4,921 research outputs found

    The Polarized Two-Loop Massive Pure Singlet Wilson Coefficient for Deep-Inelastic Scattering

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    We calculate the polarized massive two--loop pure singlet Wilson coefficient contributing to the structure functions g1(x,Q2)g_1(x,Q^2) analytically in the whole kinematic region. The Wilson coefficient contains Kummer--elliptic integrals. We derive the representation in the asymptotic region Q2≫m2Q^2 \gg m^2, retaining power corrections, and in the threshold region. The massless Wilson coefficient is recalculated. The corresponding twist--2 corrections to the structure function g2(x,Q2)g_2(x,Q^2) are obtained by the Wandzura--Wilczek relation. Numerical results are presented.Comment: 22 pages Latex, 8 Figure

    An experimental test of career concerns

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    Holmström’s (1982/99) career concerns model has become an important workhorse for the analysis of agency issues in many fields. The underlying signal jamming argument requires players to use information in a Bayesian way – which may or may not reasonably approximate real-life decision makers’ behavior. Testing this theory with field data is difficult since typically little is known about the information that individuals base their decisions on, and this explains the dearth of empirical studies. We provide experimental evidence that the signal jamming mechanism works in a laboratory setting. Moreover, subjects’ beliefs fit remarkably well requirements imposed by the Bayesian equilibrium concept.incentives, reputation, career concerns, signal jamming, experiments

    The unpolarized two-loop massive pure singlet Wilson coefficients for deep-inelastic scattering

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    We calculate the massive two--loop pure singlet Wilson coefficients for heavy quark production in the unpolarized case analytically in the whole kinematic region and derive the threshold and asymptotic expansions. We also recalculate the corresponding massless two--loop Wilson coefficients. The complete expressions contain iterated integrals with elliptic letters. The contributing alphabets enlarge the Kummer-Poincar\'e letters by a series of square-root valued letters. A new class of iterated integrals, the Kummer-elliptic integrals, are introduced. For the structure functions F2F_2 and FLF_L we also derive improved asymptotic representations adding power corrections. Numerical results are presented.Comment: 42, pages Latex, 8 Figure

    The O(α2)O(\alpha^2) Initial State QED Corrections to e+e−e^+e^- Annihilation to a Neutral Vector Boson Revisited

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    We calculate the non-singlet, the pure singlet contribution, and their interference term, at O(α2)O(\alpha^2) due to electron-pair initial state radiation to e+e−e^+ e^- annihilation into a neutral vector boson in a direct analytic computation without any approximation. The correction is represented in terms of iterated incomplete elliptic integrals. Performing the limit s≫me2s \gg m_e^2 we find discrepancies with the earlier results of Ref.~\cite{Berends:1987ab} and confirm results obtained in Ref.~\cite{Blumlein:2011mi} where the effective method of massive operator matrix elements has been used, which works for all but the power corrections in m2/sm^2/s. In this way, we also confirm the validity of the factorization of massive partons in the Drell-Yan process. We also add non-logarithmic terms at O(α2)O(\alpha^2) which have not been considered in \cite{Berends:1987ab}. The corrections are of central importance for precision analyzes in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation into γ∗/Z∗\gamma^*/Z^* at high luminosity.Comment: 4 pages Latex, 2 Figures, several style file

    Comparison of regional blood flow values measured by radioactive and fluorescent microspheres

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    Fluorescent microspheres (FM) have become an attractive alternative to radioactive microspheres (RM) for the measurement of regional blood flow (RBF). The aim of the present study was to investigate the comparability of both methods by measuring RBF with FM and RM. Eight anaesthetised pigs received simultaneous, left atrial injections of FM and RM with a diameter of 15 mum at six different time points. Blood reference samples were collected from the descending aorta. RBF was determined in tissue samples of the myocardium, spleen and kidneys of all 8 animals. After radioactivity of the tissue samples was determined, the samples were processed automatically for measuring fluorescence using a recently developed filter device (SPU). RBF was calculated with both the isotope and spectrometric data of both methods for each sample resulting in a total of 10,512 blood flow values. The comparison of the RBF values yielded high linear correlation (mean r(2) = 0.95 +/- 0.03 to 0.97 +/- 0.02) and excellent agreement (bias 5.4-6.7%, precision 9.9-16.5%) of both methods. Our results indicate the validity of MS and of the automated tissue processing technique by means of the SPU. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    16 x 25 Ge:Ga Detector Arrays for FIFI LS

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    We are developing two-dimensional 16 x 25 pixel detector arrays of both unstressed and stressed Ge:Ga photoconductive detectors for far-infrared astronomy from SOFIA. The arrays, based on earlier 5 x 5 detector arrays used on the KAO, will be for our new instrument, the Far Infrared Field Imaging Line Spectrometer (FIFI LS). The unstressed Ge:Ga detector array will cover the wavelength range from 40 to 120 microns, and the stressed Ge:Ga detector array from 120 to 210 microns. The detector arrays will be operated with multiplexed integrating amplifiers with cryogenic readout electronics located close to the detector arrays. The design of the stressed detector array and results of current measurements on several prototype 16 pixel linear arrays are reported. They demonstrate the feasibility of the current concept. ***This paper does not include Figures due to astro-ph size limitations. Please download entire file at http://fifi-ls.mpe-garching.mpg.de/spie.det.ps.gz ***Comment: 8 pages, SPIE Proceedings, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 200

    Career concerns incentives: an experimental test

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    Holmström's (1982/99) career concerns model has become a workhorse for analyzing agency issues in many elds. The underlying signal jamming argument requires players to use information in a Bayesian way, which is difficult to directly test with eld data: typically little is known about the information that individuals base their decisions on. Our laboratory experiment provides prima facie evidence: i) the signal jamming mechanism successfully creates incentives on the labor supply side; ii) decision errors take time to decrease; iii) while subjects' average beliefs are remarkably consistent with play, a mild winner's curse arises on the labor demand side

    Too Late! Influence of Temporal Delay on the Neural Processing of One’s Own Incidental and Intentional Action-Induced Sounds

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    The influence of delayed auditory feedback on action evaluation and execution of real-life action-induced sounds apart from language and music is still poorly understood. Here, we examined how a temporal delay impacted the behavioral evaluation and neural representation of hurdling and tap-dancing actions in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment, postulating that effects of delay diverge between the two, as we create action-induced sounds intentionally in tap dancing, but incidentally in hurdling. Based on previous findings, we expected that conditions differ regarding the engagement of the supplementary motor area (SMA), posterior superior temporal gyrus (pSTG), and primary auditory cortex (A1). Participants were videotaped during a 9-week training of hurdling and tap dancing; in the fMRI scanner, they were presented with point-light videos of their own training videos, including the original or the slightly delayed sound, and had to evaluate how well they performed on each single trial. For the undelayed conditions, we replicated A1 attenuation and enhanced pSTG and SMA engagement for tap dancing (intentionally generated sounds) vs. hurdling (incidentally generated sounds). Delayed auditory feedback did not negatively influence behavioral rating scores in general. Blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) response transiently increased and then adapted to repeated presentation of point-light videos with delayed sound in pSTG. This region also showed a significantly stronger correlation with the SMA under delayed feedback. Notably, SMA activation increased more for delayed feedback in the tap-dancing condition, covarying with higher rating scores. Findings suggest that action evaluation is more strongly based on top–down predictions from SMA when sounds of intentional action are distorted

    The O(α2^{2}) initial state QED corrections to e+^{+} e−^{-} →\rightarrow γ\gamma∗^{*} / Z0∗_{0}^{*}

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    We calculate the complete O(α\alpha2^{2}) initial state radiation corrections to e+^{+} e−^{-} annihilation into a neutral vector boson in a direct analytic computation without any approximation. The corrections are represented in terms of iterated incomplete (elliptic) integrals over alphabets of square-root valued letters. Performing the limit s >> me2_{e}^{2}, we find discrepancies with the earlier results of Ref. [1] and confirm results obtained in Ref. [2] where the effective method of massive operator matrix elements has been used, which works for all but the power corrections in me2_{e}^{2}/s. In this way, we also confirm the validity of the factorization of massive partons in the Drell-Yan process to O(α\alpha2^{2}). We add non logarithmic terms at O(α\alpha2^{2}) which have not been considered in previous calculations. The final results in the limit s >> me2_{e}^{2} can be given in terms of Nielsen integrals
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