7 research outputs found

    Binary scoring of heterostyly, 124 taxa dataset

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    Contains scoring (heterostyly, homostyly) of breeding system for the 124 taxa of the Primula clad

    Primula phylogeny, 124 taxa chronogram

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    Contains the phylogenetic tree for the 124 taxa of the Primula clade, obtained by pruning branches from the 265 taxon tree

    Primulaceae phylogeny 265 taxa chronogram

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    Contains maximum clade credibility tree with median node heights of 265 Primulaceae taxa, based on a 3 locus cpDNA dataset. Branchlengths in absolute time (MY), estimated using the UCLN clock model in BEAST. Tree is taken from the study of De Vos JM, Hughes C, Schneeweiss GM, Moore BR, Conti E. Heterostyly accelerates diversification via reduced extinction in Darwin’s primroses. Submitted manuscript. TreeBASE reference TB2:S1482