247 research outputs found

    Anti-influenza antibody level after vaccination in north of Iran

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    Objective:Influenza is a highly transmitted disease and about 10% of the world's population is affected by this disease annually. The aim of this research was to study the variation of serum antibody levels among subjects who had already been vaccinated against influenza. Methods And Materials:This descriptive-analytical study was carried out on 196 subjects who had influenza vaccination (influvac 2005/2006) and on 200 subjects who were matched with the vaccinated subjects by their ages in Gorgan which is located in the northeast of Iran. The subject's sera were prepared seven weeks after the influenza vaccination. Their serum antibody levels were determinated by the heamaglutination inhibition test. Results:The antibody titre in 81 subjects of the vaccinated group and in 175 subjects of the control group was less then 1/40. The mean antibody titre of the vaccinated subjects and the control group was 143.4±10.89 and 18.34±3.2, respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P value=0.000). Conclusion:The findings showed that the mean titre of the antibodies in the vaccinated and control groups was statistically different. This means that the influenza vaccine has good efficacy in our population

    Anthropometric indices in individuals infected with ascaris lumbericoids in Iran

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    Context: Ascaris Lumbericoids infection is more common in children and teenagers and in areas with poor sanitation or crowded living conditions. Largest of all the parasites inhabiting the human intestine it is also the most common of parasitic infections in developing countries. It has been reported to infect about one-fourth of the world population. Chronic ascariasis has been reported to adversely effect the growth rate and anthropometric indices in infected individuals of growing age. Aims: The goal of this research was to evaluate the anthropometric indices in individuals infected with Ascaris in Hamedan province of Iran. Settings and Design: This was a descriptive cross sectional study. Methods and Material: Six hundred fourteen randomly selected individuals who were inhabitants of Hamedan province of Iran were chosen for this study. Stool samples of these individuals were collected and then experimented with Formel-Ether method to determine Ascaris Lumbericoids infection. Height and weight of these individuals were measured and compared with the indices related to NCHS. Demographic information of these individuals was entered into questionnaires and ultimately was analyzed with SPSS software. Results: Out of the total study population, 16.5% of individuals were found to be infected with Ascaris. Out of the individuals infected with Ascaris, 1% were underweight. In the age groups of 6-10, 11-15, 16-20 years, 3.5%, 5.1% and 3.5% were found to be suffering from malnutrition, respectively. Conclusion: Malabsorption in children might result in malnutrition. In this study, few individuals infected with Ascaris had malnutrition, thus Ascaris infection may not be an important cause of malnutrition among children in our area

    Frequency-dependent anti arrhythmic effects of crataegus monogyna on the extracellular field potential recordings in the rabbit atrioventricular node, an experimental model of AF

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    Introduction: Despite extensive studies that have been performed on the effects of Crataegus monogyna in cardiovascular diseases, only few investigations have addressed the antiarrhythmic properties of this plant. Aims of the present study were: 1) To determine the protective role of methanolic extract of C. monogyna on the rate-dependent model and the concealed conduction of the AV node. 2) To explore the role of Na+-K+ ATPase in the protective role of C. monogyna Methods: Male New Zealand rabbits (1.5-2kg) were used in all experiments. Stimulation protocols were used to measure basic and rate-dependent AV nodal properties (recovery, atrial fibrilation and zone of concealment) in two groups (N=14). In the first group, all the stimulation protocols were performed before and after the administration of different concentrations of C. monogyna extract (n=7), while in the second group (n=7), all stimulation protocols were carried out in the presence of ouabaine (0.05 μM) and the plant extract. Results: Basic and rate-dependent properties of the AV node were inhibited after the addition of the extract of C. monogyna to Kerebs Henselite solution. At the maximum concentration of C. monogyna (30 mg/l), WBCL cycle length was significantly increased from 156.5±3.4 to 173±5.8 ms and the nodal functional refractory period was prolonged from 164.4±4.1 to 182.7±3.8 ms (P<0.05). Significant decreases of ventricular rhythm were recorded in both selective concentrations of the plant extract. The depressant electrophysiological effect of C. monogyna on the AV node was not abolished by ouabaine, a selective inhibitor of Na+-K+ ATPase enzyme. Conclusion: The results showed a potential anti-arrhythmic and protective effect for C. monogyna. The effect of the plant extract in increasing nodal refractory period and widening of the concealment zone might be the major mechanisms involved. The protective role of C. monogyna was not related to the Na+-K+ ATPase activity

