12 research outputs found

    KERAGAMAN GEN FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE (FSH|TasI) EXON 2 PADA SAPI PESISIR: Diversity of the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH|TasI) Exon 2 Gene in Coastal Cattle

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman Gen Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH|TasI) exon 2 pada sapi Pesisir. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan 2 Juli sampai 21 September 2020 di Laboratorium Bioteknologi Ternak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksplorasi. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 78 sampel darah Sapi Pesisir (13 jantan dan 65 betina) yang diambil di Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul Hijauan Pakan Ternak (BPTUHPT) Padang Mengatas, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. Sampel darah diisolasi menggunakan protokol genomic DNA Purification Kit dari Promega. DNA hasil isolasi kemudian di amplifikasi menggunakan sepasang primer Forward: 5-’TCTCAGTTTTCTACAAGCCTT-3’ dan Reverse 5’-GGGAATCAATGAAGCCTGCC-3’ yang menghasilkan fragmen gen FSH ekson 2 sepanjang 271 bp. Produk amplifikasi direstriksi menggunakan enzim TasI yang mengenali situs pemotongan (AA↓TT). Hasil Penggenotipan gen FSH menggunakan enzim TasI pada sapi Pesisir ditemukan dua macam genotip yaitu 44 individu (8 jantan dan 36 betina) bergenotip homozigot tidak terpotong (-/-) dan 32 individu (5 jantan dan 27 betina) bergenotip heterezigot (+/-). Berdasarkan dari hasil analisis data, diperoleh dua macam genotip yaitu heterozigot (+/-) sebesar 0,38 dan homozigot tidak terpotong (-/-) sebesar 0,62 dengan frekuensi alel (+) sebesar 0,19 dan alel (-) sebesar 0,81 untuk sapi jantan dan heterozigot (+/-) sebesar 0,43 dan homozigot tidak terpotong (-/-) sebesar 0,57 dengan frekuensi alel (+) sebesar 0,21 dan alel (-) sebesar 0,79 untuk sapi betina. Dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa gen FSH pada populasi Sapi Pesisir yang diteliti bersifat polimorfik dan berada dalam keseimbangan Hardy-Weinberg. Kata kunci: Gen FSH, Sapi Pesisir, Enzim Tas

    Polymorphism of Prolactin Gene (PRL/PstI) In Sikumbang Jonti Duck Using PCR-RFLP Methods

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    This study is aimed to determine polymorphism of the Prolactin gene (PRL|PstI) in Sikumbang Jonti ducks using PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction–Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) method. This study used 56 Sikumbang Jonti ducks whose blood samples were taken. Gene amplification used a pair of primers forward 5' TGC AAA CCA TAA AAG AAA AGA 3' and reverse 5' CAA TGA AAA GTG GCA AAG CAA 3', which resulted in a 400 bp fragment in exon 5 of the Prolactin (PRL) gene. The amplification product was restricted using the PstI enzyme, which recognizes the truncation site (5' G↓ACGTC 3'). From 56 samples of Sikumbang Jonti ducks identified, just one genotype was found, homozygous (-/-) with only one allele (-). Analysis of the restriction product in Sikumbang Jonti ducks obtained a uniform genetic variation of PRL|PstI (monomorphic) with an allele frequency (-) of 100%

    Polymorphism of Sikumbang Jonti ducks Growth Hormone (GH) Gene using PCR-RFLP Methods

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    This research aimed to identify polymorphism of the GH gene in Sikumbang Jonti ducks using the PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) method as a candidate for genetic marker selection. This research used 123 blood samples of male and female Sikumbang Jonti ducks. The ducks were eight weeks old and kept intensively at the UPT Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Andalas. Blood samples of Sikumbang Jonti ducks were taken through the brachial vein as much as ± 2 mL. The Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega) protocol isolated DNA from blood samples. A pair of primers F amplified the total DNA: 5'-GGA CAG CCT GAG GAA AGA GT-3 'and R: 5'-GTG GAA GGT GGG GAG ACT TC-3', which produced a fragment region of the GH gene exon 3 with a cut region of part intron two and part intron 3 with a primary length of 833 bp. The amplified product was restricted by the enzyme TasI which recognizes the cutting site (↓AATT). Based on the restriction results, two (2) genotypes were obtained, namely homozygous (-/-) as many as four (4) and homozygous (+/+) as many as 119. The analysis of restriction products included the allele frequency, namely the allele (+) of 0.98 and the allele (-) of 0.02, and genotypes frequency of homozygous (-/-) of 0.03 and homozygous genotypes (+/+) of 0.97. The diversity of the GH gene is in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there is diversity in the GH gene of the Sikumbang Jonti duck, and it is in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, so it can be used as a candidate for the genetic marker of ducks


