14 research outputs found

    Long-Term Provisions as a Security Mechanism Due to a Lack of Quality

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    Modern business conditions have decisively been indicating that quality is the basis of the competitiveness of a company. A lack of quality creates dissatisfaction and affects customer loyalty. Lately, there has been a tendency of the growth of non-quality costs, which is a consequence of a lack of the quality of the products delivered. Although numerous studies suggest models for calculating non-qualitative costs, no relevant mechanism has been found yet to manage these costs. In this study, the authors attempted to find a link between long-term provisions and the external failure cost since this relation has not received other researchers’ attention so far, as it deserves. The aim of the research is to point out the importance of long-term provisions as relevant instruments to control external failure costs. Different surveys have confirmed the initial assumption and showed that long-term provisions are effective instruments for managing the costs of external failure. A positive, statistically significant correlation between long-term provisions and the net profit of a company was also identified among the first 100 enterprises from the list of the most successful enterprises in the Republic of Serbia in 2017

    Possible role of TGF-B pathways in schizophrenia

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    © 2016, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All Rights Reserved. The phenomenological uniqueness of each patient with schizophrenia is determined by complex symptomatology, particularly the overlapping of symptoms and their prominence in certain phases of this mental disorder. Establishing biological markers is an important step in the further objectivisation and quantification of schizophrenia. Identifying the cytokine profiles that precede a psychotic episode could direct the strategies for relapse prevention and be useful in predicting disease progression and treatment response. In the context of inflammation, TGF-β exerts potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive functions by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis, but it can also have pro-inflammatory functions through its stimulatory effects on inflammatory 17 cells. It has been shown that the T helper cell type-1 and type-17 responses are reduced and type-2 response is increased in patients with schizophrenia. Both data from the literature and our results also indicate the presence of an anti-inflammatory response through production of the TGF-β regulatory cytokine. A meta-analysis of plasma cytokine alterations suggested that TGF-β is the state marker for acute exacerbation of schizophrenia, and we showed that TGF-β can also be a valuable marker for psychosis. Hyperactivity of TGF-β signalling pathways in schizophrenia may be both a neuroprotective mechanism and a possible therapeutic target

    Mogućnosti primene zrna hibrida kukuruza u proizvodnji hrane za ljude i životinje

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    The paper examined the suitability of maize hybrids kernels and dried distillers grains (DDGS), the by-product from the production of bioethanol, as a raw material for the production of food and feed. The dry matter digestibility of of maize kernels determined by enzymatic in vitro method was higher than the digestibility of DDGS. As a high-quality raw materials for the production of food, all investigated hybrids showed good quality. All DDGS samples showed favorable characteristics regarding the chemical composition, content of lignocellulosic fibers and energy. Increased content of NDF and ADF in comparison to maize kernel can have a positive impact on ruminant nutrition.U radu je ispitivana podobnost zrna ZP hibrida kukuruza i suve kukuruzne džibre, sporednog produkta iz proizvodnje bioetanola, kao sirovine za proizvodnju hrane za ljude i životinje. Svarljivost suve materije zrna kukuruza određena enzimskom in vitro metodom bila je viša od svarljivosti uzoraka suve kukuruzne džibre. Kao kvalitetna sirovina za proizvodnju hrane za ljudsku ishranu, svi ispitani hibridi su pokazali odlične karakteristike. Svi uzorci džibre ispitanih hibrida pokazali su povoljne karakteristike koje se tiču hemijskog sastava, sadržaja lignoceluloznih vlakana i energije. Povećan sadržaj NDF-a i ADF-a u džibri u odnosu na zrno kukuruza može pozitivno uticati na ishranu preživara

    Reliability, Validity and Temporal Stability of the Serbian Version of the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire

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    Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to validate the Serbian version of the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ) and to evaluate temporal stability for the purpose of its implementation in the evaluation of Serbian patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Materials and Methods: For the validation of the Serbian version of the BCTQ (BCTQSR), we tested 69 individuals with diagnosed CTS that were referred for a conservative treatment at the Institute for Rehabilitation. Neurophysiological tests were used for the electrophysiological grading (EG) of CTS severity in the study sample. The final version of the BCTQSR was given to the tested participants from the study on two occasions: test and retest, with a five-day period between the two measurements. Results: The mean value for the symptom severity subscale (SSS) of the BCTQSR was 3.01 ± 0.94; for the functional status subscale (FSS) of the BCTQSR it was 2.85 ± 1.00. Cronbach’s α for the SSS was 0.91 and 0.93 for the FSS. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) concerning the test–retest were significant (p p = 0.103 and p = 0.053, respectively). The intercorrelation of the BCTQSR subscales (SSS and FSS) on the test was significant (p Conclusion: The Serbian version of the BCTQ (BCTQSR) was successfully culturally adopted. The BCTQSR was a valid and reliable instrument for the measurement of symptom severity and functional status in adults with CTS. Therefore, it can be used in clinical practice for patients with CTS

    Interleukin-6 in schizophrenia-Is there a therapeutic relevance?

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    © 2017 Borovcanin, Jovanovic, Radosavljevic, Pantic, Minic Janicijevic, Arsenijevic and Lukic. Renewing interest in immune aspects of schizophrenia and new findings about the brain-fat axis encourage us to discuss the possible role of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in schizophrenia. Previously, it was suggested that a primary alteration of the innate immune system may be relevant in schizophrenia. Functional dichotomy of IL-6 suggests that this chemical messenger may be responsible for regulating the balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory responses, with tissue-specific properties at the periphery and in the central nervous system. Specific phase of this chronic and deteriorating disorder must be considered, which can involve IL-6 in acute or possible chronic inflammation and/or autoimmunity. We give an overview of IL-6 role in the onset and progression of this disorder, also considering cognitive impairment and metabolic changes in patients with schizophrenia. Data suggest that decreased serum level of IL-6 following antipsychotic therapy could be predisposing factor for the development of obesity and obesity-related metabolic disorders in schizophrenia. As we reviewed, the IL-6 plays significant role in disease genesis and progression, so the use of specific inhibitors may not only be beneficial for exacerbation and alleviation of positive symptoms, but may attenuate cognitive impairment in patients with schizophrenia

    Possible Role of TGF – B Pathways in Schizophrenia / Moguća Uloga TTGF - B Signalnih Puteva U Shizofreniji

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    The phenomenological uniqueness of each patient with schizophrenia is determined by complex symptomatology, particularly the overlapping of symptoms and their prominence in certain phases of this mental disorder. Establishing biological markers is an important step in the further objectivisation and quantification of schizophrenia. Identifying the cytokine profiles that precede a psychotic episode could direct the strategies for relapse prevention and be useful in predicting disease progression and treatment response. In the context of infl ammation, TGF-β exerts potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive functions by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis, but it can also have pro-inflammatory functions through its stimulatory effects on inflammatory Th17 cells. It has been shown that the T helper cell type-1 and type-17 responses are reduced and type-2 response is increased in patients with schizophrenia. Both data from the literature and our results also indicate the presence of an anti-inflammatory response through production of the TGF-β regulatory cytokine. A meta-analysis of plasma cytokine alterations suggested that TGF-β is the state marker for acute exacerbation of schizophrenia, and we showed that TGF-β can also be a valuable marker for psychosis. Hyperactivity of TGF-β signalling pathways in schizophrenia may be both a neuroprotective mechanism and a possible therapeutic target