    Role of nitric oxide on the electrophysiological properties of isolated rabbit atrioventricular node by extracellular field potential during atrial fibrillation

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to determine direct effects of NO modulation on protective electrophysiological properties of atrioventricular node (AV node) in the experimental model of AF in rabbit. Methods: Isolated perfused rabbit AV nodal preparations were used in two groups. In the first group (N=7), LNAME (50μM) was applied. In the second group (N=12), different concentrations of L - argenine (250 μM - 5000 μM) were added to the solution. Programmed stimulation protocols were used to quantify AV nodal conduction time, refractoriness and zone of concealment. AF protocol was executed by software with coupling intervals (ranging from 75–125 msec). Results: L-NAME had depressive effects on basic AV nodal properties. L-Arginine (250μM) had direct inhibitory effects on nodal conduction time, Wenckebach and refractoriness. Significant increases in the number of concealed beats were induced by L-Arginine (500 μM). Number of concealed beats were increased from 700.7±33.7 to 763±21 msec (P<0.05). Trend of zone of concealment prolongation in a frequency-dependent model was abrogated by Larginine (250, 5000 μM). Conclusion: NO at low concentration (in the presence of L-NAME) had facilitatory role on AV nodal properties, but at high concentration (in the presence of L-arginine) enhanced protective role of AV node during AF. Biphasic modulatory role of NO may affect protective behavior of AV node during AF. © 2011, Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology. All rights reserved

    Protective role of cyclosporine on the model simulated the rotational nodal arrhythmia (AVNRT) by using extracellular field potential recordings of isolated atrioventricular-node of rabbit

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    Introduction: Recent studies have shown acute cardioprotective effects of cyclosporine. The aim of the present study was to determine the protective role of cyclosporine on the model simulated the rotational nodal arrhythmia (AVNRT) by using extracellular field potential recordings of isolated atrioventricular-node (AV-node) of rabbit. Methods: This study was performed on isolated double-perfused AV-node of male New Zealand rabbits (1.5-2.5 kg) in one group (n=7). Basic and rate-dependent stimulation protocols (recovery, facilitation, fatigue) and arrhythmia threshold (index of refractoriness) and % Gap incidence were measured for assessment of electrophysiological properties of the AV- node. All stimulation protocols were repeated in control step and in the presence of various cumulative concentrations of cyclosporine (0.5 - 10 μm). Results: Cyclosporine prolonged the effective refractory period from 114.3±7.9 to 142±7.3 msec at the concentration of 10 μm. It also prolonged the functional refractory period from 162±3.3 to 178.6±5 msec and increased the time of Wenckebach at the concentrations of 5 - 10 μM. Various concentrations of cyclosporine increased fatigue and reached a significant level at 10 μm. Gap incidence was 82%, 16.6% and 20% in the control and treatments with 0.5 and 10 μm of cyclosporine, respectively. Conclusion: Block of MPTP by cyclosporine caused inhibition of basic and rate-dependent properties of atrioventricular node. Cyclosporine, by raising the threshold of arrhythmia, could be possibly considered as an anti- AVNRT drug

    Efficient Strategies for Elimination of Phenolic Compounds During DNA Extraction From Roots of Pistacia Vera L.

