11,993 research outputs found

    ANTICORRUPTION NATIONAL SYSTEM: Model Whistleblowers direct citizen action against corruption in Mexico

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    The phenomenon of corruption is a cancer that affects our country and that it is necessary to eradicate; This dilutes the opportunities for economic and social development, privileging the single conjunction of particular interests, political actors in non-legal agreements for their own benefit, which lead to acts of corruption. Recent studies indicate that the level of corruption present in a political system is directly related to the type of institutional structure that defines it (Boehm and Lambsdorff, 2009), as well as the ineffectiveness of the control organisms (Casar, 2015; Cárdenas, 2010, Rojas, 2010, Carbonell, 2009, Restrepo, 2004), which requires citizen action to combat corruption (Sandoval, 2010, Villanueva, 2006). This work, focuses our attention on the federal public administration, presenting as a proposal to empower the citizen action in the fight against corruption and in the National Anticorruption System; the figure of Whistleblowers or generator of citizen alert, based on two fundamental principles: i) recognizing the citizen's obligation to report acts of corruption and ii) the granting by the authority of witness protection. These two actions will result in two important results: i) Consolidate the citizen's complaint to inform society about acts of corruption and ii) and the exercise of freedom of information so that society is able to be informed about acts of corruption. These actions will allow promoting and consolidating a culture of reporting acts of corruption that may constitute a crime as a fundamental pillar in the National Anticorruption System in Mexico

    Empowerment of Indigenous Women and Social Exclusion in Combating Poverty in the State of Veracruz Mexico

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    In Mexico, the Productive Organization Program for Indigenous Women (POPMI) seeks the empowerment of productive capacities in indigenous women. Our study analyzes POPMI outreach, focusing our attention on women beneficiaries who present a high degree of social exclusion and multidimensional poverty in the State of Veracruz. In the study area, the 542 indigenous women benefited in POPMI, presented a condition of multidimensional poverty and a degree of social exclusion: very high, high and medium, they represent only 22.19% of the total beneficiaries of this program In 2010, since at the state level a total of 2,243 indigenous women were cared for. The results show that the localities where the condition of multidimensional poverty and very high, medium and high levels of social exclusion have been excluded in the coverage of POPMI

    Privatization in Colombia: A Plant Performance Analysis

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    This paper describes the privatization program carried out in the productive sector of the Colombian economy during the 1990s. It evaluates privatization within the policy context of general market deregulation and the promotion of private investment in the provision of public infrastructure and domiciliary public services. Two case studies are explored: the manufacturing and power sectors. The paper follows the ex-post measuring and econometric analysis of a set of operative and restructuring performance indicators for the privatized firms. For manufacturing, the study sample consists of 30 large manufacturing firms of which the Instituto de Fomento Industrial was the founding or supporting partner. The main findings suggest that those firms followed pro-cyclical behavior relative to their private competitors and undertook tight plant operative restructuring. For the power sector, the paper studies the impact of regulatory reform on market entry, ownership structure, market competition, and productive efficiency of the privatized holdings. The results suggest that privatization and entry competition in power generation have had a positive effect on the privatized utilities’ efficiency and investment. With respect to thermal generation, the measurement of productive efficiency follows a data envelope analysis technique based on a sample of 33 plants that account for 85% of the installed capacity. The sample units are plants that were active before the reform and new entrants that started business operations after the reform. The main outcome shows that efficiency scores have improved after the reform and that regulatory policy has had a positive effect on productive efficiency.

    Complementarity analysis of the Priority Areas Development Program and the Priority Attention Areas Program in the National Crusade Against Hunger Program in indigenous municipalities in the State of Veracruz Mexico

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    Mexico, with the commissioning of the "National Crusade Against Hunger Program" in 2013, aimed at serving the population that presents both extreme poverty and food deprivation. The article aims to analyze whether the criterion of the selection of the municipalities of the State of Veracruz incorporated in the National Crusade Against Hunger Program (PNCH) show complementarity with the efforts in the fight against poverty in the social expenditure strategy applied in the Priority Attention Zones Program (ZAP) and the Priority Areas Development Program (PDZP) and, particularly, the indigenous municipalities that have a greater degree of social exclusion. The adjustment of a binary logistic regression model is presented, in order to assess the incidence of contextual factors to interpret the scope of the strategy adopted by the federal government in the fight against poverty and hunger. As a result, it is evident that there is no continuity in the fight against poverty, since the municipalities included in the strategy Priority Areas of Attention and Program of Development of Priority Zones are not considered in the selection of municipalities incorporated in the National Program of Crusade Against Hunger, a situation that identifies the relationship between programs is not complementary

