142 research outputs found

    Janus solutions in six-dimensional gauged supergravity

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    Motivated by an analysis of the sub-superalgebras of the five-dimensional superconformal algebra F(4)F(4), we search for the holographic duals to co-dimension one superconformal defects in 5d CFTs which have SO(4,2)⊕U(1)SO(4,2) \oplus U(1) bosonic symmetry. In particular, we look for domain wall solutions to six-dimensional F(4)F(4) gauged supergravity coupled to a single vector multiplet. It is found that supersymmetric domain wall solutions do not exist unless there is a non-trivial profile for one of the vector multiplet scalars which is charged under the gauged SU(2)SU(2) R-symmetry. This non-trivial profile breaks the SU(2)SU(2) to U(1)U(1), thus matching expectations from the superalgebra analysis. A consistent set of BPS equations is then obtained and solved numerically. While the numerical solutions are generically singular and thought to be dual to boundary CFTs, it is found that for certain fine-tuned choices of parameters regular Janus solutions may be obtained.Comment: 35 pages, pdf-latex, 9 figures. v2: minor corrections, reference adde

    Mass deformations of 5d SCFTs via holography

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    Using six-dimensional Euclidean F(4)F(4) gauged supergravity we construct a holographic renormalization group flow for a CFT on S5S^5. Numerical solutions to the BPS equations are obtained and the free energy of the theory on S5S^5 is determined holographically by calculation of the renormalized on-shell supergravity action. In the process, we deal with subtle issues such as holographic renormalization and addition of finite counterterms. We then propose a candidate field theory dual to these solutions. This tentative dual is a supersymmetry-preserving deformation of the strongly-coupled non-Lagrangian SCFT derived from the D4-D8 system in string theory. In the IR, this theory is a mass deformation of a USp(2N)USp(2N) gauge theory. A localization calculation of the free energy is performed for this IR theory, which for reasonably small values of the deformation parameter is found to match with the free energy calculated holographically.Comment: 43 pages, 8 figures, v2: references added, name of 2nd author corrected, v3: typos corrected, improvement of section

    Virtualization services: scalable methods for virtualizing multicore systems

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    Multi-core technology is bringing parallel processing capabilities from servers to laptops and even handheld devices. At the same time, platform support for system virtualization is making it easier to consolidate server and client resources, when and as needed by applications. This consolidation is achieved by dynamically mapping the virtual machines on which applications run to underlying physical machines and their processing cores. Low cost processor and I/O virtualization methods efficiently scaled to different numbers of processing cores and I/O devices are key enablers of such consolidation. This dissertation develops and evaluates new methods for scaling virtualization functionality to multi-core and future many-core systems. Specifically, it re-architects virtualization functionality to improve scalability and better exploit multi-core system resources. Results from this work include a self-virtualized I/O abstraction, which virtualizes I/O so as to flexibly use different platforms' processing and I/O resources. Flexibility affords improved performance and resource usage and most importantly, better scalability than that offered by current I/O virtualization solutions. Further, by describing system virtualization as a service provided to virtual machines and the underlying computing platform, this service can be enhanced to provide new and innovative functionality. For example, a virtual device may provide obfuscated data to guest operating systems to maintain data privacy; it could mask differences in device APIs or properties to deal with heterogeneous underlying resources; or it could control access to data based on the ``trust' properties of the guest VM. This thesis demonstrates that extended virtualization services are superior to existing operating system or user-level implementations of such functionality, for multiple reasons. First, this solution technique makes more efficient use of key performance-limiting resource in multi-core systems, which are memory and I/O bandwidth. Second, this solution technique better exploits the parallelism inherent in multi-core architectures and exhibits good scalability properties, in part because at the hypervisor level, there is greater control in precisely which and how resources are used to realize extended virtualization services. Improved control over resource usage makes it possible to provide value-added functionalities for both guest VMs and the platform. Specific instances of virtualization services described in this thesis are the network virtualization service that exploits heterogeneous processing cores, a storage virtualization service that provides location transparent access to block devices by extending the functionality provided by network virtualization service, a multimedia virtualization service that allows efficient media device sharing based on semantic information, and an object-based storage service with enhanced access control.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Schwan, Karsten; Committee Member: Ahamad, Mustaq; Committee Member: Fujimoto, Richard; Committee Member: Gavrilovska, Ada; Committee Member: Owen, Henry; Committee Member: Xenidis, Jim

