51 research outputs found

    Monopsony in the labor market: Profit vs. Wage maximization

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    This paper compares the efficiency of profit- and wage-maximizing (PM and WM) monopsony in the labor market. We show that, both locally and globally, a PM monopsony may well be dominated by its WM twin, where the local and global dominance are defined with respect to a single (inverse) labor supply function and a single family of such functions. This family is always divided in the two disjoint (sub)families of the PM and WM dominance. We also analyze some major factors that explain the size of these (sub)families.

    Currency risk of public debt in Serbia: Current status and European lessons

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    Currency risk, and its effect on public debt, is becoming more important in economic analysis, particularly in highly dollarized countries like Serbia. The aim of this paper is to analyse the currency structure of the public debt in Serbia and the associated risks, and to present the recommendations for improving public debt management based on international experiences. This paper analyses the currency structure of public debt of Serbia over the period 2004-2016, the comparative indicators of dollarization in Serbia and selected countries of the region, as well as the currency risk movements. The currency structure of the public debt of Serbia characterizes the predominance of three currencies - dinar, dollar and euro. Serbia is the most euroised country in the region, along with a marked highest share of dollar debt in total public debt. As a result, due to currency mismatch, the public debt of Serbia is exposed to high currency risk. Based on the presented successful examples of public debt management in Hungary and Poland, as countries with a low level of dollarization, the recommendations for improving public debt management system in Serbia are presented in the final section of our paper

    Forensic Science and Fractal Nature Analysis

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    The forensic photography, also referred to as crime scene photography, is an activity that records the initial appearance of the crime scene and physical evidence, in order to provide a permanent record for the court. Now a day, we can imagine the crime scene investigation without photography evidence. Crime or accident scene photographs can often be re-analysed in cold cases or when the images need to be enlarged to show critical details. Fractals are rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided in parts, each of which is a reduced copy of the whole Fractal dimension (FD) is an important fractal geometry feature. There are many applications in various fields including image processing, image analysis, texture segmentation, shape classification and identifying the image features such as roughness and smoothness of an image. The damage image can be reviewed, analyzed and reconstructed by fractals

    Genetic variability as background for the achievements and prospects of the maize utilisation development

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    Maize is one of the most important crops, and as such, one of the most significant naturally renewable carbohydrate raw materials of energy and numerous very different products. The dominance and superiority of maize are primarily caused by the extremely wide, very diversified and enormous possibilities of its utilisation. Previous accomplishments are presented and prospective developments of the maize chemistry and technology, i.e. maize utilisation in our country and worldwide were discussed in the present study. The objective of this study was to advert to this section of science that is full of real and great challenges. Changes in the maize production and utilisation are described. Some very important questions were asked, such as: what is it that makes maize such a valuable, naturally renewable raw material, how and why do we sow maize and harvest energy and products?

    Urgent hybrid approach in treatment of the acute myocardial infarction complicated by the ventricular septal rupture

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    Introduction. Ventricular septal rupture (VSR) in the acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a rare but very serious complication, still associated with high mortality, despite significant improvements in pharmacological and surgical treatment. Therefore, hybrid approaches are introduced as new therapeutical options. Case Outline. We present an urgent hybrid approach, consisting of the initial percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the infarct-related artery, followed by immediate surgical closure of the ventricular septal rupture, for treatment of high risk, hemodynamically unstable female patient with AMI caused by one-vessel disease and complicated by VSR and cardiogenic shock. Since the operative risk was also very high (EUROSCORE II 37%), this therapeutic decision was based on the assumption that preoperative PCI could promptly establish blood flow and thereby lessen the risks, duration and complexity of urgent cardiosurgical intervention, performed on the same day. This approach proved to be successful and the patient was discharged from the hospital on the fifteenth postoperative day in stable condition. Conclusion. In selected cases, with high operative risk and unstable hemodynamic state due to AMI complicated by VSR, urgent hybrid approach consisting of the initial PCI followed by surgical closure of VSR may represent an acceptable treatment option and contribute to the treatment of this complex group of patients

