185 research outputs found

    Using the Expectation Maximization Algorithm with Heterogeneous Mixture Components for the Analysis of Spectrometry Data

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    Coupling a multi-capillary column (MCC) with an ion mobility (IM) spectrometer (IMS) opened a multitude of new application areas for gas analysis, especially in a medical context, as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath can hint at a person's state of health. To obtain a potential diagnosis from a raw MCC/IMS measurement, several computational steps are necessary, which so far have required manual interaction, e.g., human evaluation of discovered peaks. We have recently proposed an automated pipeline for this task that does not require human intervention during the analysis. Nevertheless, there is a need for improved methods for each computational step. In comparison to gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS) data, MCC/IMS data is easier and less expensive to obtain, but peaks are more diffuse and there is a higher noise level. MCC/IMS measurements can be described as samples of mixture models (i.e., of convex combinations) of two-dimensional probability distributions. So we use the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to deconvolute mixtures in order to develop methods that improve data processing in three computational steps: denoising, baseline correction and peak clustering. A common theme of these methods is that mixture components within one model are not homogeneous (e.g., all Gaussian), but of different types. Evaluation shows that the novel methods outperform the existing ones. We provide Python software implementing all three methods and make our evaluation data available at http://www.rahmannlab.de/research/ims

    Building and Documenting Workflows with Python-Based Snakemake

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    Snakemake is a novel workflow engine with a simple Python-derived workflow definition language and an optimizing execution environment. It is the first system that supports multiple named wildcards (or variables) in input and output filenames of each rule definition. It also allows to write human-readable workflows that document themselves. We have found Snakemake especially useful for building high-throughput sequencing data analysis pipelines and present examples from this area. Snakemake exemplifies a generic way to implement a domain specific language in python, without writing a full parser or introducing syntactical overhead by overloading language features

    Engineering Fused Lasso Solvers on Trees

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    The graph fused lasso optimization problem seeks, for a given input signal y=(y_i) on nodes i? V of a graph G=(V,E), a reconstructed signal x=(x_i) that is both element-wise close to y in quadratic error and also has bounded total variation (sum of absolute differences across edges), thereby favoring regionally constant solutions. An important application is denoising of spatially correlated data, especially for medical images. Currently, fused lasso solvers for general graph input reduce the problem to an iteration over a series of "one-dimensional" problems (on paths or line graphs), which can be solved in linear time. Recently, a direct fused lasso algorithm for tree graphs has been presented, but no implementation of it appears to be available. We here present a simplified exact algorithm and additionally a fast approximation scheme for trees, together with engineered implementations for both. We empirically evaluate their performance on different kinds of trees with distinct degree distributions (simulated trees; spanning trees of road networks, grid graphs of images, social networks). The exact algorithm is very efficient on trees with low node degrees, which covers many naturally arising graphs, while the approximation scheme can perform better on trees with several higher-degree nodes when limiting the desired accuracy to values that are useful in practice

    Fast Gapped k-mer Counting with Subdivided Multi-Way Bucketed Cuckoo Hash Tables

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    Motivation. In biological sequence analysis, alignment-free (also known as k-mer-based) methods are increasingly replacing mapping- and alignment-based methods for various applications. A basic step of such methods consists of building a table of all k-mers of a given set of sequences (a reference genome or a dataset of sequenced reads) and their counts. Over the past years, efficient methods and tools for k-mer counting have been developed. In a different line of work, the use of gapped k-mers has been shown to offer advantages over the use of the standard contiguous k-mers. However, no tool seems to be available that is able to count gapped k-mers with the same efficiency as contiguous k-mers. One reason is that the most efficient k-mer counters use minimizers (of a length m < k) to group k-mers into buckets, such that many consecutive k-mers are classified into the same bucket. This approach leads to cache-friendly (and hence extremely fast) algorithms, but the approach does not transfer easily to gapped k-mers. Consequently, the existing efficient k-mer counters cannot be trivially modified to count gapped k-mers with the same efficiency. Results. We present a different approach that is equally applicable to contiguous k-mers and gapped k-mers. We use multi-way bucketed Cuckoo hash tables to efficiently store (gapped) k-mers and their counts. We also describe a method to parallelize counting over multiple threads without using locks: We subdivide the hash table into independent subtables, and use a producer-consumer model, such that each thread serves one subtable. This requires designing Cuckoo hash functions with the property that all alternative locations for each k-mer are located in the same subtable. Compared to some of the fastest contiguous k-mer counters, our approach is of comparable speed, or even faster, on large datasets, and it is the only one that supports gapped k-mers

