1,258 research outputs found

    A escolha da semente de abóbora é muito importante.

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    Em experimentos de pesquisa realizados em áreas de agricultores familiares, a Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros de Aracaju (SE) detectou, no ano de 2009, a ocorrência da antracnose em Simão Dias, região Agreste de Sergipe, município com expressão no cultivo e comercialização da abóbora.bitstream/item/123123/1/escolha-da-semente.pd

    Avaliação da intensidade da queima-das-folhas em cultivares de coqueiro.

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    Anais do 1º Simpósio da Rede de Recursos Genéticos Vegetais do Nordeste (I RGVNE), Cruz das Almas, nov. 2013

    Qualidade sanitária de sementes de soja de diferentes cultivares introduzidos para cultivo em Sergipe.

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    Nutrition, social factors and prostatic cancer in a Northern Italian population.

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    The relationship between prostate cancer and indicators of nutrition, diet and social factors was evaluated in a case-control study of 166 patients with histologically confirmed prostatic carcinoma and 202 control subjects hospitalized for acute diseases other than malignant, hormonal or urogenital. The relative risk increased with increasing body mass index, men being moderately overweight showing a 2.3 elevated risk, and those grossly overweight an over four-fold higher risk of prostate cancer, when allowance was made for several identified potential confounding factors. Cases also reported more frequent consumption of milk and other dairy products and meat, but no significant difference was noted for vegetable intake. The risk of prostate cancer was unrelated to marital status or indicators of social class based on occupation

    Selected medical conditions and risk of breast cancer.

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    Several diseases are known or suspected to be associated with altered levels of hormones and growth factors that may influence breast cancer risk. To elucidate this possibility, we studied the relationship between 23 medical conditions or procedures and breast cancer risk by means of data from a multicentric case-control study conducted between 1991 and 1994 in six Italian areas. The study included 2569 histologically confirmed incident cases of breast cancer (median age 55 years, range 23-74 years) and 2588 control women (median age 56 years, range 20-74 years) admitted to the same hospitals as cases for a variety of acute conditions unrelated to known or suspected risk factors for breast cancer. After allowance for education, parity and body mass index, elevated odds ratios (ORs) emerged for history of diabetes mellitus in post-menopausal women (OR = 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.0), hypertension in pregnancy (OR = 1.8, 95% CI 1.0-3.4) and breast nodules (OR = 1.3, 95% CI 1.0-1.7). Risk decreases were associated with ovarian ablation for ovarian cysts (OR = 0.5, 95% CI 0.3-0.7) and with thyroid nodules (OR = 0.7, 95% CI 0.5-0.9) but not with the combination of any type of benign thyroid disease. While most examined conditions seemed unrelated to breast cancer risk, the association with late-onset diabetes is of special interest as it suggests a role of hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance in breast cancer promotion. It also points to preventive lifestyle modifications

    The meat market in Brazil: an econometric approach.

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    We describe the relative participation of the meat market (beef, pork and chicken) in Brazil in the total agribusiness and in total country?s exports. An analysis of the world meat market is carried out from the point of view of the values of consumption, production, exports and imports. A multi-criteria DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) approach is then used to generate world market classifications. Particularly, the Brazilian insertion in the world market is viewed from these perspectives. A partial equilibrium model for the meat market is fit to Brazilian data by three stages least squares. The model is consistent with the data and is used for simulation purposes. In this context we investigate the joint and the separate effects of changes in corn price and in the exchange rate on the market endogenous variables, ceteris paribus

    Leanness as early marker of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx

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    Summary Background: It is not clear whether the purported association of leanness with cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx was due to cancer-related weight loss or to the influence of factors associated with leanness. Patients and methods: Seven hundred fifty-four incident cases of cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx and 1775 controls, admitted to hospital for acute, non-neoplastic diseases, in Italy and Switzerland. Questionnaire included height, lifetime history of weight and of physical activity, waist and hip measurements, and a validated food-frequency section. Results: Leanness at diagnosis was associated with elevated risk in men (adjusted odds ratio, OR for 5-unit decrease in body-mass index, BMI = 1.9; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.6-2.2 in men). Male cases were significantly leaner than control subjects at the age of 30 and of 50. Thinner women also had an increased risk, but the inverse association with BMI was non linear. In both sexes, the association with leanness was restricted to smokers and moderate/heavy drinkers, but was not accounted for by drinking and smoking habits, nor by differences in physical activity or dietary habits. Conclusions: Leanness appears to be an early marker of some unknown biological effect of smoking and/or of alcohol abuse, which may contribute to the prediction of cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx. Cessation of smoking and substantial reduction of alcohol intake may improve nutritional status, besides stopping carcinogen exposur

    Smoking and drinking cessation and the risk of oesophageal cancer

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    In a case–control study from Italy and Switzerland with 404 oesophageal cancer cases and 1070 hospital controls, the risk of oesophageal cancer declined with time since cessation of smoking or drinking, and was significantly reduced (odds ratio = 0.11) 10 or more years after cessation of both habits. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig