2,181 research outputs found

    Why do they separate it or not? Attitudes and behaviors towards organic waste separation

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    El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio exploratorio sobre las actitudes y conductas de separación de residuos orgánicos, con el objeto de plantear sugerencias para el diseño y desarrollo de campañas de comunicación para la promoción de conductas pro-ambientales. El objetivo general es analizar las actitudes y comportamientos de las personas que separan y las que no separan los residuos orgánicos, en dos barrios de Badalona (España) en los que se efectuó una campaña para la promoción de su separación, basándose en el Modelo Psicosocial de las Cuatro Esferas. Se realizaron 1010 entrevistas individuales. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID). El comportamiento de separación de residuos se utilizó como variable dependiente. Las razones aducidas para explicar por qué la gente separa o no los residuos orgánicos y las variables sociodemográficas se determinaron como variables independientes. De acuerdo con el Modelo de las Cuatro Esferas, los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en la separación de residuos. A partir de los perfiles obtenidos es posible establecer el conjunto de variables predictivas que faciliten el desarrollo de las campañas de comunicación de acuerdo con los requisitos de cada comunidad

    Pricing multivariate barrier reverse convertibles with factor-based subordinators

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    In this paper we study factor-based subordinated Levy processes in their VG and NIG specications, and focus on their ability to price multivariate exotic derivatives. Dierent model specications, calibrated to a dataset of multivariate Barrier Reverse Convertibles listed at the Swiss market, show diverse ability in capturing smile patterns and recovering empirical correlations. We show how the range of the correlation spanned by the model is linked to the process marginal distributions. Our analysis nds that there exists a tradeo between marginal and correlation fit. A sensitivity analysis is performed, showing how the product's characteristics and the model's features aect Multi Barrier Reverse Convertible prices. Market and model prices are analyzed, highlighting and explaining discrepancies

    Values and e-Consumer Behavior

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    e-Consumer behavior models prior attitudes to predict e-loyalty in front values or another internal factors of customers. Scientific literature relegates to a second term the importance of values in purchase online like a predictive factor of e-loyalty. The following chapter explains why values will be determinant in consumer behavior online and e-loyalty

    Breast implant illness: a step forward in understanding this complex entity and the impact of social media

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    Introduction. The number of implant-related complaints is constantly rising, a phenomenon probably accentuated by the extensive use of social media by patients. Material and method. A group of signs and symptoms considered to be caused by mammary implants is known as “Breast Implant Illness”. This paper analyzes the increased number of posts by patients on social media in which they describe their symptoms, their disappointment with the decision of using breast implants, and the beneficial effects of explantation. The case of a patient with breast implants who visited our clinic is reported here. The patient complained of two palpable masses, located in the left axilla and in the superolateral quadrant of the left breast. The pathophysiological mechanism by which lymphadenopathy occurred after a long period of time remains uncertain. Discussion. A review of the literature was conducted to identify the underlying causes of implant-related complaints, allowing evaluation of the presence of local complications, cancer with large anaplastic cells, and autoimmune diseases. The possibility of a somatization effect has also been considered. Conclusions. Plastic surgeons must remain the best source of information, taking on the role of educating the patient in order to better understand this condition

    More than words: Promoviendo la integración laboral de personas con discapacidad

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    The main objective of this research is to analyse the degree of implementation of policies and strategies in various companies and special employment centres (CEE) in Spain. In both types of organizations, the most developed policies are those oriented towards external stakeholders. The management systems of selection and adaptation to the environment are those with the highest levels of deployment, while training and professional development are the least deployed. In companies, people with disabilities are perceived as the most involved group in terms of labour integration, while in the CEE the management team and the members of support units are perceived as more involved. This research helps HR managers to create the necessary conditions for all individuals to develop their competences, knowledge, experience and motivations in an employment context

    Las políticas de responsabilidad social corporativa para la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad como predictores de identificación, compromiso y absentismo de los empleados

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    Few studies have explored the effect on employees of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies focused on the inclusion of people with disabilities. The present research examines the extent to which employees’ perceptions of CSR policies aimed at the employment of disabled people are related to organizational identification, commitment, and absenteeism. A questionnaire was administered to 104 employees (participation rate: 41.1%). Correlations and common method variance tests, and linear regressions were performed. Only the internal-focus policies have an effect on employees’ identification and commitment, although the external-focus policies have been more deeply studied. There were no significant results related to absenteeism. Our research highlights the impact of internal-focus policies for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the commitment and identification of all employees, those with and without disabilities. The results also contribute significantly to the design of strategies that facilitate and enhance the normalization of these employees in the labor market, helping practitioners to target these companies as future employers of people with disabilities.Pocos estudios han analizado el efecto en los empleados de las políticas de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) orientadas a la inclusión de las personas con discapacidades. La presente investigación examina el grado en que las percepciones de los empleados sobre dichas políticas están relacionadas con la identificación y el compromiso con la organización, y con el absentismo. Se administró un cuestionario a 104 empleados (tasa de participación: 41,1%). Se realizaron correlaciones, pruebas de varianza del método común, y regresiones lineales. Si bien el efecto de las políticas de RSC orientadas hacia el entorno de la organización han sido las más estudiadas, nuestra investigación pone de relieve el impacto de las políticas internas para la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad sobre el compromiso y la identificación de todos los empleados, las personas con y sin discapacidad, pero no así con el absentismo. Los resultados obtenidos contribuyen significativamente al diseño de estrategias que faciliten y mejoren la normalización del colectivo de personas con discapacidad en el mercado de trabajo, contribuyendo a su inserción laboral

    Noise destroys feedback enhanced figure-ground segmentation but not feedforward figure-ground segmentation

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    Figure-ground (FG) segmentation is the separation of visual information into background and foreground objects. In the visual cortex, FG responses are observed in the late stimulus response period, when neurons fire in tonic mode, and are accompanied by a switch in cortical state. When such a switch does not occur, FG segmentation fails. Currently, it is not known what happens in the brain on such occasions. A biologically plausible feedforward spiking neuron model was previously devised that performed FG segmentation successfully. After incorporating feedback the FG signal was enhanced, which was accompanied by a change in spiking regime. In a feedforward model neurons respond in a bursting mode whereas in the feedback model neurons fired in tonic mode. It is known that bursts can overcome noise, while tonic firing appears to be much more sensitive to noise. In the present study, we try to elucidate how the presence of noise can impair FG segmentation, and to what extent the feedforward and feedback pathways can overcome noise. We show that noise specifically destroys the feedback enhanced FG segmentation and leaves the feedforward FG segmentation largely intact. Our results predict that noise produces failure in FG perception

    Modelo DIL-D ©: diagnosticando las acciones de responsabilidad social corporativa centradas en la integración laboral de personas con discapacidad

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    El principal objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar y diagnosticar el grado de implantación y desarrollo de las acciones de responsabilidad social corporativa que facilitan la integración laboral de personas con discapacidad (RSC-D). Para ello hemos desarrollado un modelo clasificatorio (Modelo DIL-D ©) y un instrumento diagnóstico que dota de herramientas objetivas a los profesionales, en aras de fomentar la integración laboral de personas con discapacidad. El instrumento desarrollado se ha administrado a responsables RSC y/o de RRHH de 42 empresas. Los resultados nos muestran la confiabilidad del instrumento, así como el ajuste del Modelo. Dos tercios de las empresas obtienen niveles altos de desarrollo en todas las dimensiones, si bien un 34,5 % bajos. El modelo establece las pautas de intervención que la empresa ordinaria debe seguir en aras de promover la integración laboral, facilitando las herramientas de diagnóstico que promueven la creación de entornos integradores