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    Optimization of DNA extraction protocols for plant tissues and including endophytic microorganisms is a critical step of advanced plant-microbe interaction in agricultural studies. Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) root tissue contains high levels of polyphenols have been known as major extract contaminants and inhibitors of enzymatic activities during amplification. The present study aimed to develop reliable strategies to purify DNA from Pistachio root samples. Inhibiting substances were removed from DNA through a process including extraction with hot detergent contains SDS-Tris- EDTA, AlNH4(SO4)2.12H2O as chemical coagulating factor and CTAB-NaCl. Following typically organic extraction/alcohol precipitation, denaturing agarose electrophoresis performed to purify probable remain contaminants. The purified DNA was enough free of polyphenols based upon loss of color and spectral quality (260/230&gt;1.6) and efficiently amplified during polymerase chain reaction particularly in the present of GC-clamp primers. This method proved well with detection of Glomus sp. (arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi) associated with Pistacia vera L. using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)

    Responding to physical and psychological health impacts of disasters: Case study of the Iranian disaster rehabilitation plan Agir en réponse aux conséquences physiques et psychologiques des catastrophes naturelles: �tude de cas du plan de relèvement post-catastrophe en Iran

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    This paper describes the process of developing a national pre-disaster plan for physical health and psychological rehabilitation of disaster-stricken communities. Data gathered from a literature review and expert panel discussions informed the process of drawing up unified definitions of physical and psychological health rehabilitation, carrying out stakeholder and STEEP-V analyses, and assigning the responsible organization and the collaborative organizations for each task. The Ministry of Health and the Welfare Organization were selected as the two responsible organizations. Integrated management at all levels, and sharing information, education and funding, were identified as ways to improve stakeholders� participation and collaboration. A system is needed for evaluating the implementation of the disaster rehabilitation plan, using valid and reliable indicators. © 2016, World Health Organization. All rights reserved

    Dynamic age-related changes of extracellular field potential of isolated AV-node of rabbit

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    Introduction: Developmental changes in atrioventricular nodal conduction time and refractoriness have been shown in several studies. Prevalence of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) is clearly age-dependent. The purpose of this study was to determine developmental changes of basic and frequency-dependent electrophysiological properties of the atrioventricular node (AV-node) in neonatal and adult rabbits. Methods: In this study, the effects of increasing age on the basic and rate-dependent properties of isolated perfused AV-node were analyzed in neonatal (2-week-old) and adult (12-week-old) New Zealand rabbits. Specific stimulation protocols of recovery, facilitation and fatigue were separately applied in each group (n=7). Unipolar extracellular field potential was recorded by a silver electrode (100 μM). Results: The results showed that the basic nodal properties (ERP, FRP, WBCL and AHmax) were significantly shorter in neonates compared to the adult group. The magnitude of fatigue was also decreased in the neonatal group compared to control (18.9 ±3.3 vs. 11.1 ± 1.2 msec). Time constant of recovery of the adult group was significantly higher than the neonatal group (P<0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that nodal basic and frequency-dependent properties are age-related and different developmental changes of slow and fast pathways are responsible for this behavior and may reveal the grater susceptibility of AVNRT in young adults compared to infants

    The relationship between serum vitamin D level and premenstrual syndrome in Iranian women

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    Background: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is among the most unfavorable problems in women in reproductive age; however its pathophysiology is still not fully confirmed. Vitamin D as an immunomodulator could prevent inflammatory state before and during menstruation. Objective: The aim was to investigate whether there is any relationship between serum vitamin D levels and PMS. Materials and Methods: In total, 82 women participate in this case-control study which was conducted in Shahid Akbar-abadi hospital from November 2013 to March 2015. Categorization was based on an Iranian version of the premenstrual symptoms screening tool (PSST). Levels of 25 hydroxy-vitamin D3 (25OHD) were determined by using 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA kit in luteal phase. Characteristics of participants and vitamin D levels were compared between two groups by using independent sample t-test. Results: Menarche age of women with PMS was significantly lower than normal women (p=0.04). Body mass index was not statistically different between groups. We observed a high rate of vitamin D deficiency and also its severe deficiency in both PMS and non-PMS groups. However, our study demonstrated no significant difference in the levels of serum 25OHD between the two groups. Conclusion: It seems there is no association between PMS and serum levels of vitamin D3; however, the high rate of vitamin D deficiency among young Iranian women emerges special health care considerations in this group. � 2016, Research and Clinical Center for Infertitlity. All rights reserved