    Aligning Flowgrams to DNA Sequences

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    A read from 454 or Ion Torrent sequencers is natively represented as a flowgram, which is a sequence of pairs of a nucleotide and its (fractional) intensity. Recent work has focused on improving the accuracy of base calling (conversion of flowgrams to DNA sequences) in order to facilitate read mapping and downstream analysis of sequence variants. However, base calling always incurs a loss of information by discarding fractional intensity information. We argue that base calling can be avoided entirely by directly aligning the flowgrams to DNA sequences. We introduce an algorithm for flowgram-string alignment based on dynamic programming, but covering more cases than standard local or global sequence alignment. We also propose a scoring scheme that takes into account sequence variations (from substitutions, insertions, deletions) and sequencing errors (flow intensities contradicting the homopolymer length) separately. This allows to resolve fractional intensities, ambiguous homopolymer lengths and editing events at alignment time by choosing the most likely read sequence given both the nucleotide intensities and the reference sequence. We provide a proof-of-concept implementation and demonstrate the advantages of flowgram-string alignment compared to base-called alignments

    PanCake: A Data Structure for Pangenomes

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    We present a pangenome data structure ("PanCake") for sets of related genomes, based on bundling similar sequence regions into shared features, which are derived from genome-wide pairwise sequence alignments. We discuss the design of the data structure, basic operations on it and methods to predict core genomes and singleton regions. In contrast to many other pangenome analysis tools, like EDGAR or PGAT, PanCake is independent of gene annotations. Nevertheless, comparison of identified core and singleton regions shows good agreements. The PanCake data structure requires significantly less space than the sum of individual sequence files

    Analysis of Min-Hashing for Variant Tolerant DNA Read Mapping

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    DNA read mapping has become a ubiquitous task in bioinformatics. New technologies provide ever longer DNA reads (several thousand basepairs), although at comparatively high error rates (up to 15%), and the reference genome is increasingly not considered as a simple string over ACGT anymore, but as a complex object containing known genetic variants in the population. Conventional indexes based on exact seed matches, in particular the suffix array based FM index, struggle with these changing conditions, so other methods are being considered, and one such alternative is locality sensitive hashing. Here we examine the question whether including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a min-hashing index is beneficial. The answer depends on the population frequency of the SNP, and we analyze several models (from simple to complex) that provide precise answers to this question under various assumptions. Our results also provide sensitivity and specificity values for min-hashing based read mappers and may be used to understand dependencies between the parameters of such methods. We hope that this article will provide a theoretical foundation for a new generation of read mappers

    Fast Lightweight Accurate Xenograft Sorting

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    Motivation: With an increasing number of patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models being created and subsequently sequenced to study tumor heterogeneity and to guide therapy decisions, there is a similarly increasing need for methods to separate reads originating from the graft (human) tumor and reads originating from the host species\u27 (mouse) surrounding tissue. Two kinds of methods are in use: On the one hand, alignment-based tools require that reads are mapped and aligned (by an external mapper/aligner) to the host and graft genomes separately first; the tool itself then processes the resulting alignments and quality metrics (typically BAM files) to assign each read or read pair. On the other hand, alignment-free tools work directly on the raw read data (typically FASTQ files). Recent studies compare different approaches and tools, with varying results. Results: We show that alignment-free methods for xenograft sorting are superior concerning CPU time usage and equivalent in accuracy. We improve upon the state of the art by presenting a fast lightweight approach based on three-way bucketed quotiented Cuckoo hashing. Our hash table requires memory comparable to an FM index typically used for read alignment and less than other alignment-free approaches. It allows extremely fast lookups and uses less CPU time than other alignment-free methods and alignment-based methods at similar accuracy
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