6 research outputs found

    Perspective and developing challenges of entrepreneurship in agri-food sector of Republic of Serbia

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    Uloga i značaj poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora u svetu, sve više se usmerava od statusa tradicionalne privredne delatnosti, ka strateškoj komponenti snabdevanja stanovništva dovoljnim količinama kvalitetne i bezbedene hrane. U savremenim privredno-tržišnim okolnostima, neizvesnost od moguće nestašice hrane je izrazitija i kompleksnija, jer je kriza hrane i poljoprivrede, povezana sa svetskim problemima u snabdevanju važnim resursima poput energije, mineralnih sirovina, vode, ali i dubokom i strukturnom deformacijom privrednog i finansijskog sistema. Istovremeno, vladajuća ekonomska paradigma, naročito u razvijenim ekonomijama sveta, ističe, da umesto tradicionalnog koncepta, poljoprivredno-prehrambeni sektor treba razvijati kao koncept novih preduzetničkih mogućnosti. U novim, izmenjenim i otežanim privrednim uslovima, na nacionalnom i globalnom nivou, pred poljoprivrednoprehrambenim sektorom Srbije, nalaze se izazovi povećanja proizvodnje i produktivnosti, zadržavanja postojećih i pronalaženja novih tržišta, prilagođavanja pravilima i standardima EU i STO, rasta konkurencije kroz otvaranje tržišta za proizvode iz drugih zemalja, osvajanja i primene novih tehnologija i drugih uslova koji će uticati na njenu strukturu i dinamiku razvoja.The role and significance of agri-food production in the world rose from status of traditional production to strategic component of supply of human population with sufficient amounts of high quality food and safe food. Under current market conditions possibility of food shortage is more complex as food and agriculture crises is linked to supply of energy, mineral resources and water, but also with deep and structural deformation of economy and finance. At the same time, particularly in developed countries, there is a prevalent economic paradigm standing that agri-food sector should be developed as concept of entrepreneurship instead of traditional concept. For Serbian agri-food sector under new conditions of national and global economy there is a challenge of increasing production and productivity, keeping existing and finding new markets, adopting EU and WTO rules and standards, raising competition as a result of opening of domestic market for products from other counties, application of new technologies and other conditions which will affect its structure and dynamics of development

    The concentrations of heavy metals in the liver and muscle tissue of three kinds of fish during five year period

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    Fish, as the top of the trophic pyramid of aquatic ecosystems, are one of the most sensitive bioindicators for the presence of heavy metals in the aquatic ecosystems that inhabit them. Concentrations of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and zinc (Zn) were determined in the muscle tissue and liver of selected fish species from the Zapadna Morava River during 2013 and 2018, respectively. The aim of this paper was to obtain a more complete insight into the level of accumulation of heavy metals in the organism of fish, especially fish meat as an edible part that should satisfy the health safety for human consumption. Investigations of the concentration of the presence of heavy metals from Carassius auratus, Abramis brama and Squalius cephalus have revealed various bioaccumulation of heavy metals. Among the examined fish, the highest accumulation of heavy metals was found in Abramis brama, Carassius auratus and Squalius cephalus, respectively. In all fish for all four investigated heavy metals, higher concentrations were detected in the liver and less in fish muscle. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals had the following trend: Zn > Pb > Cd > Hg.The determined concentrations of the analyzed heavy metals in fish muscle were not within the permitted limits of the MAC national legislation of the Republic of Serbia. Meat of investigated fish species is not health-safe and hygienically correct for use in human nutrition (The Official Gazette Republic of Serbia No 22/2018 and No 90/2018). The content of tested heavy metals in fish meat indicates that in this aquatic ecosystem during the five year period there was no significant pollution with these heavy metals

    Integracija primarnih privrednih delatnosti u Srbiji

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    U radu je razmatrana opravdanost i mogućnost objedinjavanja ribarskih i lovnih prirodnih dobara Republike Srbije u cilju njihove samoodrživosti, boljeg razvoja i upravljanja. Mnogobrojne dodirne tačke ribarskih i lovnih područija su međusobno podudarne, počevši od biotičkih i abiotičkih činilaca, pa do ekonomskih, zbog čega se nameće potreba njihovog objedinjavanja

    Razvoj proizvodnje maline u Republici Srbiji u funkciji izvoza

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    In total fruit production structure very important position belongs to raspberry production. High level of valorization of comparative natural conditions in raspberry production achieves. It's economic importance is in extremely high level of marketing and competitiveness at EU market. On the international market, specially the market of EU countries, the increment of demand for frozen raspberry, produced on our geographic - ecological conditions is noticed. Consumers trust in raspberry quality imported from Republic of Serbia could be achieved with full respect of international ecological standards (JUS ISO 14000) by producers, as well as "EKO-sign" receiving. The areas of raspberry orchards in Republic of Serbia, in last 25 years are increased with 8500 ha (from 5000 at the end of 7th decade of XX century to 13455 ha in 2001), yields with 1900 kg/ha (from 3200 to 5088 kg/ha), but the production volume with 535001 (from 15000 to 68457 t). Expansion of raspberry production is noticed on the fanners households of western Serbian mountainous regions. The most significant producers of raspberry in the world, besides Serbia are Russian Federation, USA, Germany/Poland and Chile. In addition to increment of raspberry production, according to position of raspberry at domestic and international market, it is necessary to apply specific system measures and measures of agrarian policy (different types of cooperative production, tax, credit and policy of prices). In the production process "sustainable development method" have to be respected by linking-up the ecological and economical principles.Malina zauzima važno mesto u strukturi voćarske proizvodnje. U proizvodnji maline postiže se visok stepen valorizacije komparativnih prirodnih uslova. Njen ekonomski značaj je u izrazito visokom stepenu robnosti i konkurentnosti na tržištu EU. Na inostranom tržištu, posebno zemalja EU, povećava se tražnja smrznute maline proizvedene u našim geografsko-ekološkim uslovima. Sigurnost potrošača u kvalitet uvezene maline iz Republike Srbije može se postići poštovanjem međunarodnih ekoloških standarda (JUS ISO 14000) od strane proizvođača, kao i dobijanjem tzv. "EKO-znaka". Površine pod malinom u Republici Srbiji u poslednjih 25 godina su povećane za oko 8500 ha (sa 5000ha krajem 70-ih godina na 13455ha 2001. godine), prinosi za oko 1900 kg/ha (sa 3200 na 5088 kg/ha), a fizički obim proizvodnje oko 53500 tona (sa 15000 na 68457 t.). Širenje proizvodnje maline je zabeleženo na površinama zemljoradničkih gazdinstava brdskog područja zapadne Srbije. Značajniji proizvođači maline u svetu, pored Srbije su: Ruska Federacija, SAD, Nemačka, Poljska i Čile. U cilju povećanja površina i proizvodnje maline, u skladu sa stanjem na domaćem i svetskom tržištu ovog proizvoda, neophodno je primeniti specifične sistemske i mere agrarne politike (razni oblici kooperativne proizvodnje, poreska, kreditna i politika cena). U procesu proizvodnje treba poštovati "metod održivog razvoja" povezivanjem ekoloških i ekonomskih principa

    Tendencije i faktori promena u strukturi potrošnje voća i prerađevina voća u Republici Srbiji

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    This study analyzes the effect of available income on the consumption of fruit and fruit processed goods according to socioeconomic groups of households. Based on the results obtained (correlation coefficients) with regard to fruit consumption the conclusion which tends to emerge is a significant effect of economic development influencing the consumption of fruit and fruit processed goods in the Republic of Serbia. The consumption of 42.8 kg is considered substantially low. Enhanced economic developed and improved assortment and supply may be expected to contribute to an increase in the consumption of these products. Namely, only three fruit types (apples, plums and grapes) were found to account for over 50% of the total fruit and fruit processed goods consumption. In addition to income, fruit and fruit processed goods consumption trends were found to be affected by a number of mutually related factors. Income and prices (parities) were found to play the key role in fruit and fruit processed goods consumption in the case of all population categories.Pod uticajem globalnog privrednog razvoja i rasta nacionalnog dohotka izdvaja se sve veći deo dohotka koji je namenjen ukupnoj ličnoj potrošnji, pa tako i rastu potrošnje voća i prerađevina. Pored dohotka, na nivo potrošnje voća značajan uticaj imaju i drugi faktori, posebno ekonomski (cene, politika raspodele, organizovanost tržišta, proizvodnja, stepen razvijenosti prerade voća i dr). Kao značajan faktor, proizvodnja utiče putem cena na taj način što se ispoljavaju promene u nivou ponude i tražnje. Što je regionalni razmeštaj proizvodnje optimalniji i ujednačeniji u toku godine, to je stabilniji nivo potrošnje voća po područjima. Na osnovu istraživanja i saznanja iz literature uočava se da stepen prerade utiče na razlike u potrošnji. Stoga se s povećanjem stepena prerade voća može uticati na rast potrošnje ovog značajnog proizvoda u ishrani stanovništva. U sadašnjim uslovima i raznovrsnost ponude u značajnoj meri uslovljava razlike u nivou potrošnje voća i prerađevina. Na razlike u nivou potrošnje voća i prerađevina utiču i drugi, neekonomski faktori, od kojih treba posebno istaći navike, običaje i tradicije u ishrani stanovništva


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    Competition in the world food market is constantly increasing during this century. It is present in all the fields and primarily in the field of innovations in food supply, shorter periods of development and creation of new values, shorter product life cycles, aggressive competition on price, quality and production differentiation. One thing competitors particularly insist on is finding new and better ways to respond to higher and higher demands of consumers of agricultural products and foodstuffs. Thus, initiative and quick response to the changes of performances of the world market are of key importance for development of domestic agroindustrial sector. Food safety is becoming a strategic aim of the countries all over the world. This is why the production of safe food has become one of the developing priorities in many countries. There are numerous factors that imperil food safety and production. Increase in international food trade contributes to satisfaction of various economic and social needs. On the other hand, it can cause rapid spread of infections and diseases all over the world, which is why everyone, including food producers, growers, processors, distributors and consumers are bound to reach standards of food quality and safety. The priority in this process is defining a strategy when it comes to food, determining priorities in meeting quality, safety and sufficiency demands, and an opportunity to find these foodstuffs in the world market