1,503 research outputs found

    Algoritma C45 Untuk Menentukan Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa (Studi Kasus : Pps Iain Raden Intan Bandar Lampung)

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    Academic achievement of students evaluated each semester to determine learning outcomes. If the student can meet certain academic criteria to be declared worthy of continued study of the student passed the course. The high number of students in college can be maximized by Scholarship. Therefore, the number of participants who submitted many scholarships, as well as indicators of the many criteria, a system is needed that can help to determine who is entitled to receive a scholarship from the college.In this research, formulated by research question, as namely applying C.45 algorithm, which aims to select the candidates in Post Graduate Program IAIN Raden Intan Lampung to obtained the scholarship recipients with a high degree of accurance. The methodology used by the authors to determine the candidates in the Post Graduate Program IAIN Raden Intan Lampung using Algorithm stages C.45, the classification process of grantees using the five steps in the KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases), which includes several activities, namely selection, preprocess, transformation, data mining, interpretation and evaluation.The sample of the research are 40 (forty students) awardees at the Graduate Program IAIN Raden Intan Lampung and has been produced based on the calculation algorithm C.45 total of 18 (eighteen) students who do not deserve to be recipients for having a GPA <3.00, then as many as eight (8) students who do not deserve to be recipients because they have tenure <5 \ years and noncivil service workers, to produce as many as fourteen (14) students who deserve to be recipients forhaving met the criteria for scholarship recipients darisegi GPA, work and tenure predetermined

    Empowering Parents - Innovative Policies to Improve School Quality and Funding

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    The current education system in Indonesia has shown limited success. While it manages to widen participation access to allow primary students and junior secondary students to enjoy basic education, with figures reaching 99% and 94% respectively (BPS, 2015), it is the quality of education that has been of concern. With the budget size available for national education, improving the quality of education is the mandate of all parties concerned. The quality of education is below expectation as attested by a number of education quality measurement indices. There has been a significant drop in the average score in the national examination between 2015 and 2016, from 61.29 to 54.78 (Antaranews, 2016). Student performance in basic school subjects such as Mathematics and Science have also seen a decline as evidenced by research conducted by Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Studies (PIRLS), showing the national student performance lag behind that of other countries in the world. The budget allocation for education has also been under scrutiny, where there is a discrepancy between what is expected in the raising of Indonesian teacher salaries. The raise in salary does not actually correspond to a recorded improvement of teachers as suggested by De Ree J (2012). Findings from the World Bank that suggests most of the government spending on education went to teacher allowances, at 3.5billionoutofthetotaleducationspendingof3.5 billion out of the total education spending of 7 billion. One of the possibilities for this discrepancy is identified in the absence of the empowerment of students and their parents. In many of the cases observed, parents are yet to voice their concern over the management of the educational system. Schools do not usually attend to the needs and suggestions of parents, as schools understand that they need only to report to the government agencies responsible for education. On the other hand, parents in private school demonstratemore power to participate in education systems as schools usually recognize their role as significant sources of funding for the school. This paper argues that in order to improve the school management and quality of education, the system of school financing needs to change. Students, represented by their parents, should have the liberty to control their finances and choose the schools deemed relevant to their own needs. By handing the power to choose to the hands of the parents/students, they can be held accountable for their own choice of education. By attaching education financing to the parents/students, it is argued that the students will have more power to choose which schools will give them better services and it will also bring more accountability to students as the real beneficiaries of education (Shah and Braun-Munzinger, 2006; Astle, S. Bryant, and C. Hotham,2011; Sjunnesson, 2012). This system has been implemented in several places with varying degrees of success, in countries such as the United States, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Chile. There are four types school choice programs, namely school vouchers, education saving accounts (ESA), tax credit scholarship and individual tax credits and deduction. This paper will review the advantages and disadvantages of this program, by drawing on someexamples of best practice from some of the countries mentioned above. However, this paper will introduce and discuss the first two forms of school choice; school vouchers and Education Saving Account (ESA), as the tax credit scholarship and individual tax credits and deduction schemes use a tax-based approach which would be difficult to be implement in Indonesia since the Indonesian tax system is not as advanced as developed countries. As a study of school choice programs aimed at providing policy recommendations for the improvement of education performance in Indonesia, this paper will start by discussing the concept of school choice including school voucher and ESA programs and their respective benefits to the education system. The second section will discuss the implementation of school vouchers and ESA program worldwide and analyze success stories as well as the shortcomings in the implementation of both programs as a lesson learned for Indonesia. The last section will present some policy recommendations in order to provide policy frameworks that suit the implementation of school choice programs

