64 research outputs found

    Application of botulinum toxin in facial paralysis: A review study

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    Botulinum toxin (BT) considered a potent substance with high potential in several treatments, has also been gaining space in dental clinics for the treatment of various pathologies, is safe when used in appropriate doses and contraindications are respected. Before starting BT therapy, it is necessary to communicate the patient about all the potentialities and limitations of treatment. The toxin has become an efficient option for the treatment of facial paralysis (FP), a pathology that causes contraction in the facial muscles, causing temporomandibular dysfunction, damage to the process of eating food and liquids, as well as aesthetic constraints, compromising the patient\u27s quality of life. The objective was to present the application of BT as a therapeutic option in FP. This is a review with qualitative data researched in PubMed, VHL, SciELO and LILACS. Seventy-two studies were found, excluding 27 that were outside the inclusion criteria, and 45 studies were selected. It was found that the first step to its use is to analyze the patient, evaluating the facial resuscitation procedure, defining the possibility of reversal or considerable improvement. Subsequently, it is essential to determine the cause of paralysis, its duration and the functional deficits that the patient presents, after establishing the cause, its indication is evaluated. It is essential that an individualized evaluation is always performed, proposing a realistic therapy, and making the patient aware that it is a temporary treatment. The medical literature also shows a positive effect for the use of BT in the treatment of FP, improving the quality of life, especially the patient\u27s self-esteem

    Clinical and Therapeutic Treatment Approach Between Diabetes Mellitus and Urinary Tract Infection

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    Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic syndrome of multiple origins, caused by the insulin absence in the bloodstream and/or by the inability of insulin to adequately exert its effects, causing hyperglycemia and subsequent complications in the body\u27s organic systems. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most frequent due to the glucose increase in blood circulation and the impairment of cellular immunity, creating a favorable environment for the bacteria proliferation at the inflammation spots. This review describes the clinical and therapeutic aspects of diabetes mellitus and urinary tract infection, with guidelines on glucose management in these events. A non-systematic review was carried out in the Virtual Health Library, PubMed, Scielo, and Google Academic databases with the descriptors Diabetes mellitus, Urinary Tract Infection, Hyperglycemia, Bacteriuria, and Urinary Incontinence. The most relevant articles were selected. Pertinent clinical and therapeutic issues were discussed, covering the diabetes factors that contribute to the onset of UTI; urinary tract infection complications in patients with diabetes mellitus; asymptomatic bacteriuria, recurrent urinary tract infections, and urinary incontinence in people with diabetes; treatments for diabetes and urinary tract infection; and the relationship between glucose-lowering medications and UTI. Given the greater susceptibility of people with diabetes to acquire UTI, the combined insight into these diseases is crucial, both for better UTI prevention in diabetics and for the treatment of both

    Ozonized and natural compounds for in vitro Acinetobacter Baumannii treatment

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    Acinetobacter baumannii stands out as an opportunistic pathogen responsible for Healthcare-Related Infections. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of natural oils in natura and ozonated on A. baumannii mortality. The randomized experiment used the A. baumannii strain and natural oils (palm, canola, and coconut) ozonized and in natura (control group). Minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations and chromatography were employed in the study. Through the ozonized and fresh oils antimicrobial action, the natural oils\u27 effectiveness and the bacteria mortality were evaluated. The data was submitted to the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. When comparing the natural oils, ozonized canola oil stood out as the most efficient in destroying the bacteria. The other ozonized oils showed a 90% reduction in the microbial load in the first ten minutes of treatment. For use in natura, palm oil stood out with 85.9% microbial load reduction. According to the results obtained, the antibacterial activity of natural oils is remarkable, showing that they were expressively effective in inhibiting the A. baumannii growth, presenting themselves as a new adjuvant therapy antibacterial drug. The study concluded that the ozonized oils are more efficient in both MIC and MBC when compared between the ozonized and the untreated groups. The bacteria are sensitive to the ozonized oils

    High Brachial Artery Bifurcation Clinical finding in Cadaveric Specimen by Medical Students During Internship

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    The high brachial artery bifurcation is an anatomical variation found in the arm segment. Although it does not present any alteration in the arterial blood functionality, it is considered a common spot for vascular lesions during surgical interventions that consist of the absence of anatomical knowledge. The research objective was to describe the high brachial artery bifurcation found in a cadaveric specimen from the anatomy laboratory as well as its main anatomoclinical aspects. Twenty-six upper limbs were investigated and dissected from the Universidade Brasil\u27s Human Anatomy Laboratory, SP. These were formolized cadaveric specimens from both sexes. During upper limb dissection, arterial anatomical variations were observed in a single-arm segment. The variation was unilateral in the left hemisphere. The clinical findings were high brachial artery bifurcation and a rare case of the radial artery in the medial path, as well as an ulnar artery with a lateral path in the arm median third. It is clear that the understanding of anatomy and anatomical variations patterns is of utmost importance and a requirement for surgery, so surgeons need to be aware of clinical, anatomical, and arterial variations data, avoiding vascular lesions during the surgical interventions. Dissection is an important learning tool for students and resident doctors. It is suggested the use of dissection as a pedagogical resource to acquire skills in surgeries during internship and also to improve the anatomical variation cognition of upper limbs