    Modern public finances as a proposal for an emerging country: The social approach in the fight against poverty in Mexico

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    In Mexico, the management of public resources has been questioned by the State, and mainly the results that the public administration at its three levels (federal, state and municipal), by the lack of transparency in the application and verification of public resources. The experience that gives us the operation of different emerging programs that focused on reducing social and economic inequality in the country, we can locate them as the first attempts in the search for a solution that is complex. Moving from the role of the benefactor and welfare state to the promoter of the regions and in the recognition of the focalization of priority attention areas, the path that has been taken is not only the beginning. Recognizing the public nature of public finances as a promoter of social development, we must understand it as the one assumed by the State through social, political and economic co-responsibility to solve poverty and marginalization of its own public policy orientation and vision of solution has been made since the eighties. From the above, we can point out some preliminary conclusions including the study of the indigenous language-speaking population with a high level of social exclusion in the methodology for the definition of multidimensional poverty in Mexico, will allow the allocation of public resources in the fight against poverty to be effective since it will make it possible to identify to the target population that is subject to social exclusion and marginalization. This invites us to a final reflection: What to do to address the just social demands of the indigenous population that is immersed in poverty, marginalization and exclusion? What to do so that they do not leave their communities, and if they have already done so, how to attend to the needs of family groups that are due to the expense of a remittance that may never arrive

    Diffusion of muonium and hydrogen in diamond

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    Jump rates of muonium and hydrogen in diamond are calculated by quantum transition-state theory, based on the path-integral centroid formalism. This technique allows us to study the influence of vibrational mode quantization on the effective free-energy barriers Delta F for impurity diffusion, which are renormalized respect to the zero-temperature classical calculation. For the transition from a tetrahedral (T) site to a bond-center (BC) position, Delta F is larger for hydrogen than for muonium, and the opposite happens for the transition from BC to T. The calculated effective barriers decrease for rising temperature, except for the muonium transition from T to BC sites. Calculated jump rates are in good agreement to available muon spin rotation data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A differential game approach to urban drainage systems control

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Urban drainage systems (UDSs) are complex large-scale systems that carry stormwater and wastewater throughout urban areas. During heavy rain scenarios, UDSs are not able to handle the amount of extra water that enters the network and flooding occurs. Usually, this might happen because the network is not being used efficiently, i.e., some structures remain underused while many others are overused. This paper proposes a control methology based on differential game theory that aims to efficiently use the existing network elements in order to minimize overflows and properly manage the water resource. The proposed controller is tested on a typical UDS and is compared with a centralized MPC achieving similar results in terms of flooding minimization and network usage, but only using local information on distributed controllers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción: Whistleblowers O El Poder De Acción Ciudadana Directa En El Combate a La Corrupción En México

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    El fenómeno de la corrupción es un cáncer que afecta a nuestro país y que es necesario erradicar; éste diluye las oportunidades de desarrollo económico y social, privilegiando la sola conjunción de intereses particulares, de actores políticos en acuerdos no legales en beneficio propio, los cuales derivan en actos de corrupción. Estudios recientes señalan que el nivel de corrupción presente en un sistema político está directamente relacionado con el tipo de estructura institucional que lo defina (Boehm y Lambsdorff, 2009), así como de la ineficacia de los organismos de control (Casar, 2015; Cárdenas, 2010; Rojas, 2010; Carbonell, 2009; Restrepo, 2004), por lo que se requiere de la acción ciudadana para combatir la corrupción (Sandoval, 2010; Villanueva, 2006). Este trabajo, centra nuestra atención en la administración pública federal, presentando como propuesta para empoderar la acción ciudadana en el combate de la corrupción y en el Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción; la figura de Whistleblowers o generador de alerta ciudadana, desde dos principios fundamentales: i) reconociendo la obligación del ciudadano de informar sobre actos de corrupción y ii) el otorgamiento por parte de la autoridad de la protección de testigos. Estas dos acciones derivarán en dos resultados importantes: i) Consolidar la denuncia ciudadana para informar a la sociedad sobre actos de corrupción y ii) y el ejercicio de la libertad de la información a fin de que la sociedad este en posibilidades de ser informada sobre actos de corrupción. Estas acciones permitirán promover y consolidar una cultura de la denuncia de actos de corrupción que pueden ser constitutivos de delito como pilar fundamental en el Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción en México