433 research outputs found

    Restructuring of the Metallurgical Industry in the Aspect of Economics - System Changes and Integration with the European Union

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    In this paper, the main elements of adjustment processes for the metallurgical industry in system, social and economic aspects are presented. Also, issues connected with the changes in the national economy in the aspects of integration with the European Union are discussed. The results reported in this paper are based on the analysis of the Polish metallurgical industry in the period from 1991 to 2005

    Restructuring of the Metallurgical Industry in the Aspect of Economics - System Changes and Integration with the European Union

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    In this paper, the main elements of adjustment processes for the metallurgical industry in system, social and economic aspects are presented. Also, issues connected with the changes in the national economy in the aspects of integration with the European Union are discussed. The results reported in this paper are based on the analysis of the Polish metallurgical industry in the period from 1991 to 2005

    Mogućnosti kvalitativne i kvantitativne prilagodbe ljudskih resursa na primjeru odabranog pogona metalurškog poduzeća

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    One of basic tasks of human resource management in a metallurgical enterprise is assurance of workers with correct - from organization point of view - competences. These activities are possible only when competences needed in the enterprise are recognized and the influence of particular competences on correct course of manufacturing process is described. This enables the enterprise to have an access to exact qualification of workers’ profiles which should be applied on stage of selection. In this paper, on the example of chosen unit of metallurgical enterprise, methods possible to use in human resource management are presented.Jedan od osnovnih zadataka upravljanja ljudskim resursima u nekom metalurškom poduzeću je osiguravanje dovoljnog broja radnika s odgovarajućim odgovornostima - gledajući s točke gledišta organizacije. Takve aktivnosti su moguće samo onda ako organizacija zna prepoznati koje odgovornosti su joj potrebne i ako je (unaprijed) opisan njihov utjecaj na ispravan tijek proizvodnog procesa. To omogućuje poduzeću da ima pristup točnim kvalifikacijama profila radnika koje će se primijeniti u fazi odabira. U ovom radu su prikazane na primjeru jednog pogona nekog metalurškog poduzeća metode koje se mogu primijeniti u upravljanju ljudskim resursima

    Magnetic field modulation of intense surface plasmon polaritons

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    We present correlated experimental and theoretical studies on the magnetic field modulation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPPs) in Au/Co/Au trilayers. The trilayers were grown by sputter deposition on glass slides with the Co films placed at different distances from the surface and with different thickness. We show that it is possible to tailor Au/Co/Au trilayers with the critical thickness needed for optimum excitation of SPPs leading to large localized electromagnetic fields. The modification of the SPP wave vector by externally applied magnetic fields was investigated by measuring the magneto-optical activity in transverse configuration. In addition, using magneto-optics as a tool we determined the spatial distribution of the SPP generated electromagnetic fields within Au/Co/Au samples by analyzing the field-dependent optical response, demonstrating that it is possible to excite SPPs that exhibit large electromagnetic fields that are also magneto-optically active and therefore can be modulated by externally applied magnetic fields. (C)2010 Optical Society of Americ

    Extension Educators\u27 Views of Scholarship and Performance Evalutation Criteria

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    In response to an organizational goal of increasing scholarship, a survey of faculty and staff in the University of Minnesota Extension Service was conducted to better understand how they define scholarship, its extent of use in their everyday work, and its importance within performance evaluation. While Regional Extension Educators strongly believe they should enhance their scholarship, they also believe that it should not occur at the expense of program management, delivery, and development. In fact, they saw those factors as being more important in performance evaluations than scholarship

    Promjena u shemi organizacije restrukturiranih metalurških poduzeća na primjeru jedne od najvećih poljskih čeličana