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    Fajar Baru Farmer Group is also faced with the problem of less effective and efficient maintenance management, namely feeding that does not meet the needs and nutritional balance. It is necessary to carry out feeding management that suits the needs and nutritional balance of livestock. This is to create an independent and sustainable Fajar Baru Farmer Group in the cultivation of superior seeds in South Lampung. This community service activity uses two methods, namely presentation and demonstration. The community service was held on Saturday, August 5, 2023, at the Fajar Baru Village Livestock Group Chairman's house at 10.00 WIB until completion which was attended by 33 Fajar Baru Village farmers. First, the speaker gave a presentation on the nutritional needs of goats and sheep, what substances and nutrients are needed by goats and sheep during life and breeding, what feeds can be used, and what alternative feeds can be developed at the service location. Furthermore, a demonstration of making ammoniation of rice straw waste which is widely available at the service location was carried out. The service activity went smoothly and received a good response with a request to return to conduct counseling there.  Keywords: Ammoniation, Goat, Lampung, Sheep, Urea


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    One of the potentials owned by Desa Fajar Baru, Jati Agung Regency is livestock, especially goats. However, the excesses caused by farm animals, especially dirt, have a huge impact on health and the environment. In addition, people's habit in processing the manure to be used as compost is less optimal so that agricultural products often do not have maximum impact. Currently, during the Covid-19 pandemic that occurred all over the world, caused an economic recession and decreased income of farming families. With the activities of the training program of making fertilizer from goat manure this gives a new passion impact to farmers. This simple, effective and efficient method of making compost is a new knowledge and experience for farmers in Desa Fajar Baru. This fertilizer is made by adding some materials available in nature easily and cheaply, but provides effective results, both in terms of manufacture, process and use and relatively very short use. Thus, this training provides a new hope for farmers to abandon the old way and provide solutions to the outbound economy and have a positive impact on the environment.  Keywords: fertilizer, compost, goat manure, Fajar Baru, Community Servic


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    Dalam usaha peternakan kambing dan sapi yang dilakukan di kelompok ternak Kelompok Tani Fajar Baru saat ini permasalahan utama adalah kebutuhan nutrisi pakan dan kualitas bahan pakan ternak kambing dan sapi. Manfaat dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu meningkatkan pendapatan peternak melalui peningkatan kualitas budidaya dengan pemberian pakan yang cukup dan asupan mineral yang sesuai kebutuhan. Kegiatan pengabdian berupa penyuluhan dan diskusi dengan anggota kelompok ternak melalui penggunaan mineral organik untuk ternak ruminansia (Kambing dan Sapi) untuk mendapatkan nilai lebih bagi perekonomian keluarga. Evaluasi dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahap yaitu evaluasi awal, evaluasi proses dan evaluasi akhir atas kegiatan yang dilaksanakan. Kegiatan pengabdian memberikan manfaat yang luar biasa terhadap pengetahuan dan kemampuan peternak tentang pembuatan dan penggunaan mineral organik untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ternak ruminansia (Kambing dan Sapi). Tingkat pengetahuan peternak sebelum pelaksanaan adalah 50,78% kemudian meningkat menjadi 88,11% setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan oleh tim membawa perubahan yang sangat baik terhadap kualitas pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kelompok ternak mengenai pembuatan dan pemberian mineral organik yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan daging sapi dan kambing yang dipelihara kelompok Ternak Desa Pajar Baru, Jati Agung, Lampung Selatan

    Effect of Using Fermented Moringa Leaf Flour (Moringa oleifera) in Diets on Broiler Fat Deposition

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    This study aims to evaluate the effect of using fermented Moringa oleifera leaf flour in the diet on broiler fat deposition (percentage of neck fat, heart fat, proventriculus fat, gizzard fat, abdominal fat, and sartorial fat). The research was conducted from 20 August to 25 September 2021 at the Commercial Zone and Animal Laboratory (CZAL) of the Animal Husbandry Department and the Animal Husbandry Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Bengkulu University. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments, five replications, and each replication consisting of 8 chickens. The variables observed were the percentage of abdominal fat, sartorial fat, gizzard fat, heart fat, proventriculus fat, and neck fat. The results showed that the treatment had no significant effect (P>0.05) on gizzard fat, heart fat, and neck fat but had a significant effect (P<0.05) on abdominal fat, sartorial fat, and proventriculus fat. The percentage of gizzard fat ranges from 0.263% - 0.320%, heart fat ranges from 0.026% - 0.036%, neck fat ranges from 0.020% - 0.031%, abdominal fat ranges from 0.334% - 0.441%, sartorial fat ranges from 0.163% - 0.217%, and proventriculus fat ranges from 0.024%. % - 0.038%. It was concluded that using fermented Moringa oleifera leaf flour up to a level of 15% could not reduce gizzard fat, heart fat, and neck fat in broilers. Still, it improved abdominal fat, sartorial fat, and proventriculus fat

