14 research outputs found

    Alternative Splicing Regulation of Cancer-Related Pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Alternative splicing allows for the generation of protein diversity and fine-tunes gene expression. Several model systems have been used for the in vivo study of alternative splicing. Here we review the use of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to study splicing regulation in vivo. Recent studies have shown that close to 25% of genes in the worm genome undergo alternative splicing. A big proportion of these events are functional, conserved, and under strict regulation either across development or other conditions. Several techniques like genome-wide RNAi screens and bichromatic reporters are available for the study of alternative splicing in worms. In this review, we focus, first, on the main studies that have been performed to dissect alternative splicing in this system and later on examples from genes that have human homologs that are implicated in cancer. The significant advancement towards understanding the regulation of alternative splicing and cancer that the C. elegans system has offered is discussed

    The mIAA7 degron improves auxin-mediated degradation in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Auxin-inducible degradation is a powerful tool for the targeted degradation of proteins with spatiotemporal control. One limitation of the auxin-inducible degradation system is that not all proteins are degraded efficiently. Here, we demonstrate that an alternative degron sequence, termed mIAA7, improves the efficiency of degradation in Caenorhabditis elegans, as previously reported in human cells. We tested the depletion of a series of proteins with various subcellular localizations in different tissue types and found that the use of the mIAA7 degron resulted in faster depletion kinetics for 5 out of 6 proteins tested. The exception was the nuclear protein HIS-72, which was depleted with similar efficiency as with the conventional AID∗ degron sequence. The mIAA7 degron also increased the leaky degradation for 2 of the tested proteins. To overcome this problem, we combined the mIAA7 degron with the C. elegans AID2 system, which resulted in complete protein depletion without detectable leaky degradation. Finally, we show that the degradation of ERM-1, a highly stable protein that is challenging to deplete, could be improved further by using multiple mIAA7 degrons. Taken together, the mIAA7 degron further increases the power and applicability of the auxin-inducible degradation system. To facilitate the generation of mIAA7-tagged proteins using CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering, we generated a toolkit of plasmids for the generation of dsDNA repair templates by PCR

    Alternative Splicing of Transcript Isoforms in the Nematode Worm C. elegans

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    Alternative splicing is a form of pre-mRNA processing that modifies gene expression through selective and differential inclusion of genetic material in the mature messenger RNA. This process is dependent upon accurate selection of splice sites in the primary transcript. Site selection has been shown to be differentially regulated between organisms as well as throughout development of tissues within a single organism. In C. elegans, we have uncovered over 200 examples of tissue-specific regulation of a class of alternative 3’ splice sites, those found within 18 nucleotides of each other. While germline cells prefer to splice at the 3’ splice site closest to the 5’ end of the intron, somatic cells tend to splice at the site further from the 5’ end. These splicing patterns are conserved in the related nematode species C. briggsae. Normal cis-regulatory features of alternative splice sites are either overlapping in these adjacent sites or are undetermined. Branchpoint selection does not correlate with 3’ splice sites chosen in these cases, but total intron length is correlated with upstream 3’ splice site usage in the germline, likely due to spatial restrictions on the spliceosome. We also provide evidence that use of the upstream site in somatic cells is correlated with enrichment for pyrimidines at the upstream site and decreased enrichment at the downstream site, a change we do not see for 3’ splice sites that are preferred in the germline. We propose several models to explain this regulation: 1) Differential expression of spliceosome-associated factors in the germline; 2) The spliceosome scans downstream sequences for the first appropriate 3’ splice site environment it can detect; 3) Fidelity of splice site choice is relaxed allowing for deviation of site choice from the strictly-regulated somatic splicing pattern

    Coordinated tissue-specific regulation of adjacent alternative 3' splice sites in C. elegans

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    Adjacent alternative 3' splice sites, those separated by =18 nucleotides, provide a unique problem in the study of alternative splicing regulation; there is overlap of the cis-elements that define the adjacent sites. Identification of the intron's 3' end depends upon sequence elements that define the branchpoint, polypyrimidine tract, and terminal AG dinucleotide. Starting with RNA-seq data from germline-enriched and somatic cell-enriched Caenorhabditis elegans samples, we identify hundreds of introns with adjacent alternative 3' splice sites. We identify 203 events that undergo tissue-specific alternative splicing. For these, the regulation is monodirectional, with somatic cells preferring to splice at the distal 3' splice site (furthest from the 5' end of the intron) and germline cells showing a distinct shift toward usage of the adjacent proximal 3' splice site (closer to the 5' end of the intron). Splicing patterns in somatic cells follow C. elegans consensus rules of 3' splice site definition; a short stretch of pyrimidines preceding an AG dinucleotide. Splicing in germline cells occurs at proximal 3' splice sites that lack a preceding polypyrimidine tract, and in three instances the germline-specific site lacks the AG dinucleotide. We provide evidence that use of germline-specific proximal 3' splice sites is conserved across Caenorhabditis species. We propose that there are differences between germline and somatic cells in the way that the basal splicing machinery functions to determine the intron terminus

    The mIAA7 degron improves auxin-mediated degradation in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Auxin-inducible degradation is a powerful tool for the targeted degradation of proteins with spatiotemporal control. One limitation of the auxin-inducible degradation system is that not all proteins are degraded efficiently. Here, we demonstrate that an alternative degron sequence, termed mIAA7, improves the efficiency of degradation in Caenorhabditis elegans, as previously reported in human cells. We tested the depletion of a series of proteins with various subcellular localizations in different tissue types and found that the use of the mIAA7 degron resulted in faster depletion kinetics for 5 out of 6 proteins tested. The exception was the nuclear protein HIS-72, which was depleted with similar efficiency as with the conventional AID∗ degron sequence. The mIAA7 degron also increased the leaky degradation for 2 of the tested proteins. To overcome this problem, we combined the mIAA7 degron with the C. elegans AID2 system, which resulted in complete protein depletion without detectable leaky degradation. Finally, we show that the degradation of ERM-1, a highly stable protein that is challenging to deplete, could be improved further by using multiple mIAA7 degrons. Taken together, the mIAA7 degron further increases the power and applicability of the auxin-inducible degradation system. To facilitate the generation of mIAA7-tagged proteins using CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering, we generated a toolkit of plasmids for the generation of dsDNA repair templates by PCR

    NHR-23 and SPE-44 regulate distinct sets of genes during Caenorhabditis elegans spermatogenesis

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    Spermatogenesis is the process through which mature male gametes are formed and is necessary for the transmission of genetic information. While much work has established how sperm fate is promoted and maintained, less is known about how the sperm morphogenesis program is executed. We previously identified a novel role for the nuclear hormone receptor transcription factor, NHR-23, in promoting Caenorhabditis elegans spermatogenesis. The depletion of NHR-23 along with SPE-44, another transcription factor that promotes spermatogenesis, caused additive phenotypes. Through RNA-seq, we determined that NHR-23 and SPE-44 regulate distinct sets of genes. The depletion of both NHR-23 and SPE-44 produced yet another set of differentially regulated genes. NHR-23-regulated genes are enriched in phosphatases, consistent with the switch from genome quiescence to post-translational regulation in spermatids. In the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum, MFP1 and MFP2 control the polymerization of Major Sperm Protein, the molecule that drives sperm motility and serves as a signal to promote ovulation. NHR-23 and SPE-44 regulate several MFP2 paralogs, and NHR-23 depletion from the male germline caused defective localization of MSD/MFP1 and NSPH-2/MFP2. Although NHR-23 and SPE-44 do not transcriptionally regulate the casein kinase gene spe-6, a key regulator of sperm development, SPE-6 protein is lost following NHR-23+SPE-44 depletion. Together, these experiments provide the first mechanistic insight into how NHR-23 promotes spermatogenesis and an entry point to understanding the synthetic genetic interaction between nhr-23 and spe-44