5 research outputs found

    Gambaran Sanitasi Pedagang Kaki Lima dan Kandungan Bakteri Escherechia Coli Pada Es Batu serta Olahan Kelapa Muda di Kelurahan Kelapa Lima

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    Sanitasi penjual makanan memberi keamanan terhadap  makanan yang dijual meliputi kebersihan peralatan, pengolahan makanan, personal hygiene dan kebersihan lingkungan rumah makan. Sanitasi makanan adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas makanan yang sehat dan melindungi konsumen dari penularan penyakit dari rumah makan kepada pengunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebersihan peralatan, personal hygiene, kebersihan lingkungan, kandungan   Escherichia coli    pada es batu dan olahan kelapa muda. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif dan sampel penelitian sebanyak lima pedagang kelapa muda yang ada di kelurahan Kelapa Lima. Hasil penelitian. kebersihan peralatan  termasuk kategori baik 80%  dan kategori buruk 20%,  kebersihan lingkungan kategori baik sebanyak 60%  dan kategori buruk sebanyak 40%, personal hygiene pengolah minuman es kelapa muda yang termasuk kategori baik sebanyak 80%  dan kategori buruk 20%, kandungan Escherichia coli pada es batu  yang memenuhi syarat 1 sampel  dan tidak memenuhi syarat 4 sampel dan  olahan kelapa muda yang memenuhi syarat sebanyak 3 sampel  dan tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 2 sampel. Disarankan bagi penjual es kelapa muda di Kelurahan Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang agar lebih memperhatikan kebersihan diri serta kebersihan peralatan dalam pembuatan es kelapa muda dan juga memperhatikan kebersihan lingkungan tempat penjual agar terhindar dari sumber penyakitSanitasi penjual makanan memberi keamanan terhadap  makanan yang dijual meliputi kebersihan peralatan, pengolahan makanan, personal hygiene dan kebersihan lingkungan rumah makan. Sanitasi makanan adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas makanan yang sehat dan melindungi konsumen dari penularan penyakit dari rumah makan kepada pengunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebersihan peralatan, personal hygiene, kebersihan lingkungan, kandungan   Escherichia coli    pada es batu dan olahan kelapa muda. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif dan sampel penelitian sebanyak lima pedagang kelapa muda yang ada di kelurahan Kelapa Lima. Hasil penelitian. kebersihan peralatan  termasuk kategori baik 80%  dan kategori buruk 20%,  kebersihan lingkungan kategori baik sebanyak 60%  dan kategori buruk sebanyak 40%, personal hygiene pengolah minuman es kelapa muda yang termasuk kategori baik sebanyak 80%  dan kategori buruk 20%, kandungan Escherichia coli pada es batu  yang memenuhi syarat 1 sampel  dan tidak memenuhi syarat 4 sampel dan  olahan kelapa muda yang memenuhi syarat sebanyak 3 sampel  dan tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 2 sampel. Disarankan bagi penjual es kelapa muda di Kelurahan Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang agar lebih memperhatikan kebersihan diri serta kebersihan peralatan dalam pembuatan es kelapa muda dan juga memperhatikan kebersihan lingkungan tempat penjual agar terhindar dari sumber penyaki

    Kondisi Sarana Air Bersih, Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat terhadap Frambusia pada Anak-anak

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    Kasus frambusia yang tercatat di Puskesmas Bondo Kodi Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) terus meningkat dari 174 kasus tahun 2009 menjadi 327 kasus pada tahun 2010 dan 369 kasus pada tahun 2011. Pada tahun 2012, frambusia tertinggi terjadi di Desa Mali Iha di Kecamatan Bondo Kodi dengan 43 kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor lingkungan, perilaku, dan pengetahuan masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan kejadian penyakit frambusia pada anak-anak. Penelitian observasional ini menggunakan rancangan studi kasus-kontrol, dengan kondisi sarana air bersih (SAB), perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS), dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang frambusia sebagai variabel bebas. Sampel penelitian adalah 30 orang anak yang menderita frambusia (kasus) dan 30 orang anak sehat (kontrol) yang diambil dengan metode purposive sampling. Data dan informasi mengenai SAB, praktik PHBS, dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang frambusia didapatkan dengan observasi dan wawancara, kemudian dianalisis dengan uji kai kuadrat. Ditemukan, secara statistik kejadian frambusia berhubungan bermakna dengan kondisi SAB (OR = 15,16 dan nilai p = 0,035) dan PHBS (OR = 7 dan nilai p = 0,048), tetapi tidak berhubungan dengan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang frambusia (nilai p = 0,283). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kondisi SAB dan PHBS merupakan faktor risiko frambusia.Frambusia cases recorded at Bondo Kodi Primary Health Care in Sumba Barat Daya District, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) were continously increasing from 174 in 2009 to 327 in 2010 and 369 in 2011. In 2012, the highest frambusia occurred in Mali Iha Village with 43 cases. The present research was to define environmental, behavioural, and knowledge factors associated with the frambusia in children. This observational study employed case-control design with condition of clean water source, practices of personal hygiene and health behavior, and community knowledge about frambusia as independent variables. Samples were 30 children with frambusia (cases) and 30 healthy children (control) who were selected using purposive sampling. Data and information on environmental condition, behavioral practices, and community knowledge were collected by interview and direct observation and were analyzed using chi-square test. It was found that statistically the frambusia cases were associated significantly with the condition of clean water source (OR = 15.16, p value = 0.035) and personal hygiene and healthy behavior (OR = 7, p value = 0.048), but were not associated with community knowledge (p value = 0.283). It concludes that condition of clean water sources and personal hygiene and healthy behavior are risk factors of frambusia in children