    Low-cost private schools (A Case Study in Jakarta)

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    The existence of low-cost private schools providing accessible education to low-income families in developing countries has generated a special interest in research that measures the existence of such schools in Indonesia. Their affordable tuition fees as well as satisfying quality is arguably the better alternative for marginalized families to access formal education since government initiatives on education have limited success in providing good-quality and accessible education. This paper presents an initial study of low-cost private schools in Indonesia and covers the location, cost, and quality of some of these schools. It argues in the end that the government should encourage the creation of more low-cost private schools so that they create a competitive pressure on government schools to increase their performance and their operational efficiency. In 2015, the proportion of private schools in Jakarta reached 57.08 per cent of all of the total of 5.659 schools from primary level to secondary level. Contrary to the popular belief, not all of those private schools are exclusively for the upper middle class. Some of them even play a crucial role in providing formal education to families in impoverished areas. The low-cost private schools are considered accessible by poor parents in terms of their fees, distance, and enrollment requirements. Most of the schools charge inexpensive monthly tuition fees ranging from only Rp.30,000 to Rp.130,000 per student. Besides, the schools are located nearer to the students’ residence sparing their parents from additional transport costs and from worrying about their childrens’ safety when going to school. Enrollment requirements, such as birth certificates and minimum graduation scores for secondary schools, are less strict than in public schools and are another reason why low-cost private schools are considered accessible by Indonesian parents. Meanwhile, the average monthly operational cost per student in low-cost private schools is 34 per cent lower than in public schools within the same districts and low-cost private schools also do not provide lesser quality. Students in schools that were covered in this study had significantly better national exam scores in mathematics and only slightly lower reading skills than public schools

    The Impact of Equal Employment Opportunity-Affirmative Action in U.S. and New Economic Policy in Malaysia on Employment and Reverse Discrimination

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    Penggubalan polisi Equal Employment Opportunity-Affirmative Action (EEO-AA) bertujuan memastikan wujud keseimbangan peluang pekerjaan di antara kaum majoriti dan minoriti di Amerika Syarikat. Di Malaysia pula, Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB)diwujudkan bagi menyeimbangkan status ekonomi di antara pelbagai etnik. Kajian ini pertamanya bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauhmana EEO-AA dan DEB dapat mencapai matlamat untuk menyeimbangkan peluang pekerjaan di Amerika Syarikat dan juga status ekonomi antara etnik di Malaysia. Keduanya, untuk menganalisis sama ada EEO-AA dan DEB ini menyebabkan berlakunya “reverse discrimination”. Hasil kajian mendapati EEO-AA hanya memberi impak yang kecil kepada golongan minoriti di Amerika Syarikat. Di Malaysia pula, DEB telah berjaya meningkatkan jumlah partisipasi Bumiputera di dalam pelbagai sektor. Manakala kedua-dua polisi tidak menyebabkan berlakunya “reverse discrimination”

    Penerapan Teknologi Semantic Web Pada Ensiklopedia Alam

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    Alam merupakan segala sesuatu materi yang hidup dan materi yang bukan hidup. Dalam kata lain alam adalah lingkungan yang tanpa kegiatan manusia. Informasi mengenai alam di internet terletak terpisah satu sama lain sehingga muncul permasalahan bagaimana mencari informasi tentang alam, dan bagaimana mengklasifikasikan informasi tentang alam. Terdapat metode semantic yang dapat merangkai informasi tersebut sehingga lebih mudah untuk dimengerti. Semantic yang cocok digunakan sebagai solusi permasalahan ini adalah ontologi. Ontologi nanti akan memodelkan dan menghubungkan antara entitas alam dengan beberapa entitas lainnya seperti makhluk hidup, penggolongan makhluk hidup, dan energi. Berdasarkan pengujian, aplikasi ini mampu mencari informasi tentang alam berdasarkan entitas yang dimiliki seperti makhluk hidup, penggolongan makhluk hidup, dan energi. Ketika pengguna memasukkan kata kunci, sistem dapat melakukan klasifikasi pada alam berdasarkan informasi yang sudah dimiliki

    Tingkat Bahaya Erosi (TBE) pada Hutan dan Lahan Kakao di Desa Sejahtera, Kecamatan Palolo, Kabupaten Sigi

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    Pada umumnya erosi merupakan faktor utama yang menyebabkan kerusakan tanah. Terjadinya erosi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain erosivitas, erodibilitas, kemiringan dan panjang lereng, pengelolaan tanaman dan pengelolaan tanah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2012 dengan menggunakan metode survey secara langsung dilapangan dan dilanjutkan dengan pengambilan sampel bahan untuk analisis di Laboratorium. Kemudian hasil analisis tersebut diolah dengan menggunakan persamaan USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation). Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini yaitu batas toleransi pada hutan 1 dan hutan 2 adalah 29,80 dan 30,60 ton/ha/thn, sedangkan lahan kakao berkisar antara 24,55-34,10 ton/ha/thn. Pada penelitian ini tingkat bahaya erosi hutan 1 dan hutan 2 tergolong rendah (R) yaitu 0,09 dan 0,08. Sedangkan tingkat bahaya erosi pada lahan kakao tertinggi terdapat pada lahan kakao 2c yaitu 18,68 dan tingkat bahaya erosi pada lahan kakao terendah terdapat pada lahan kakao 1b yaitu 3,70

    Ultraviolet Raman Spectroscopy of Single and Multi-layer Graphene

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    We investigated Raman spectra of single-layer and multi-layer graphene under ultraviolet laser excitation at the wavelength of 325 nm. It was found that while the G peak of graphene remains pronounced in UV Raman spectra, the 2D band intensity undergoes severe quenching. The evolution of the ratio of the intensities of the G and 2D peaks, I(G)/I(2D), as the number of graphene layers n changes from n=1 to n=5, is different in UV Raman spectra from that in conventional visible Raman spectra excited at the 488 nm and 633 nm wavelengths. The 2D band under UV excitation shifts to larger wave numbers and is found near 2825 1/cm. The observed UV Raman features of graphene were explained by invoking the resonant scattering model. The obtained results contribute to the Raman nanometrology of graphene by providing an additional metric for determining the number of graphene layers and assessing its quality.Comment: 18 pages; 5 figures; submitted for publication on February 20, 200

    CAPBLAT Development and Testing: Computer-Assisted Assessment Tool for Problem Based Learning

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    Recent years, Computer-Assisted Assessment (CAA) has become increasingly important in education. This is indicated by many researches that focused on the development of computer-based assessment tool to help assess performances of students from various disciplines. This study contributes to education area with the research on the development of innovative computer-based tool for Problem-Based Learning (PBL) assessment. A web-based assessment tool, named CAPBLAT, has been developed. The tool incorporates some methods of PBL assessment process which framed within “Problem-Based Learning Assessment Framework”. The tool has been created for evaluating students' achievements on the PBL approach. This paper presents the development and user acceptance test of the CAPBLAT. The study utilizes the tool within two PBL classes as a medium for testing in the duration of one semester. A total of forty students participated in the testing of the tool. During the study, questionnaires were administered to students. The results concerning the assessment tool acceptance demonstrate that students showed positive feedback and accepted the USAge of CAPBLAT for the PBL assessment process. It is also proved that the use of CAA in PBL gives advantages for both of lecturers and students by providing them with detailed formative feedback on their learning achievements compared to conventional assessment. It also reduces lecturer's tedious load by automating parts of the task of marking students' work

    Memberdayakan Orang Tua - Kebijakan Inovatif untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas dan Pendanaan Sekolah

