5 research outputs found

    Review of Hridroga W.S.R. to the Ischemic Heart Disease

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    Hridroga (Heart disease) is very common in present scenario due to the sedentary life style and increase psychosocial stress. The major causative factors for heart problems are cigarette smoking, tobacco chewing, alcohol consumption, junk foods and obesity. According to WHO Ischemic heart disease or Coronary artery disease is the major causes of mortality. Therefore, it is needed to explore knowledge on heart disease time to time. The main purpose of this article is to promote the awareness about the heart disease, so prevalence of such problem can be reduced by avoiding risk factors. Keywords: Hridroga, Hritshool, Heart disease, Ayurveda, IHD (Ischemic Heart Diseases)

    A Review Study on Nidan, Srotodushiti and Srotodushti Prakara

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    Srotas is unique structure of our body, innumerable and divided into two types Bahirmukhi and Antarmukhi Srotas. They are hollow, tubular and porous in nature which transports the essential nutritional elements for all the Dhatus. According to Ayurveda when Dosha, Dhatu and Mala are in the equilibrium state and Srotas also have remained in their natural state, then individual achieved good health status. The Srotas play an important role in physiology and the pathogenesis of disease because in normalcy stage, they regulate the physiology of the body and maintain the anatomical structures of Dhatus. The influences of aetiological factors on Srotas can results pathological manifestations. If Srotas get affected due to any reason then diseases may arises. Considering this fact present article exploring various aspects related to the Srotodushti Nidan and Prakara

    Effect of Chandana Bala Lakshadi Taila Abhyanga with Poshaka Laddu & Nutri Recharge Powder in Bala Shosha (Kuposhana Janya Vyadhi)

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    Introduction: In Ayurveda Bala Shosha is known as Kuposhan Janya Vyadhi and it is viewed under Malnutritional or PEM disorder. Malnutrition is a common health problem in preschool children of developing countries including in India. As per WHO poor feeding of infant and young children resulting in under nutrition is the single and most important factor for diseases. The malnourished child needs proper Ahara and Aaushadh for normal growth and protecting disease. So, we have made suitable plan to a child.   Aim: To evaluate the effect of Candana Bala Lakshadi Taila Abhyanga, Poshaka Laddu, Nurticharge Powder internally in Bala Shosha (Kuposhana Janya Vyadhi). Material & Method: The clinical study was conducted in 30 Malnourished Children pre and post evaluation without control. The Study setting Department of Koumarbhritya (Bal-Roga), Shubhdeep Ayurved Medical College, Indore M.P. This study is come under the project of Govt. of M.P. in supervision of Indore collector and funded by Govt. of M.P. Result: The effect of Nuticharge powder, Poshak Laddu & Abhyanga on child weight and M.U.A.C is statistically significant (P= 0.01). It showed that the treatment significantly increases the weight and mid under arm circumference of malnourished children. Conclusion: Here in this study a small group was taken for the study which is equated with the PEM & Kuposhana Janya Vyadhi

    Case study on Vata Kaphoulavana Pitta Hina Sannipataj Jwara w.s.r. to Covid-19 Symptomatology

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    Covid-19 is a big Pandemic disease nowadays which affected more and more people in second wave. People got affected from cities to villages. In India, the number of people affected daily in the month of April-May 2021 was 4 lakhs above and death was also around 4 thousand. At this crisis, there was a shortage in medical facilities everywhere and people were getting troubled, then apart from our hospital duty, we also did medical consultation and treat by the Ayurvedic drugs to help the people and gave medical benefits to suffered people. Ayurvedic treatment result was very impressive in few days and significantly maintained the inflammatory changes and covid like symptoms. Keeping in the mind the infection of new variant of COVID-19. The purpose of this article is highlighting the quick result of Ayurveda treatment

    Standardization of Purisha Pariksha with special reference to Jala Nimajjan Vidhi

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    Backgroud: Jala-Nimajjan Purisha Pariksha is an ancient method that has been described in all most all the Samhitas, which was done to assess the presence of Ama (undigested substance) in the stool. Ama is an important factor which is considered generally as the root cause of all the diseases. So, this technique was considered as an important tool to ascertain the presence of Ama in the stool. This is a simple method in which stool mass is dropped on water and observation is being made whether stool floats or sinks. If stool sinks, then it is associated with Ama or otherwise if it floats, then it is Nirama (digested substance). Aim: The aim of the study was to standardize the procedure of Jal-Nimajjan Purisha Pariksha. Materials and Methods: The present study is broadly divided into two parts: Part-I a pilot study for standardization of Jala-Nimajjan Purisha Pariksha in terms of physical parameters And Part-II: study on features of Jala-Nimajjan Purisha Pariksha in apparently healthy volunteers along with routine and microscopic examination of stool. Thirty apparently healthy volunteers were selected from BHU campus. Results: This study showed a significant result in correlation with textual descriptions of Ayurveda regarding Agni and Purisha Pariksha. Statistically, Chi-square test was applied to obtained data and analyzed by SPSS software version 6. Conclusion: This method is more important because it can detect the Ama before its manifestation of symptoms in the whole body. Whenever there is abnormality of Agni in the body, it has a direct effect on digestion. If Agni does not work properly, then Ama is produced in the intestine. Stool is the first excretory substance produced as a result of digestion. If any changes occur in the bowel, it will be seen first in stool and can be detected by Jala-Nimajjan Purisha Pariksha