    Incidence of syphilis in pregnant women in the countryside of são paulo from 2018 to 2020

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    Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum and is transmitted sexually, hematogenously or vertically, and may occur in any time of pregnancy. It is one of the major concerns and high rates of pregnant women with syphilis, which leads to congenital syphilis. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of syphilis in pregnant women in the state of São Paulo from 2018 to 2020 in epidemiological surveillance. The study is an epidemiological, descriptive observational research of quantitative analysis with secondary data, notified in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN), which is the database of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), of pregnant women with syphilis, between 2018-2020. The collection of secondary data was authorized of São Paulo State. We found 50 women with unspecified syphilis in the last 3 years, of these 36 are pregnant women with syphilis and 7 cases of congenital syphilis. There has been a large increase in pregnant women with syphilis in the last year, however, there has been an eradication of congenital syphilis during this period. With this, it can be emphasized the importance of screening and early treatment of pregnant women in the Primary Health Care Network to promote health promotion and to offer quality of health services to mothers

    Prevalence and Current Practices of Self-Medication among Students of the Biomedicine Degree at the Health Sciences School

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    Self-medication is often seen as a solution for the immediate relief of symptoms, however, bringing serious consequences to consumer\u27s health and serious public health problems in Brazil and the world. Still, regarding self-medication, the conduct of University students in the health area is observed, since the habit in this group is high. Given these facts and the need for epidemiological and toxicological evidence on self-medication of this school group, this study aims to verify the prevalence of self-medication in Biomedicine Degree students of the Universidade Brasil. It is a cross-sectional study conducted with 63 scholars from the first three graduation years of the Biomedicine degree at the Universidade Brasil, in Fernandópolis, São Paulo. A validated questionnaire with social and medication consumption variables was applied, followed by statistical analysis by the Mann-Whitney test. As a result, self-medication was considered an option for 59 of the participants, most of them juniors, female, aged between 18 and 20, with no previous college degree, with medical insurance and aware of possible health risks, even after access to classes or online surveys. The clinical condition preceding self-medication included mainly headache, myalgia, fever, and allergies. There was a preference for anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic medication, mainly antibiotics, and central nervous system stimulants. The habit of self-medication increases, gradually, during the graduation period, therefore is suggested the implementation of an educational campaign in the Biomedicine course curriculum to undo this cycle of chemical substance consumption

    A gestão do discurso de ódio nas plataformas de redes sociais digitais: um comparativo entre Facebook, Twitter e Youtube