    Explorations in AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    In Ayurvedic text Mandagni is the main cause of all the Roga including Amlapitta. by the increased Drava guna and Amla guna of Pachaka Pitta affecting the Annavaha, Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Purishvaha srotasa; Samana, Prana, Apana Vayu; mainly Kledaka and partially Bodhaka Kapha. Prana vayu, which having the Karma of Aadana, help the Anna to enter in the Kostha where the Anna gets disintegrated by fluids and softened by unctuous substances. Samana Vayu stimulates the Jatharagni which is situated in Amashaya and as a result proper digestion process starts. Agni performs normal functions when food is consumed in appropriate time and with appropriate and serves as promoter of longevity. Describing the Samprapti of Amlapitta Acharya Charaka says that Aamvisha, when get mixed with Pitta, the disease Amlapitta develops whereas Acharya Kashyapa described that the disease is caused by vitiation of Doshas (Tridosha) causing Mandagni which leads to Vyadhi Amlapitta. Amlapitta can be correlated with Acid Reflux Syndrome which comprises of various types of Gastro-esophageal Reflux Diseases like Gastritis, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Hyperacidity, Hypoacidity etc. Described in modern sciences. The conventional science tries to find a cure for this through PPI, Antacid therapy, etc. which often results in ill effects. Here comes the importance of herbal remedies of Ayurveda. Amrutadi kashaya show a wide range of therapeutic usages. Because of its properties like Ushanta, Tikshanta, Katu, Tikta rasa, Ushnaa veerya help in Samprapti vighatana of Amlapitta. when Amrutadi kashaya is used with Laghusutashekhara rasa then, its result increases many fold in Amlapitta. In this study 40 patients of Amlapitta were registered and 03 patient (6.66%) were got no improvement, 18 patients got mild -improvement, 19 patient were got moderate improvement, 0 patient got Marked improvement and complete cure

    Integrated Correlators in N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM via SL(2,Z)SL(2,\mathbb{Z}) Spectral Theory

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    We perform a systematic study of integrated four-point functions of half-BPS operators in four-dimensional N=4\mathcal{N}=4 super Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(N)SU(N). These observables, defined by a certain spacetime integral of ⟨O2O2OpOp⟩\langle\mathcal{O}_2\mathcal{O}_2\mathcal{O}_p\mathcal{O}_p\rangle where Op\mathcal{O}_p is a superconformal primary of charge pp, are known to be computable by supersymmetric localization, yet are non-trivial functions of the complexified gauge coupling τ\tau. We find explicit and remarkably simple results for several classes of these observables, exactly as a function of NN and τ\tau. Their physical and formal properties are greatly illuminated upon employing the SL(2,Z)SL(2,\mathbb{Z}) spectral decomposition: in this S-duality-invariant eigenbasis, the integrated correlators are fixed simply by polynomials in the spectral parameter. These polynomials are determined recursively by linear algebraic equations relating different NN and pp, such that all integrated correlators are ultimately fixed in terms of the integrated stress tensor multiplets in the SU(2)SU(2) theory. Our computations include the full matrix of integrated correlators at low values of pp, and a certain infinite class involving operators of arbitrary pp. The latter satisfy an open lattice chain equation for all NN, reminiscent of the Toda equation obeyed by extremal correlators in N=2\mathcal{N}=2 superconformal theories. We compute ensemble averages of these observables and analyze our solutions at large NN, confirming and predicting features of semiclassical AdS5 ×_5\, \times S5^5 supergravity amplitudes.Comment: 42+24 page

    M-theory on AdS4×S7AdS_4\times S^7 at 1-loop and beyond

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    We study graviton scattering on AdS4×S7AdS_4\times S^7, which is dual to the stress tensor multiplet four-point function in the maximally supersymmetric 3d U(N)1×U(N)−1U(N)_1\times U(N)_{-1} ABJM theory. We compute 1-loop corrections to this holographic correlator coming from Witten diagrams with supergravity RR and higher derivative R4R^4 vertices, up to contact term ambiguities, and find that the flat space limit matches the corresponding terms in the 11d M-theory S-matrix. We then use supersymmetric localization to show that all the 1-loop contact terms vanish, as was previously observed for the AdS4×S7/Z2AdS_4\times S^7/\mathbb{Z}_2 theory dual to U(N)2×U(N)−2U(N)_2\times U(N)_{-2} ABJM. Finally, we use the recent localization results of Gaiotto and Abajian, as inspired by twisted M-theory, to compute all the short OPE coefficients in correlators of the stress tensor multiplet and the next lowest half-BPS operator, which we find saturate the bootstrap bounds on these mixed correlators for all NN.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, sequel to arXiv:2107.1027
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