    Penggunaan Lumpur Sawit Fermentasi dengan Neurospora SP dan Suplementasi Ekstrak Daun Katuk (Sauropus Androgynus) terhadap Performa Ayam Ras Petelur di Desa Srikaton

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan lumpur sawit yang telah difermentasi dengan Neurospora sp dan ekstrak daun katuk (Sauropus androgynus) terhadap performa produksi ayam ras petelur. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 3 Juni sampai dengan 5 Juli 2014 di peternakan ayam ras petelur, Desa Srikaton, Kecamatan Pondok Kelapa, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah, Provinsi Bengkulu, menggunakan 60 ekor ayam berumur 9 bulan yang terbagi dalam 2 perlakuan dengan 30 sampel yang ditempatkan pada kandang baterai individual (individual cage). Perlakuan terdiri dari P1 (ransum dengan 15% LSF + 0,6% EDK) dan P2 (ransum peternak). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan LSF dan EDK menurunkan konsumsi ransum, meningkatkan persentase produksi telur (%), meningkatkan produksi telur (butir), meningkatkan produksi telur/produksi massa (gram), dan meningkatkan nilai konversi ransum (P<0,05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan lumpur sawit fermentasi pada taraf 15% dan ekstrak daun katuk (Sauropus androgynus) pada taraf 0,6% dalam ransum tidak meningkatkan konsumsi ransum, tetapi dapat meningkatkan produksi telur dan memperbaiki konversi ransum ayam ras petelur


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    This study aims to identify the quantitative and qualitative performance of native chickens in The Mother breeding farm. This study used 50 male native chickens and 50 female native chickens aged 7 months. Variables observed included body hair pattern color, comb shape, comb color, shank color, eye color, beak color, body weight, chest circumference, shank length, shank circumference, body length, pubic bone length to chest, pubic bone distance and length wing span. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the body color of the male is Columbian (100%), while the female is solid black (62%), columbian (22%) and speckled or dotted (16%). The male cockscomb is pea (86%) and single (14%), while the female is pea (70%), walnut (20%) and single (10%). The color of the male comb is red (100%), while the female is red (98%) and black (2%). The shank color of males is yellow (74%), black (14%) and white (12%), females are black (74%), white (16%) and yellow (10%). Male eye color is orange (76%) and yellow (24%), while females are orange (66%), yellow (20%) and brown (14%). The color of the male's beak is yellow (54%), black and yellow (38%) and white (8%), while the female's beak is black and yellow (82%), yellow (10%) and white (8%). The results of the quantitative characteristics of the study showed that the male body weight was 2.22 ± 2.02 kg and the female was 1.71 ± 0.25 kg, the male chest circumference was 33.9 ± 3.68 cm and the female was 30.67 ± 2.08 cm, the length male shank 9.61 ± 0.89 cm and female 27 ± 0.59 cm, male shank circumference 5.52 ± 0.65 cm and female 4.4 ± 0.5 cm, male body length 20.27 ± 1.17 cm and female 20.40 ± 2.27 cm, the length of the pubic bone to the chest of the female is 7.87 ± 1.06 cm, the distance between the pubic bones is 2.8 ± 0.49 cm, the length of the male wing span is 23.28 ±2.18 cm and females 16.61±2.44 cm. The conclusion of this study is that the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of free-range chickens on The Mother farm are diverse and selection can be made. Keywords: Domestication chicken, Selection, Quality breeds, Lampung Provinc


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    Margo Lestari Village is a village with potential as a laying hen farming center. This can be seen from the people who raise laying hens. However, the high egg production in the village is not matched by egg sales or marketing. This results in the production of eggs that can rot before being utilized or consumed because eggs have a fairly short shelf life. Thus, it is hoped that this service activity can increase the income of farmers through improving the quality of salted egg products from laying hen eggs in Margo Lestari Village. This counseling activity uses the lecture method and question and answer section. Extension activities were carried out on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 09.00 to 12.30 WIB at the Margo Lestari Village Hall, Jati Agung District, South Lampung Regency. The socialization was attended by 20 people, most of whom were breeders. After carrying out community service activities, it can be concluded that there are several things obtained by farmers as participants, namely increasing knowledge related to processing poultry farm products into salted eggs to increase the selling price and shelf life of production eggs in an effort to increase the economic value of farmers. Keywords: Processed Livestock Products, Economic Value, Egg Storabilit