13 research outputs found

    Phase Transformation on Interface between NiCoCrAlY Bond Coat and Substrate and Study of Thermal Barrier Coating as High Temperature Material

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    Thermal Barrier Coating material consists of Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) as a top coat and bond coat NiCoCrAlY. It is used to protect NiCoCrAlY super alloys for high temperature applications due to its corrosion resistant properties and resistance to thermal fatigue. In the present study, top coat and bond coat were deposited on the substrate using plasma spraying process, followed by thermal fatigue treatment, by heating up to 900 oC for 5 hours and cooling down to 25 oC for 15 minutes, this process called one cycle. Thermal fatigue was conducted until the material failure. Electron microscope was used to analysis microstructure of the sample after thermal fatigue and x-ray diffraction to analysis phase changed on the interface between bond coat and substrate. The result showed that the specimens failed at 42 cycles (210 hours). A new phase identified as Ni3Al was formed


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    Fertilization is needed by plants, including cayenne pepper. Organic fertilizers have advantages because of the complete composition of nutrients. Tea leaf dregs which is an organic fertilizer that contains a number of nutrients that are quite good for cayenne pepper plants. This study aims to determine the effect of tea leaf dregs compost on the growth and yield of cayenne pepper. The research was carried out in Beji village, East Ungaran, Semarang district from February to June 2017 with latosol soil type. The design used was a single factor completely randomized design with 18 replications. The levels were without tea leaf dregs compost, doses of tea leaf dregs compost were 10, 20, 30, and 40 tons/ha. The results showed that the most productive branches were at a dose of tea leaf dregs compost of 20 tons/ha, dry weight of stover 40 tons/ha, fruit weight per plant 30 tons/ha, and flowering age 20 tons/ha and harvest age 30 tons/ha. The conclusion of this study was that tea leaf dregs compost increased the number of productive branches, dry weight of stover and fruit weight per plant, and accelerated flowering and harvesting ages. The implication of this research is that the cultivation of cayenne pepper should use tea leaf dregs compost at a dose of 30 tons/ha

    Sistem Koordinasi dan Kecerdasan Buatan untuk Strategi Bertanding pada Robot Soccer

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    This research presents an autonomous control system of multi-agent robot soccer. The control system is used to realize the holonomic movement of 2 agent robot to make their trajectory. A movement of multi-agent robot soccer is based on visualization by a camera which located above the robot field. A visualization involves process of color detection, such as marker detection and ball detection. The results will processed into coordinate data to make conversion become angle data, distance data and heading angle of agent robot. The generated data will broadcast serially and the agent robot will receive the appropriate data to make a movement. The movement data will processed by the Distribution of Vector Equation. The resulting motion are linear motion, angular motion, and mixed of linear and angular. The results of the system that have been made are work properly, which have a record of agent robot movement, the error data is 1,44%

    Perancangan Sistem Navigasi Otonom Pada Behavior Based Hexapod Robot

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    Six legged robot (hexapod) has advantage over wheeled robot in its capability to walk over rough terrain. In this paper, hexapod mobility will be tested in order to measure its performance in walk through beam and stair. Behavior based architecture will be used in hexpod, so it can react quickly. Autonomous navigation application has been chosen here in order to prove that the architecture is running well. From simulation result, it can be seen that behavior based hexapod robot has good mobility (it can walk through obstacle that has 10 cm height) and it can accomplish its task to avoid the obstacles and find the light source

    Phase Transformation on Interface between NiCoCrAlY Bond Coat and Substrate and Study of Thermal Barrier Coating as High Temperature Material

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    Thermal Barrier Coating material consists of Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) as a top coat and bond coat NiCoCrAlY. It is used to protect NiCoCrAlY super alloys for high temperature applications due to its corrosion resistant properties and resistance to thermal fatigue. In the present study, top coat and bond coat were deposited on the substrate using plasma spraying process, followed by thermal fatigue treatment, by heating up to 900 oC for 5 hours and cooling down to 25 oC for 15 minutes, this process called one cycle. Thermal fatigue was conducted until the material failure. Electron microscope was used to analysis microstructure of the sample after thermal fatigue and x-ray diffraction to analysis phase changed on the interface between bond coat and substrate. The result showed that the specimens failed at 42 cycles (210 hours). A new phase identified as Ni3Al was formed

    Pemetaan 3 Dimensi Untuk Menentukan Jalur Evakuasi Alternatif Pada Smart Robot Rescue

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    Penanganan evakuasi pasca bencana sangat membahayakan bagi korban maupun tim penyelamat yang akan melakukan evakuasi, khususnya area di dalam ruangan, ini disebabkan karena area yang belum terpetakan. Pada penelitian ini kami mengaplikasikan robot rescue untuk melakukan surve pada daerah pasca bencana, khususnya area di dalam ruangan (indoor area), Robot didesain dengan mekanik yang memungkinkan untuk melewati medan pasca bencana, sensor posisi yang diproses menggunakan metode odometry untuk melakukan rekam data pergerakan yaitu posisi dan orientasi dari robot, sensor observasi yang di proses dengan Kalman filter untuk melakukan deteksi lingkungan area robot pada saat melakukan navigasi, data sensor dan aktuator pada robot akan diproses lebih lanjut oleh GCS (Ground Control Station) untuk menghasilkan informasi berupa peta atau denah area (indoor) dan jalur evakusi alternatif dengan metode Flood Fill. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, sistem navigasi menggunakan odometry pada area pasca bencana menghasilkan rekam posisi dan diperlukan perbaikan data posisi dan orientasi dengan menambahkan sensor absolute (menggunkan lokal GPS Global Positioning System atau IMU Intertial Measurement Unit). Fusion data motion model dan observation model menghasilkan pemetaan 3 dimensi dari area navigasi robot dan informasi jalur terpendek antara posisi victim dengan pintu emergencyyang terdekat, sehingga data peta dan jalur memungkinkan tim SAR (Search And Rescue) untuk lebih efektif dalam melakukan evakuasi terhadap korban pasca bencana pada area di dalam ruangan