    Pengolahan Sampah Rumah Tangga Menjadi Kompos Pada Perumahan Lahan Sempit: Processing Household Waste Into Compost In Narrow Land Housing

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    The increase of household waste time to time leads to serious public health problem in daily life which is seriously not managed for instance the waste generated by household that would impact on pollutions and public health problems. The aim of this study is to measure the volume of generated waste and the waste volume which could be reducted by composting in household level. The mehthod of this study is an action research that conducted by  measuring organic waste home composting,  there are 25 houses are chosen as samples with some characteristics  such as housewives as their work, collecting data is done by measuring household waste and waste management by tube system. The study results shows the volume waste generation of 25 houses resulted 366 litre per day. The waste volume can be reduced drastically to be compost to the level 52 litre per day. Therefore,  if organic waste management is done by people in 264 units of simple houses /Rumah Sangat Sederhana (RSS) of Baumata Village , then organic waste could be reduced until 549 litre per day. The drastic waste reduction system is by planting the tube  underground which the number of tubes per house is 10 pieces. The quantity of an organic waste which is generated by simple houses /Rumah Sangat Sederhana (RSS) of Baumata Village is 14.782 litre per day.  Meanwhile household waste transportation is carried out once in every 3 days and the increase of waste volume until 10% then the 3 units of temporary waste disposal Centre  (TPSS) needs with 3m3 the size of TPSS at the simple houses in Baumata Village.   There was no TPSS found in the simple houses of Baumata Village and   the community disposed of the waste both around their houses and outside the housing complex.  This has an impact on disturbing  esthetics  and lead to breeding place for disease vectors and nuisance  animals which lead to public health problems. The conclusion of this study is both organic Waste  and inorganic waste volume generation from the household  reached 366 liters per day and it can be reduced until 52 liters per day

    The Study of Composting TIME Period by Using Tofu Cesspool Activator\u27s and Fish Cesspool Activator\u27s

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          Tofu and fish cesspool has contained an organic substance for microorganism growth in decomposing process of organic substances. The purpose of this research was to know the ability of tofu cesspool activators and fish cesspool activators in composting process.      The research type was pre-experiment research and used posttest only design. The independent variables are tofu cesspool activator and fish cesspool activator. Dependent variables are composting period time, temperature, pH, humidity, and C/N ratio. Data collected were measured result of parameter area, and laboratory test. The data was analyzed descriptively.      Research result indicated that in tofu cesspool activator treatment got pH, 6,9, temperature was 34,7á´¼C, humidity was 64,9% RH and C/N ratio was 13,83% and needed 12 days composting. For group of fish cesspool activator treatment got pH 7, temperature was 35,4á´¼C, humidity was 66,8%RH and C/N ratio was 17,5% and needed 14 days composting. Based on some literatures descripted best temperature was 25á´¼C-60á´¼C, and best Ph about 6.5-7.5, optimum humidity 40-60% RH, period time of composting was 2-3 weeks, and C/N best ratio was 10-20%.      Activator of tofu cesspool\u27s and fish cesspool\u27s can be used in composting process. It was suggested to community to use both activators in composting

    Personal Hygiene and Worm Eggs at Pupils Nail in Kupang City, Indonesia

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    Worm disease does not cause death but can affect digestion, absorption and metabolism of food. Helminthiasis figure in Kupang City in particular were not recorded properly, but when viewed from its risk factor then it was endemic because of sanitary conditions, personal hygiene, behavior, and the provision of clean water is still low. This study aim to identify the presence of worm\u27s eggs in the pupils nail and the correlation with clean and healthy living behavior of pupils. This analytic observational study used cross sectional design. The samples were primary school students as many as 50 people that were taken by random sampling. Data collection was through interviews and laboratory tests on stool samples and analyzed by using chi-square. Results found as many as 13 pupils (26%) were infested by worm eggsof Ascaris lumbricoides at their nail. There were no relation between the presence of worm eggs at pupils nail with gender (p=0.303), age (p=0.747), grade (p=0.643) and playing habits (p=1.000), but there is an association between the presence of worm eggs at elementary pupils nails with the latrine use (p=0.049) and personal hygiene (p=0.039). So that PHC expected to cooperate with the department of education improve the promotion and provision of facilities to support a clean and healthy behaviors for elementary school students