2,080 research outputs found

    Remarks on differential operators on algebraic varieties

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    Construction of coherent states for physical algebraic systems

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    We construct a general state which is an eigenvector of the annihilation operator of the Generalized Heisenberg Algebra. We show for several systems, which are characterized by different energy spectra, that this general state satisfies the minimal set of conditions required to obtain Klauder's minimal coherent states.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of phonon scattering by surface roughness on the universal thermal conductance

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    The effect of phonon scattering by surface roughness on the thermal conductance in mesoscopic systems at low temperatures is calculated using full elasticity theory. The low frequency behavior of the scattering shows novel power law dependences arising from the unusual properties of the elastic modes. This leads to new predictions for the low temperature depression of the thermal conductance below the ideal universal value. Comparison with the data of Schwab et al. [Nature 404, 974 (2000)] suggests that surface roughness on a scale of the width of the thermal pathway is important in the experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    The compactified Jacobian

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    Plantas uliginosas e aquaticas do Pantanal arenoso.

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    Com o objetivo de apoiar projetos de pesquisa sobre plantas forrageiras e componentes bioticos de habitats (jacare, peixes), iniciou-se em 1984 o levantamento de plantas aquaticas e uliginosas de lugares umidos no leque aluvial arenoso do rio Taquari, que abrange Nhecolandia e Paiaguas no Pantanal. A Nhecolandia caracteriza-se pelas lagoas (= "baias"), e Paiaguas, pelas vazantes, ou drenagem abertas. Ambas as sub-regioes tem campos estacionalmente palustres com plantas uliginosas e aquaticas. Algumas comunidades como "pirizal", "caetezal", "taboal", "camalotal", etc, tem nomes populares em funcao das plantas dominantes. No total foram listadas 157 especies, de 108 generos e 54 familias. As familias mais numerosas sao gramineae (37 especies) e Cyperaceae (19), seguidas de Leguminosae (10), Scrophulariceae (7), Eriocaulaceae (6), Alismataceae (5), Lentibulariaceae (5), Onagraceae (5) e Polygalaceae (5).bitstream/item/41130/1/PA06.pd

    Disponibilidade de fitomassa do estrato herbáceo de uma caatinga raleada submetida ao pastejo alternado ovino-caprino.

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    O trabalho foi realizado no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Caprinos - CNPC/Embrapa, Sobral Estado do CE, de 1988 a 1994, com o objetivo de avaliar a disponibilidade de matéria seca do estrato herbáceo de uma Caatinga raleada, submetida ao pastejo alternado ovino-caprino. Foram utilizadas fêmeas ovinas Morada Nova e caprinas SRD (Sem Raça Definida) que, em grupos de 10, foram distribuídas em piquetes de 4, 6 e 8 ha. Foi avaliada a disponibilidade de matéria seca de gramíneas e dicotiledôneas herbáceas. O delineamento adotado foi em parcelas subdivididas, com 2 blocos e tratamentos em esquema fatorial cruzado de 3 x 19 (3 taxas de lotação nas parcelas e 19 épocas do ano como subparcelas). A disponibilidade de matéria seca do estrato herbáceo aumentou nas primeiras épocas de ocupação por ovinos, seguida de tendência de queda, com restabelecimento nas épocas iniciais da ocupação por caprinos. A disponibilidade de matéria seca de gramíneas diminuiu com o pastejo de ovinos e se restabeleceu com o de caprinos. Já a disponibilidade de matéria seca de dicotiledôneas aumentou durante o pastejo de ovinos e diminuiu durante o de caprinos. A disponibilidade e a composição florística da matéria seca do estrato herbáceo da Caatinga raleada podem ser controladas mediante o pastejo alternado ovino-caprino, garantindo, ao longo dos anos a estabilização da produção de gramíneas e dicotiledôneas herbáceas, tornando-se, possivelmente, na forma mais adequada de exploração pastoril sustentada deste componente florístico. Standing phytomass availability of the herbaceous cover of Caatinga raleada subjected to alternate grazing by sheep and goats. Abstract: The experiment was carried out at the Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Caprinos, in Sobral, Ceará State, Brazil, from 1988 to 1994, with objective of determining the dry matter availability of the herbaceous forages (monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous) of a thinned Caatinga subjected to alternate grazing by sheep and goat. Morada Nova ewes and SRD nanny goats were used, grouped by tens and were distributed in 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 ha paddocks. Annual fluctuations on the availability of dry matter of grass and of forbs, as affected by grazing, were evaluated. A split plot design arranged in randomized form with two repetitions (blocks) and treatments in factorial of 3 x 19 (3 stocking rates in the plots and 19 periods in the sub-plots) was applied. The availability of the herbaceous cover dry matter increased in the first periods of stocking with sheep, followed by a declining trend and recovering in the first periods of stocking with goats. The grass phytomass availability decreased with grazing by sheep and it was reestablished under goat grazing. However, the forb phytomas increased with utilization by sheep and decreased under goat grazing. Therefore, the availability and the floristic composition of the herbaceous cover of a thinned Caatinga could be controlled by the using of alternate sheep and goat grazing, warranting the stabilization of the production of grasses and forbs, and becoming one alternative of sustainable utilization of those floristic components of the Caatinga bioma.Parte da Dissertação de mestrado do primeiro autor - Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)