (Ap. J., 205, 751, 1976) we obtain some distribution functions that depend on the Jacobi integral. Now, as this method demands that the mass density can be properly expressed as a function of the gravitational potential, we can do this only for the first four discs of the family. We also find another kind of distribution functions by starting with the even part of the previous distribution functions and using the maximum entropy principle in order to find the odd part and so a new distribution function, as it was pointed out by Dejonghe (Phys. Rep., 133, 217, 1986). The result is a wide variety of equilibrium states corresponding to several self-consistent finite flat galaxy models.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, updated version, accepted for publication in Rev. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Na

    Vertical stability of circular orbits in relativistic razor-thin disks

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    During the last few decades, there has been a growing interest in exact solutions of Einstein equations describing razor-thin disks. Despite the progress in the area, the analytical study of geodesic motion crossing the disk plane in these systems is not yet so developed. In the present work, we propose a definite vertical stability criterion for circular equatorial timelike geodesics in static, axially symmetric thin disks, possibly surrounded by other structures preserving axial symmetry. It turns out that the strong energy condition for the disk stress-energy content is sufficient for vertical stability of these orbits. Moreover, adiabatic invariance of the vertical action variable gives us an approximate third integral of motion for oblique orbits which deviate slightly from the equatorial plane. Such new approximate third integral certainly points to a better understanding of the analytical properties of these orbits. The results presented here, derived for static spacetimes, may be a starting point to study the motion around rotating, stationary razor-thin disks. Our results also allow us to conjecture that the strong energy condition should be sufficient to assure transversal stability of periodic orbits for any singular timelike hypersurface, provided it is invariant under the geodesic flow.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Motion around a Monopole + Ring system: I. Stability of Equatorial Circular Orbits vs Regularity of Three-dimensional Motion

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    We study the motion of test particles around a center of attraction represented by a monopole (with and without spheroidal deformation) surrounded by a ring, given as a superposition of Morgan & Morgan discs. We deal with two kinds of bounded orbits: (i) Equatorial circular orbits and (ii) general three-dimensional orbits. The first case provides a method to perform a linear stability analysis of these structures by studying the behavior of vertical and epicyclic frequencies as functions of the mass ratio, the size of the ring and/or the quadrupolar deformation. In the second case, we study the influence of these parameters in the regularity or chaoticity of motion. We find that there is a close connection between linear stability (or unstability) of equatorial circular orbits and regularity (or chaoticity) of the three-dimensional motion.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, to appear in MNRA
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