31 research outputs found

    Table S1 from 'Do group dynamics affect colour morph clines during a range shift?'

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    Colour morph frequencies, population densities, and sex ratios for populations of the blue-tailed damselfly (Ischnura elegans) located at the range expansion front, and ~ 500 km back from the expansion front. Please refer to the associated publication for further details

    Relative importance of landscape variables from multiple matrix regressions with AIC model selection.

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    <p>There were no results for the core Willapa Hills region due to the absence of a significant correlation of genetic distance with any landscape variable. Variables used for multivariate models (RI≥0.6) are in bold.</p

    Multivariate landscape models for explaining <i>D. tenebrosus</i> genetic structure in SC (South Cascades) and CV (Chilliwack Valley).

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    <p>Results of matrix regressions (model R<sup>2</sup>) and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC, ΔAIC, and ω) are presented for G′<sub>ST</sub> and D<sub>ps</sub> measures of genetic distance. Models with the highest AIC support are in bold (i.e. within two units of the best model), and models with marginal support have italicised AIC values (i.e. within 10 units of the best model). na = not applicable. IBR = isolation by resistance; FFP = frost-free perod; LC = landcover; ELEV = elevation; CAN = Canopy cover; HLI = heat load index; STR = stream cover; SLP = slope.</p

    Mean (± s.e.) pairwise costs of dispersal between sites within each core and peripheral region for each landscape variable (Chilliwack Valley = CV; South Cascades = SC; Willapa Hills = WH).

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    <p>Ecological justification for each variable is presented with supporting references referring to <i>Dicamptodon</i> or other amphibians. The predicted direction of dispersal resistance for increasing values of each variable is indicated where ‘+’ = greater resistance, and ‘−’ = less resistance. n = sample size of populations.</p>*<p>areas covered by non-forested, naturally occurring landscape features (e.g. shrub land, grass land, rock);</p>**<p>barriers were defined as developed land, open water and perennial ice.</p

    Results of MSVAR analysis assuming exponential change in population size.

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    <p>Values are presented as mean (± s.e.) on a log<sub>10</sub> scale, and as converted values. Lower and upper bound Highest Probability Density intervals are within parentheses. <i>T</i> is the number of generations since population size change (runs did not converge for CV), <i>N<sub>0</sub></i> = current and <i>N<sub>1</sub></i> = ancestral effective population size.</p

    Allele size data Floreana Tree Finches 2005 & 2010

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    Allele size data for tree finches on Floreana Island, Galapagos. "Year" refers to whether an individual was sampled in 2005 or 2010. "FTA" is a unique number that was given to the blood sample of each sampled individual (this number was written next to blood samples stored on FTA paper). "Ring number" refers to the identifier inscribed on an aluminum band around a bird's tarsus. "Pop" refers to the species category given to each individual in the field: small tree finch=1, medium tree finch=2, large tree finch=3. Remaining information refers to allele size (maximum height at peak of allele) at each of 10 microsatellite loci (Gf01, Gf03, Gf04, Gf05, Gf06, Gf07, Gf09, Gf11, Gf12, Gf13

    Map of three sampling regions in Washington State and British Columbia.

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    <p>WH = Willapa Hills; SC = South Cascades; CV = Chilliwack Valley. Site numbers correspond to those in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0036769#pone.0036769.s001" target="_blank">Table S1</a>. Some sites are located in small, unmarked streams.</p

    Assignment probability of each individual sampled from three regions.

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    <p>Three genetic clusters were identified (Willapa Hills, South Cascades, Chilliwack Valley) using the program STRUCTURE.</p