    Breeding of speciality maize for industrial purposes

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    The breeding programme on speciality maize with specific traits was established at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, several decades ago. The initial material was collected, new methods applying to breeding of speciality maize, i.e. popping maize, sweet maize and white-seeded maize, were introduced. The aim was to enhance and improve variability of the initial material for breeding these three types of maize. Then, inbred lines of good combining abilities were developed and used as components for deriving new superior popping maize hybrids, sweet maize hybrids and white-seeded maize hybrids. Breeding was aimed at the increase of the popping volume of new inbred lines and hybrids of popping maize, then at the improvement of quality of popped kernels - flakes, and at yield increasing. Furthermore, the aim was to improve quality of sweet maize for different purposes, industrial processing and consumption as fresh food and also to improve yield and quality of white-seeded maize. As a result of such breeding, 28, 11 and 9 sweet maize, popping maize and white-seeded maize hybrids were released, respectively

    Nanostructured SnO2 thick films for gas sensor application: analysis of structural and electronic properties

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    This research is focused on structural and electrical characterisation of tin oxide (SnO2) applied as a thick film and investigation of its properties as gas sensitive material. Micron sized SnO2 powder was milled in an agate mill for six hours to fabricate SnO2 nanopowder, which was afterwards sieved by 325 mesh sieve and characterized by XRD and SEM. This powder was used as functional part in the production of thick film tin oxide paste containing a resin vehicle with 4 wt. % nanosize glass frits acting as permanent binder. The glass frits where additionally milled for twelve hours in the agate mills to nanosized powder and sieved by a 325 mesh sieve as well. The achieved thick film paste was screen printed on alumina and fired at 850oC peak temperature for 10 minutes in air. After the sintering process, thick film samples where characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The reflectivity was measured on the same samples by UV-VIS spectrophotometer: the band gap was determined from the slope of reflectance. After that a matrix of different interdigitated electrode structure of PdAg paste was printed and sintered using the mentioned sintering conditions. The tin oxide thick film was printed over the interdigitated electrodes as a top layer and sintered again under the same conditions. The total electrical resistance was measured as a function of the electrode spacing and temperature. A negative temperature coefficient (NTC) was identified and measured in the range from room temperature (27°C) to 180°C in a climate chamber. Finally the samples were placed into a gas reactor with NOx and CO gas and the resistance was measured in the same temperature range (27°C-200°C)

    Income convergence between Southeast Europe and the European Union

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    Ovaj rad analizira prosječnu bruto per capita dohodovnu konvergenciju osam zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope (JIE) prema prosjeku EU-a. Cilj je utvrditi koji faktori doprinose konvergenciji zemalja JIE regije kao i opisati kretanje konvergencije u periodu 2000.-2018. godine, s posebnom pozornošću na dva pod perioda, prije i nakon Svjetske ekonomke krize. Koristimo pri tome kombinaciju parametarskih i neparametarskih metoda i linearne panel regresije fiksnih efekata s robusnim standardnim greškama. Rezultati sugeriraju da je konvergencija bila podstaknuta procesom EU integracija, obrazovnim nivoom stanovništva, investicijama (stranim, domaćim i javnim), kreditnom ekspanzijom u privatnom sektoru, kao i rastom javnih rashoda. S druge strane, ekonomska kriza, nezaposlenost i inflacija bili su glavni faktori koji su utjecali na divergenciju procesa. Zaključujemo na kraju i da je post-tranzicijski model rasta dominantan u regiji SEE, temeljen na stranim direktnim investicijama, nedovoljan, i da su domaće privatne investicije kritično-nedostajući faktor brže dohodovne konvergencije.This paper investigates the average gross per capita income convergence of eight Southeast European economies towards the EU average. Our goal is to analyse which factors have driven that convergence in the SEE region and describe convergence paths in the 2000-2018 period, concerning two sub-periods, before and after the economic crisis. We use a combination of parametric and nonparametric methods and a fixed effects linear panel regression with robust standard errors. Results suggest that the EU integration process drove convergence, education level, investment (FDI, private domestic and public investments), and private sector lending, as well as by government expenditures. Economic crisis, unemployment, and inflation were the main factors which have influenced the divergence process. We also concluded that the post-transition growth model dominant in the SEE region, based on an FDI inflow, has not sufficient for income convergence in this region. Private domestic investments are a critical missing factor for faster income convergence

    Erosion control and protection from torrential floods in Serbia-spatial aspects

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    Torrential floods represent the most frequent phenomenon within the category of “natural risks” in Serbia. The representative examples are the torrential floods on the experimental watersheds of the rivers Manastirica (June 1996) and Kamišna (May 2007). Hystorical maximal discharges (Qmaxh) were reconstructed by use of ″hydraulics flood traces″ method. Computations of maximal discharges (Qmaxc), under hydrological conditions after the restoration of the watersheds, were performed by use of a synthetic unit hydrograph theory and Soil Conservation Service methodology. Area sediment yields and intensity of erosion processes were estimated on the basis of the “Erosion Potential Method”. The actual state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.475 (Manastirica) and Z=0.470 (Kamišna). Restoration works have been planned with a view to decreasing yields of erosive material, increasing water infiltration capacity and reducing flood runoff. The planned state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.343 (Manastirica) and Z=0.385 (Kamišna). The effects of hydrological changes were estimated by the comparison of historical maximal discharges and computed maximal discharges (under the conditions after the planned restoration). The realisation of restoration works will help decrease annual yields of erosive material from Wа=24357 m3 to Wа=16198.0 m3 (Manastirica) and from Wа=19974 m3 to Wа=14434 m3 (Kamišna). The values of historical maximal discharges (QmaxhMan=154.9 m3•s-1; QmaxhKam=76.3 m3•s-1) were significantly decreased after the restoration (QmaxcMan=84.5 m3 •s-1; QmaxcKam=43.7 m3•s-1), indicating the improvement of hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of erosion and torrent control works. Integrated management involves biotechnical works on the watershed, technical works on the hydrographic network within a precisely defined administrative and spatial framework in order to achieve maximum security for people and their property and to meet other requirements such as: environmental protection, sustainable soil usage, drinking water supply, rural development, biodiversity sustaining, etc. The lowest and the most effective level is attained through PAERs (Plans for announcement of erosive regions) and PPTFs (Plans for protection from torrential floods), with HZs (Hazard zones) and TAs (Threatened areas) mapping on the basis of spatial analysis of important factors in torrential floods formation. Solutions defined through PAERs and PPTFs must be integrated into Spatial Plans at local and regional levels

    Odnos prinosa zrna i drugih važnih osobina hibrida kukuruza kokičara (Zea mays L. everta)

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    Popping maize is a specific type of maize differing from other types of maize by its capability to form a large puff or flake after explosive 'pop' that is a response to heating. Besides grain yield, an economically important trait, it is necessary that popping maize hybrids are characterized by a great popping volume and quality and testy flakes as well as other essential production traits. The grain yield of 12 selected popping maize hybrids was observed and the interrelationship among the grain yield, popping volume and the number of kernels per 10 g was established. Obtained results point out to a negative statistically significant correlation (-0,684*) between the grain yield and the popping volume. Furthermore, insignificant negative correlations (-0,135 and -0,399) were established between the grain yield and the number of kernels per 10 g and the popping volume and the number of kernels per 10 g, respectively. The traits observed in the present study are the quantitative ones, that is, their expression is determined by the greater number of genes and by environmental conditions.Kukuruz kokičar je specifični tip kukuruza koji se razlikuje od ostalih tipova kukuruza po tome što formira krupnu 'pahuljicu' ili 'kokicu' posle eksplozije zrna kao odgovor na zagrevanje. Za hibride kukuruza kokičara je pored prinosa, ekonomski važne osobine, neophodno da se odlikuju visokom zapreminom kokičavosti i kvalitetnim i ukusnim 'kokicama', kao i drugim za proizvodnju važnim osobinama. U radu je ispitivan prinos zrna 12 odabranih hibrida kukuruza kokičara i međuzavisnost prinosa zrna i zapremine kokičavosti i broja zrna u 10 grama. Rezultati ukazuju na negativnu korelaciju koja je statistički značajna (-0,684*) između osobina prinos zrna i zapremina kokičavosti. Utvrđena je negativna korelacija koja nije statistički značajna (-0,135) za prinos zrna i broj zrna u 10 grama, kao i za zapreminu kokičavosti i broj zrna u 10 g (-0,399) koja je negativna ali nije statistički značajna. Osobine koje su proučavane u ovom radu su kvantitativne prirode, odnosno njihovo ispoljavanje je determinisano većim brojem gena i pod uticajem su delovanja spoljne sredine