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    Sistem pendidikan terkini di Indonesia dinilai kurang sukses. Meskipun sistem ini berhasil memberikan akses bagi siswa sekolah dasar (SD) dan sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) untuk menikmati pendidikan dasar, yaitu mencapai 99% siswa SD dan 94% siswa SMP (BPS, 2015), kualitas pendidikan yang diberikan masih menjadi tantangan utama. Dengan begitu besarnya dana yang tersedia untuk pendidikan nasional, peningkatan kualitas pendidikan sudah seharusnya menjadi mandat bagi semua pihak yang terlibat. Rendahnya kualitas pendidikan telah dibuktikan melalui sejumlah indeks pengukuran mutu pendidikan. Nilai rata-rata dalam Ujian Nasional antara tahun 2015 dan 2016 mengalami penurunan yang signifikan, dari 61.29 ke 54.78 (Antaranews, 2016). Kemampuan siswa dalam mata pelajaran umum di sekolah seperti matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam juga mengalami penurunan. Hal ini dibuktikan melalui riset yang dilakukan oleh Trends in Internasional Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) dan Progress in Internasional Reading Literacy Studies (PIRLS) yang menunjukkan bahwa performa siswa Indonesia tertinggal jauh di belakang performa siswa negara-negara lain. Alokasi dana untuk pendidikan juga tidak luput dari perhatian karena adanya kesenjangan antara apa yang diharapkan dari kenaikan gaji guru di Indonesia. Kenaikan gaji guru dilihat tidak sejalan dengan peningkatan kualitas siswa yang terukur, seperti yang disebutkan oleh De Ree J (2012), walaupun hasil temuan Bank Dunia menyatakan bahwa kebanyakan alokasi dana pemerintah untuk pendidikan dihabiskan untuk gaji guru yaitu sebesar 3.5milyardaritotal3.5 milyar dari total 7 milyar. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya kesenjangan ini adalah tidak adanya pemberdayaan siswa dan orang tua. Pada banyak kasus yang sudah diteliti, orang tua tidak menyuarakan kepedulian mereka tentang manajemen sistem pendidikan. Sekolah biasanya tidak mengakomodasi kebutuhan dan saran dari orang tua karena dalam pemahaman mereka sekolah hanya wajib bertanggungjawab pada institusi pemerintah yang menangani pendidikan. Di sisi lain, orang tua di sekolah swasta menunjukkan kendali yang lebih besar untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam sistem pendidikan. Pihak sekolah swasta biasanya menempatkan peran penting orangtua sebagai sumber keuangan sekolah. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa harus ada perubahan dalam sistem keuangan sekolah untuk meningkatkan manajemen sekolah dan kualitas pendidikan. Siswa, yang diwakili oleh orang tua, harus memiliki kebebasan untuk mengontrol pembiayaan keuangan siswa dan memilih sekolah yang mereka anggap sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Dengan memberikan kuasa untuk memilih ke tangan orang tua/ siswa, mereka dapat bertanggungjawab atas pilihan mereka akan pendidikan. Dengan melekatkan anggaran pendidikan ke siswa, dapat dikatakan bahwa siswa akan memiliki lebih banyak kuasa untuk memilih sekolah mana yang akan memberikan mereka pelayanan yang lebih baik dan hal ini pun akan memberikan rasa tanggung jawab bagi siswa yang merupakan penerima nyata pendidikan. (Shah dan Braun-Munzinger, 2006; Astle, S. Bryant, and C. Hotham, 2011; Sjunnesson, 2012). Sistem ini sebetulnya sudah diterapkan di beberapa tempat dengan tingkat kesuksesan yang berbeda-beda di negara Amerika Serikat, Swedia, Belanda dan Chili. Ada empat jenis program sekolah yaitu kupon sekolah, tabungan pendidikan (Education Saving Account – ESA), beasiswa kredit pajak, serta kredit dan pengurangan pajak perorangan. Makalah ini akan menelaah manfaat dan kekurangan dari program ini dengan mengambil beberapa contoh praktik terbaik dari beberapa negara yang disebutkan di atas. Akan tetapi, makalah ini akan mengenalkan dan membahas dua bentuk pertama sekolah pilihan yaitu kupon sekolah dan Tabungan pendidikan (ESA) karena dua program lain yang menggunakan pendekatan berbasis pajak sulit untuk diterapkan di Indonesia. Sistem pajak di Indonesia belum setara dengan negara-negara maju. Sebagai suatu kajian program sekolah pilihan yang ditujukan untuk memberikan rekomendasi kebijakan demi meningkatkan performa pendidikan di Indonesia, makalah ini akan diawali dengan diskusi tentang konsep pilihan sekolah termasuk konsep kupon sekolah, program Tabungan Pendidikan dan manfaatnya bagi sistem pendidikan. Bagian kedua akan membahas penerapan kupon sekolah dan program Tabungan Pendidikan di dunia, menganalisis kisah sukses dan juga kekurangan dari penerapan kedua program ini sebagai pembelajaran yang bisa dipetik oleh Indonesia. Bagian terakhir akan memberikan beberapa rekomendasi kebijakan untuk menyediakan kerangka kebijakan yang sesuai dengan penerapan program pilihan sekolah
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