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    Among metallurgical enterprises active contemporarily on the market a great concern about the simplification of the organizational structure can be observed. The main factor decisive to an enterprise’s choice to introduce changes in the field of organization and management are changes of conditions in its environment. In addition to this, the managements of metallurgical enterprises mention also, as causal factors, a general crisis of an enterprise that manifest itself in a decrease of basic economic indices, inadequate adjustment of information and decision systems to the variable character of an environment and starting changes in other areas, such as engineering or economics. In this paper the effects of the restructuring of the organizational structure of Katowice Steelworks are presented.Među metalurškim poduzećima trenutno aktivnim na tržištu, može se primijetiti velika briga za pojednostavljenjem organizacijske strukture. Glavni faktor u odlučivanju poduzeća o izboru promjena na polju organizacije i managementa su promjene uvjeta u svojoj okolini. Osim toga, managementi metalurškili poduzeća također spominju, kao uzročne faktore, opću krizu poduzeća koja se manifestira u smanjivanju osnovnih gospodarskih indeksa, neadekvatnu podešenost informacija i sistema odlučivanja prema varijabilnom karakteru okoliša, i promjenama koje započinju na drugim područjima kao što su tehnika i gospodarstvo. U ovom radu prikazani su efekti restrukturiranja organizacijske sheme čeličane u Katowicama

    Suvremeni elementi sustava upravljanja kvalitetom u metalurškom poduzeću

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    In this paper authors submit a method of quality estimation for metallurgical products. The method include three aspects: product’s fulfillment of appointed properties (essential sense of quality), product’s fulfillment of requirements of environmental protection (liquidation quality, level of waste management, energetic quality), onerousness of production process for health of workers.U ovom radu autori prikazuju metodu procjene kvalitete za metalurške proizvode. Metoda uključuje tri aspekta: procjena ispunjenja bitnih svojstava proizvoda (bitni smisao kvalitete), procjena zadovoljavanja zahtjeva zaštite okoliša od strane proizvoda (kvaliteta postupka uništenja proizvoda, razine upravljanja otpadom, energetska kvaliteta), procjena opasnosti proizvodnog procesa za zdravlje radnika

    Mogućnost uporabe metalurške troske u uvjetima ekonomije Poljske

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    The article presents the current possibilities for the utilization of blast-furnace and steelmaking slag in the realities of the Polish economy. Particular consideration is given to the legislation applicable to this area and to the physical and chemical requirements imposed on this material. Some aspects of environmental protection are described, and selected indicators are given, which must be met by this material to be used in various fields, such as road construction or cement production. Economical factors that are crucial to perceiving the slag as a standard valuable metallurgical product is also taken into consideration in the analysis.Mogućnost uporabe metalurške troske u uvjetima ekonomije Poljske. Članak prikazuje sadašnjemogućnosti uporabe visokopećne i čelične troske u ekonomiji. Posebna pozornost pridaje se zakonodavstvu iztog područja i zahtjevanim fizikalno-kemijskim svojstvima materijala. Opisani su neki oblici zaštite okoliša i izdvojeni pokazatelji koje je neophodno poznavati da bi se navedeni materijal mogao primjenjivati u različitim područjima, kao što su cestogradnja ili proizvodnja cementa. Također su analizirani ekonomski čimbenici presudni za poimanje troske kao vrijednog metalurškog proizvoda

    Characteristic of iron and steel industry in terms of membership in the European Union

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    This article presents an attempt to analyze the impact of global conditions on the functionality of the steel industry country – member of the European Union. The paper presents data describing trends and phenomena occurring in the global steel industry, and selected economic indicators describing the economic situation, which allowed the comparison of local changes with the trends disclosed in European and global scale

    Order and phase nucleation in nonequilibrium nanocomposite Fe-Pt thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    We report on the time evolution of mass transport upon annealing nonequilibrium Fe-Pt nanocomposite films, leading to nucleation of L1(0) chemically ordered phase. The nonequilibrium nanocomposite films were fabricated by applying Fe(+) ion implantation to epitaxial Pt films grown on (001) MgO substrates, yielding Fe nanoclusters embedded in a Pt matrix at a tailored penetration depth. Time-resolved x-ray diffraction studies were carried out using synchrotron radiation, allowing determination of the activation energy for nucleation of the FePt L1(0) phase within the segregated nanoclusters during annealing. The growth of the segregated L1(0) ordered phase was modeled using ideal grain-size law and found to be dominated by strain-driven surface nucleation. The activation energies were found to correlate with the nanocluster size. Magnetic characterization of selected annealed samples indicates perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with high coercive field coincident with high value of the chemical order parameter of the ordered phase within the magnetic nanoclusters