69 research outputs found

    Variable selection procedures and efficient suboptimal mask search algorithms in fuzzy inductive reasoning

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    This paper describes two new suboptimal mask search algorithms for Fuzzy inductive reasoning (FIR), a technique for modelling dynamic systems from observations of their input/output behaviour. Inductive modelling is by its very nature an optimisation problem. Modelling large-scale systems in this fashion involves solving a high-dimensional optimisation problem, a task that invariably carries a high computational cost. Suboptimal search algorithms are therefore important. One of the two proposed algorithms is a new variant of a directed hill-climbing method. The other algorithm is a statistical technique based on spectral coherence functions. The utility of the two techniques is demonstrated by means of an industrial example. A garbage incinerator process is inductively modelled from observations of 20 variable trajectories. Both suboptimal search algorithms lead to similarly good models. Each of the algorithms carries a computational cost that is in the order of a few percent of the cost of solving the complete optimisation problem. Both algorithms can also be used to filter out variables of lesser importance, i.e. they can be used as variable selection tools.Peer Reviewe

    Experimental investigation of a 16-dimensional modulation format for long-haul multi-core fiber transmission

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    We experimentally investigate a 16-dimensional modulation format applicable to multi-core fiber transmission, and demonstrate over 14,000 km transmission for a BER of 1E-3, a 55 % improvement in reach compared to DP-BPSK for the same spectral efficiency


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    Maria Löblich: Das Menschenbild in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Otto B. Roegele (Michael Schmolke)Günter Kruck/Veronika Schlör (Hg): Medienphilosophie - Medienethik. Zwei Tagungen - eine Dokumentation (Lars Rademacher) Anne Hoffmann: Islam in den Medien. Der publizistische Konflikt um Annemarie Schimmel (Verena Blaum) Jan Lublinski: Wissenschaftsjournalismus im Hörfunk. Redaktionsorganisation und Thematisierungsprozesse (Klaus Meier) Maria Angela Torres Soler: Umweltkommunikation in Entwicklungsländern. Perspektiven und Probleme am Beispiel eines Projekts zur Erosionsbekämpfung in Kolumbien (Irene Preisinger) Heike Steinmetz: Erfolgsfaktor Kundenzeitschrift (Steffen Hillebrecht) Wolfgang Herles: Die Tiefe der Talkshow. Roman (Juliane Matthey)


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    Jens Bulisch: Evangelische Presse in der DDR. "Die Zeichen der Zeit" 1947-1990 (Renate Hackel-de Latour)Michael Meyen/Maria Löblich: Klassiker der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Fach- und Theoriegeschichte in Deutschland (Franzisca Gottwald)Stefan Weber: Non-dualistische Medientheorie. Eine philosophische Grundlegung (Heinz Niederleitner)Christoph Classen: Faschismus und Antifaschismus. Die nationalsozialistische Vergangenheit im ostdeutschen Hörfunk 1945-1953 (Klaus Amold)Ekkehardt Oehmichen/Christa-Maria Ridder (Hg.): Die MedienNutzerTypologie. Ein neuer Ansatz der Publikumsanalyse (Steffen W. Hillebrecht)Bemhard Fischer-Appelt: Die Moses Methode. Führung zu bahnbrechendem Wandel (Ludger Verst)Michael Jäckel/Frank Haase (Hg.): In medias res: Herausforderung Informationsgesellschaft (Lars Rademacher

    Mouse Heterochromatin Adopts Digital Compaction States without Showing Hallmarks of HP1-Driven Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation

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    Mouse cells package heterochromatin into compact foci. Erdel et al. show that these foci lack hallmarks of liquid droplets and rather resemble collapsed polymer globules. Their size, accessibility, and compaction are independent of HP1. They can adopt two distinct folding states that possibly represent the fundamental modes of chromatin compaction

    High Capacity Transmission Systems Using Homogeneous Multi-Core Fibers [Invited]

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    We discuss optical transmission using homogeneous, single-mode, multicore fibers. We first describe the key fiber properties that can affect transmission, such as intercore crosstalk and the variation of propagation delay between cores, and the consequences of these properties on spatial super-channel transmission. We then describe a series of experiments and demonstrations of system features including self-homodyne detection and joint spatial superchannel modulation before discussing their suitability to high-capacity transmission


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    Ursula Rautenberg (Hg.): Reclams Sachlexikon des Buches (Walter Hömberg) Andreas Greis/ Gerfried W. Hunold/ Klaus Koziol (Hg.): Medienethik. Ein Arbeitsbuch Bemhard Debatin/Rüdiger Funiok (Hg.): Kommunikations- und Medienethik (Lars Rademacher) Ludger Verst: MedienpastoraL Bericht über ein Projekt (Susanne Haverkamp) Alexander Seibold: Katholische Filmarbeit in der DDR. "Wir haben eine gewisse Pfiffigkeit uns angenommen." (Peter Hasenberg) Michael Schenk: Medienwirkungsforschung. 2., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage (Hermann-Josef Große-Kracht) Ralf Hohlfeld: Joumalismus und Medienforschung. Theorie, Empirie, Transfer (Gabriele Siegert) Margaretha Ramm u.a.: Berufs- und Karriereplaner Medien und Kommunikation 2003/2004 (Steffen Hillebrecht) Peter Huemer: Warum das Fernsehen dümmer ist als das Radio. Reden über das Reden in den Medien (Verena Blaum) Richard W. Dill: Neue Demokratien – neuer Rundfunk. Erfahrungen mit der Medientransformation in Osteuropa (Klaus Brodbeck)Sten Nadolny: Ullsteinroman (Markus Behmer

    Functional polymorphism in the neuropeptide Y gene promoter (rs16147) is associated with serum leptin levels and waist-hip ratio in women

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    OBJECTIVE: The neuropeptide-Y (NP-Y) gene is a strong candidate gene in the pathophysiology of obesity-linked behavior, and several single-nucleotide polymorphisms of NP-Y have already been linked to body weight and appetite. However, the results from current studies remain inconclusive. The aim of the present study was to test whether a certain functional genetic variant (SNP rs16147) in the NP-Y promoter gene is associated with serum leptin levels and body fat distribution. METHOD: We genotyped and measured the serum leptin levels of the NP-Y rs16147 polymorphism in 1,097 Caucasian subjects in the context of a population-based, case-control multicenter study. We measured weight, height and waist circumference, from which we then calculated BMI and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). RESULTS: We found the CT-genotype of the SNP rs16147 to be significantly associated with lower WHRs and higher serum leptin levels in women, compared to homozygote gene carriers. No association between rs16147, WHR and serum leptin levels was found in men. CONCLUSION: Our results provide evidence that the functionally relevant SNP in the NP-Y promoter gene affects body fat distribution and serum leptin levels in women, pointing towards possible behavioral effects of NPY in obesity

    Space Division Multiplexing in Optical Fibres

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    Optical communications technology has made enormous and steady progress for several decades, providing the key resource in our increasingly information-driven society and economy. Much of this progress has been in finding innovative ways to increase the data carrying capacity of a single optical fibre. In this search, researchers have explored (and close to maximally exploited) every available degree of freedom, and even commercial systems now utilize multiplexing in time, wavelength, polarization, and phase to speed more information through the fibre infrastructure. Conspicuously, one potentially enormous source of improvement has however been left untapped in these systems: fibres can easily support hundreds of spatial modes, but today's commercial systems (single-mode or multi-mode) make no attempt to use these as parallel channels for independent signals.Comment: to appear in Nature Photonic
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