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    The social stalemate over hate speech and free speech on the Internet has pushed Social Networking Sites (SNS) to intensify their content moderation policies. The management of hateful content on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube is so complex, given its multifaceted character and the large number of interactors, that executives of these companies assume the inefficiency of their resources (human and technological) in an attempt to control the scheduling, duration, diffusion, and circumspection of crimes and hate speeches. The problem has awakened the attention of governments and civil organizations, which in turn increase the pressure on the platforms to improve their editorial choices and their logistics of monitoring and removing this type of interaction. In this context, this work aims to compare the actions carried out by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in the formulation and expansion of policies and decisions on individual hateful content. For this, a historical analysis (2015-2018) of secondary data of the specific policies and community terms of each SRS was carried out in a review of the decision-making with the five topics of the commitment term that the companies assumed with the ADL - Anti-Defamation League, in 2013, in the fight against hate speech online. The results point to Facebook as the SRS that most invested in strategies to combat intolerance and incivility online, although the company did not make clear the methods used for this purpose. Overall, all platforms evolved in the operational structure of denouncing cyberhate but were inefficient in moderation, removal, and containment of cyberhate propagation.El impasse social sobre discurso de odio y libertad de expresión en Internet ha impulsado a los Sitios de Redes Sociales (SRS) a intensificar sus políticas de moderación de contenido. La gestión del contenido de odio en plataformas como Facebook, Twitter y Youtube implica un carácter multifacético y un gran número de interagentes. Además, es tan compleja que ejecutivos de estas empresas asumen la ineficiencia de sus recursos (humanos y tecnológicos) en el intento de controlar el escalonamiento, duración, difusión y circunspección de crímenes y discursos odientos. El problema ha despertado la atención de gobiernos y organizaciones civiles, que a su vez aumentan la presión sobre las plataformas con el fin de mejorar sus elecciones editoriales y su logística de monitoreo y remoción de este tipo de interacción. En este contexto, este trabajo tiene como objetivo comparar las acciones realizadas por Facebook, Twitter e Youtube en lo que se refiere a la formulación y ampliación de políticas y decisiones sobre contenido individual de odio. En ese sentido, se realizó un análisis histórico (2015-2018) de datos secundarios de las políticas y términos de comunidad específicos de cada SRS en un análisis de las tomas de decisión con los cincotópicos del término de compromiso que las empresas asumieron con ADL -Liga Anti-Difamación, en 2013, en el combate al discurso de odio online. Los resultados apuntan a Facebook como el SRS que más ha invertido en estrategias de combate a la intolerancia e incivilidad en línea, a pesar de que la empresa no deja claro los métodos empleados para tal fin. En general, todas las plataformas evolucionaron en la estructura operativa de denuncia de contenido odiante, pero se mostraron ineficientes en moderación, remoción y contención de la propagación del cyberhate.O impasse social sobre discurso de ódio e liberdade de expressão na Internet tem impulsionado os Sites de Redes Sociais (SRS) a intensificarem suas políticas de moderação de conteúdo. A gestão do conteúdo de ódio em plataformas como Facebook, Twitter e Youtube é tão complexa, haja vista seu caráter multifacetado e o grande número de interagentes, que executivos destas empresas assumem a ineficiência de seus recursos (humanos e tecnológicos) na tentativa de controlar o escalonamento, duração, difusão e circunspecção de crimes e discursos odientos. O problema tem despertado a atenção de governos e organizações civis, que por sua vez aumentam a pressão sobre as plataformas no intuito de melhorarem suas escolhas editoriais e sua logística de monitoramento e remoção deste tipo de interação. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo comparar as ações realizadas pelo Facebook, Twitter e Youtube no que tange a formulação e ampliação de políticas e decisões sobre conteúdo individual de ódio. Para isto, foi realizado uma análise histórica (2015-2018) de dados secundários das políticas e termos de comunidade específicos de cada SRS numa análise das tomadas de decisão com os cinco tópicos do termo de compromisso que as empresas assumiram com a ADL -Liga Anti-Difamação, em 2013, no combate ao discurso de ódio online. Os resultados apontam o Facebook como o SRS que mais investiu em estratégias de combate a intolerância e incivilidade online, apesar da empresa não deixar claro os métodos empregados para tal fim. De modo geral, todas as plataformas evoluíram na estrutura operacional de denúncia de conteúdo odiento, mas se mostraram ineficientes em moderação, remoção e contenção da propagação do cyberhate. &nbsp

    Teaching hospital management during the undergraduate nursing course

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    Learning takes place in the interaction between people through the teaching process, from which the academic community appropriates socially established knowledge. In nursing, teaching education is essential for nursing education, and the role of the teacher in this aspect is fundamental for teaching-learning. Identify the students\u27 expectations in relation to the discipline of hospital management, as well as the gaps found in the methodologies applied in the teaching process. The field research used a questionnaire structured by the researchers. 31 students from the last year of nursing participated in the research. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Unifunec. The data were analyzed in the Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office Word programs. Of the 31 students interviewed, 55% (17) had a basic notion of how to identify the functions of the nurse manager, 16% (5) could not identify, 16% (5) knew how to identify with some difficulty, 13% (4) easily identified. Regarding the methodologies applied, technological advances were monitored, 51% (16) considered that partially, 39% (12) considered yes, 10% (3) considered no. It was identified that the discipline of hospital management generates many expectations in the students and, at the same time, point out gaps in the construction of this knowledge. Further research is suggested to find alternatives that allow the proximity of reality to learning and in the preparation of nurses to deal with managerial functions

    Diagnostic aspects of juvenile ossificant fibroma: A case study

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    Juvenile ossifying fibroma is an uncommon, fast-growing benign neoplasm classified within the group of fibro-osseous lesions that directly affect the face and the jaws. Although it is not followed by metastasis, it usually presents a highly aggressive nature. It is histopathologically divided into two patterns: trabecular and psammomatoid. It can be differentiated through the age of the patients, anatomic location and behavior of the lesion. In this context, this paper reports on the findings of a rare pathology case: juvenile ossifying fibroma, focusing primarily on its clinical, medical imaging and histopathological features characteristics, in order to familiarize the dentist, provide correct diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment