156 research outputs found

    Defending the genome from the enemy within:mechanisms of retrotransposon suppression in the mouse germline

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    The viability of any species requires that the genome is kept stable as it is transmitted from generation to generation by the germ cells. One of the challenges to transgenerational genome stability is the potential mutagenic activity of transposable genetic elements, particularly retrotransposons. There are many different types of retrotransposon in mammalian genomes, and these target different points in germline development to amplify and integrate into new genomic locations. Germ cells, and their pluripotent developmental precursors, have evolved a variety of genome defence mechanisms that suppress retrotransposon activity and maintain genome stability across the generations. Here, we review recent advances in understanding how retrotransposon activity is suppressed in the mammalian germline, how genes involved in germline genome defence mechanisms are regulated, and the consequences of mutating these genome defence genes for the developing germline

    Multicolour Single Molecule Imaging in Cells with Near Infra-Red Dyes

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    Background: The autofluorescence background of biological samples impedes the detection of single molecules when imaging. The most common method of reducing the background is to use evanescent field excitation, which is incompatible with imaging beyond the surface of biological samples. An alternative would be to use probes that can be excited in the near infra-red region of the spectrum, where autofluorescence is low. Such probes could also increase the number of labels that can be imaged in multicolour single molecule microscopes. Despite being widely used in ensemble imaging, there is a currently a shortage of information available for selecting appropriate commercial near infra-red dyes for single molecule work. It is therefore important to characterise available near infra-red dyes relevant to multicolour single molecule imaging. Methodology/Principal Findings: A range of commercially available near infra-red dyes compatible with multi-colour imaging was screened to find the brightest and most photostable candidates. Image series of immobilised samples of the brightest dyes (Alexa 700, IRDye 700DX, Alexa 790 and IRDye 800CW) were analysed to obtain the mean intensity of single dye molecules, their photobleaching rates and long period blinking kinetics. Using the optimum dye pair, we have demonstrated for the first time widefield, multi-colour, near infra-red single molecule imaging using a supercontinuum light source in MCF-7 cells

    Crystal structure of the ferritin from the hyperthermophilic archaeal anaerobe Pyrococcus furiosus

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    The crystal structure of the ferritin from the archaeon, hyperthermophile and anaerobe Pyrococcus furiosus (PfFtn) is presented. While many ferritin structures from bacteria to mammals have been reported, until now only one was available from archaea, the ferritin from Archaeoglobus fulgidus (AfFtn). The PfFtn 24-mer exhibits the 432 point-group symmetry that is characteristic of most ferritins, which suggests that the 23 symmetry found in the previously reported AfFtn is not a common feature of archaeal ferritins. Consequently, the four large pores that were found in AfFtn are not present in PfFtn. The structure has been solved by molecular replacement and refined at 2.75-Å resolution to R = 0.195 and Rfree = 0.247. The ferroxidase center of the aerobically crystallized ferritin contains one iron at site A and shows sites B and C only upon iron or zinc soaking. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies suggest this iron depletion of the native ferroxidase center to be a result of a complexation of iron by the crystallization salt. The extreme thermostability of PfFtn is compared with that of eight structurally similar ferritins and is proposed to originate mostly from the observed high number of intrasubunit hydrogen bonds. A preservation of the monomer fold, rather than the 24-mer assembly, appears to be the most important factor that protects the ferritin from inactivation by heat

    Body iron metabolism and pathophysiology of iron overload

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    Iron is an essential metal for the body, while excess iron accumulation causes organ dysfunction through the production of reactive oxygen species. There is a sophisticated balance of body iron metabolism of storage and transport, which is regulated by several factors including the newly identified peptide hepcidin. As there is no passive excretory mechanism of iron, iron is easily accumulated when exogenous iron is loaded by hereditary factors, repeated transfusions, and other diseased conditions. The free irons, non-transferrin-bound iron, and labile plasma iron in the circulation, and the labile iron pool within the cells, are responsible for iron toxicity. The characteristic features of advanced iron overload are failure of vital organs such as liver and heart in addition to endocrine dysfunctions. For the estimation of body iron, there are direct and indirect methods available. Serum ferritin is the most convenient and widely available modality, even though its specificity is sometimes problematic. Recently, new physical detection methods using magnetic resonance imaging and superconducting quantum interference devices have become available to estimate iron concentration in liver and myocardium. The widely used application of iron chelators with high compliance will resolve the problems of organ dysfunction by excess iron and improve patient outcomes

    Chloroquine Mediated Modulation of Anopheles gambiae Gene Expression

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    Plasmodium development in the mosquito is crucial for malaria transmission and depends on the parasite's interaction with a variety of cell types and specific mosquito factors that have both positive and negative effects on infection. Whereas the defensive response of the mosquito contributes to a decrease in parasite numbers during these stages, some components of the blood meal are known to favor infection, potentiating the risk of increased transmission. The presence of the antimalarial drug chloroquine in the mosquito's blood meal has been associated with an increase in Plasmodium infectivity for the mosquito, which is possibly caused by chloroquine interfering with the capacity of the mosquito to defend against the infection.In this study, we report a detailed survey of the Anopheles gambiae genes that are differentially regulated by the presence of chloroquine in the blood meal, using an A. gambiae cDNA microarray. The effect of chloroquine on transcript abundance was evaluated separately for non-infected and Plasmodium berghei-infected mosquitoes. Chloroquine was found to affect the abundance of transcripts that encode proteins involved in a variety of processes, including immunity, apoptosis, cytoskeleton and the response to oxidative stress. This pattern of differential gene expression may explain the weakened mosquito defense response which accounts for the increased infectivity observed in chloroquine-treated mosquitoes.The results of the present study suggest that chloroquine can interfere with several putative mosquito mechanisms of defense against Plasmodium at the level of gene expression and highlight the need for a better understanding of the impacts of antimalarial agents on parasite transmission

    Lipocalin 2 modulates the cellular response to amyloid beta

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    The production, accumulation and aggregation of amyloid beta (Aß) peptides in Alzheimer's disease (AD) are influenced by different modulators. Among these are iron and iron-related proteins, given their ability to modulate the expression of the amyloid precursor protein and to drive Aß aggregation. Herein, we describe that lipocalin 2 (LCN2), a mammalian acute-phase protein involved in iron homeostasis, is highly produced in response to Aß1-42 by choroid plexus epithelial cells and astrocytes, but not by microglia or neurons. Although Aß1-42 stimulation decreases the dehydrogenase activity and survival of wild-type astrocytes, astrocytes lacking the expression of Lcn2 are not affected. This protection results from a lower expression of the proapoptotic gene Bim and a decreased inflammatory response. Altogether, these findings show that Aß toxicity to astrocytes requires LCN2, which represents a novel mechanism to target when addressing AD.Cell Death and Differentiation advance online publication, 23 May 2014; doi:10.1038/cdd.2014.68.We thank Dr. Ioannis Sotiropoulos for reagents and comments. Sandro Da Mesquita and Ana Catarina Ferreira are recipients of PhD fellowships and Fernanda Marques is recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal)/FEDER. This work was supported by a grant from FCT/FEDER (EXPL/NEUOSD/2196/2013)

    Differential regulation of iron chelator-induced IL-8 synthesis via MAP kinase and NF-κB in immortalized and malignant oral keratinocytes

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    Abstract Background Interleukin-8 (IL-8) is a cytokine that plays an important role in tumor progression in a variety of cancer types; however, its regulation is not well understood in oral cancer cells. In the present study, we examined the expression and mechanism of IL-8 in which it is involved by treating immortalized (IHOK) and malignant human oral keratinocytes (HN12) cells with deferoxamine (DFO). Methods IL-8 production was measured by an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays was used to determine NF-κB binding activity. Phosphorylation and degradation of the I-κB were analyized by Western blot. Results IHOK cells incubated with DFO showed increased expression of IL-8 mRNA, as well as higher release of the IL-8 protein. The up-regulation of DFO-induced IL-8 expression was higher in IHOK cells than in HN12 cells and was concentration-dependent. DFO acted additively with IL-1β to strongly up-regulate IL-8 in IHOK cells but not in HN12 cells. Accordingly, selective p38 and ERK1/2 inhibitors for both kinases abolished DFO-induced IL-8 expression in both IHOK and HN12 cells. Furthermore, DFO induced the degradation and phosphorylation of IκB, and activation of NF-κB. The IL-8 inducing effects of DFO were mediated by a nitric oxide donor (S-nitrosoglutathione), and by pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, an inhibitor of NF-κB, as well as by wortmannin, which inhibits the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent activation of NAD(P)H oxidase. Conclusion This results demonstrate that DFO-induced IL-8 acts via multiple signaling pathways in immortalized and malignant oral keratinocytes, and that the control of IL-8 may be an important target for immunotheraphy against human oral premalignant lesions.</p

    Cattle Mammary Bioreactor Generated by a Novel Procedure of Transgenic Cloning for Large-Scale Production of Functional Human Lactoferrin

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    Large-scale production of biopharmaceuticals by current bioreactor techniques is limited by low transgenic efficiency and low expression of foreign proteins. In general, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) harboring most regulatory elements is capable of overcoming the limitations, but transferring BAC into donor cells is difficult. We describe here the use of cattle mammary bioreactor to produce functional recombinant human lactoferrin (rhLF) by a novel procedure of transgenic cloning, which employs microinjection to generate transgenic somatic cells as donor cells. Bovine fibroblast cells were co-microinjected for the first time with a 150-kb BAC carrying the human lactoferrin gene and a marker gene. The resulting transfection efficiency of up to 15.79×10−2 percent was notably higher than that of electroporation and lipofection. Following somatic cell nuclear transfer, we obtained two transgenic cows that secreted rhLF at high levels, 2.5 g/l and 3.4 g/l, respectively. The rhLF had a similar pattern of glycosylation and proteolytic susceptibility as the natural human counterpart. Biochemical analysis revealed that the iron-binding and releasing properties of rhLF were identical to that of native hLF. Importantly, an antibacterial experiment further demonstrated that rhLF was functional. Our results indicate that co-microinjection with a BAC and a marker gene into donor cells for somatic cell cloning indeed improves transgenic efficiency. Moreover, the cattle mammary bioreactors generated with this novel procedure produce functional rhLF on an industrial scale