4,687 research outputs found

    Ion-Exchanged Glass Waveguides with Low Birefringence for a Broad Range of Waveguide Widths

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    Optical communications networks require integrated photonic components with negligible polarization dependence, which typically means that the waveguides must feature very low birefringence. Recent studies have shown that waveguides with low birefringence can be obtained, e.g., by use of silica-on-silicon waveguides or buried ion-exchanged glass waveguides. However, many integrated photonic circuits consist of waveguides with varying widths. Therefore low birefringence is consequently required for waveguides having different widths. This is a difficult task for most waveguide fabrication technologies. We present experimental results on waveguide birefringence for buried silver–sodium ion-exchanged glass waveguides. We show that the waveguide birefringence of the order of 106 for waveguide mask opening widths ranging from 2 to 10 ÎŒm can be obtained by postprocessing the sample through annealing at an elevated temperature. The measured values are in agreement with the values calculated with our modeling software for ion-exchanged glass waveguides. This unique feature of ion-exchanged waveguides may be of significant importance in a wide variety of integrated photonic circuits requiring polarization independent operation

    A view from inside iron-based superconductors

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    Muon spin spectroscopy is one of the most powerful tools to investigate the microscopic properties of superconductors. In this manuscript, an overview on some of the main achievements obtained by this technique in the iron-based superconductors (IBS) are presented. It is shown how the muons allow to probe the whole phase diagram of IBS, from the magnetic to the superconducting phase, and their sensitivity to unravel the modifications of the magnetic and the superconducting order parameters, as the phase diagram is spanned either by charge doping, by an external pressure or by introducing magnetic and non-magnetic impurities. Moreover, it is highlighted that the muons are unique probes for the study of the nanoscopic coexistence between magnetism and superconductivity taking place at the crossover between the two ground-states.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    Prior Experience and Export Performance: The Missing Link of Global Vision

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    Despite the scholarly interest in the prior experience of entrepreneurs expressed by the field of International Entrepreneurship, empirical investigation linking prior experience with international performance leads to inconclusive and conflicting results. Based on the concept of human capital and resource-based theory, this study provides a supplementary explanation by integrating global vision —the cognitive capital of the entrepreneur related to an international orientation— into this relationship. The study hypothesises that there is no direct relationship between entrepreneurs’ prior experience and export performance; rather, this relationship is mediated by an entrepreneur’s global vision. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling, drawing on a sample of 332 early internationalising SMEs in Bangladesh. To overcome the cognitive inertia resulting from prior experiences, entrepreneurs must focus on their cognitive capabilities, in particular the ability to see the world through a global lens. In order to improve export performance, policymakers must also provide additional support to strengthen entrepreneurs’ global vision

    A study on subarcsecond scales of the ammonia and continuum emission toward the G16.59-0.05 high-mass star-forming region

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    We wish to investigate the structure, velocity field, and stellar content of the G16.59-0.05 high-mass star-forming region, where previous studies have established the presence of two almost perpendicular (NE-SW and SE-NW), massive outflows, and a rotating disk traced by methanol maser emission. We performed Very Large Array observations of the radio continuum and ammonia line emission, complemented by COMICS/Subaru and Hi-GAL/Herschel images in the mid- and far-infrared (IR). Our centimeter continuum maps reveal a collimated radio jet that is oriented E-W and centered on the methanol maser disk, placed at the SE border of a compact molecular core. The spectral index of the jet is negative, indicating non-thermal emission over most of the jet, except the peak close to the maser disk, where thermal free-free emission is observed. We find that the ammonia emission presents a bipolar structure consistent (on a smaller scale) in direction and velocity with that of the NE-SW bipolar outflow detected in previous CO observations. After analyzing our previous N2H+(1-0) observations again, we conclude that two scenarios are possible. In one case both the radio jet and the ammonia emission would trace the root of the large-scale CO bipolar outflow. The different orientation of the jet and the ammonia flow could be explained by precession and/or a non-isotropic density distribution around the star. In the other case, the N2H+(1-0) and ammonia bipolarity is interpreted as two overlapping clumps moving with different velocities along the line of sight. The ammonia gas also seems to undergo rotation consistent with the maser disk. Our IR images complemented by archival data allow us to derive a bolometric luminosity of about 10^4 L_sun and to conclude that most of the luminosity is due to the young stellar object associated with the maser disk.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Evidence for impurity-induced frustration in La2CuO4

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    Zero-field muon spin rotation and magnetization measurements were performed in La2Cu{1-x}MxO4, for 0<x< 0.12, where Cu2+ is replaced either by M=Zn2+ or by M=Mg2+ spinless impurity. It is shown that while the doping dependence of the sublattice magnetization (M(x)) is nearly the same for both compounds, the N\'eel temperature (T_N(x)) decreases unambiguously more rapidly in the Zn-doped compound. This difference, not taken into account within a simple dilution model, is associated with the frustration induced by the Zn2+ impurity onto the Cu2+ antiferromagnetic lattice. In fact, from T_N(x) and M(x) the spin stiffness is derived and found to be reduced by Zn doping more significantly than expected within a dilution model. The effect of the structural modifications induced by doping on the exchange coupling is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Critical chain length and superconductivity emergence in oxygen-equalized pairs of YBa2Cu3O6.30

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    The oxygen-order dependent emergence of superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+x is studied, for the first time in a comparative way, on pair samples having the same oxygen content and thermal history, but different Cu(1)Ox chain arrangements deriving from their intercalated and deintercalated nature. Structural and electronic non-equivalence of pairs samples is detected in the critical region and found to be related, on microscopic scale, to a different average chain length, which, on being experimentally determined by nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), sheds new light on the concept of critical chain length for hole doping efficiency.Comment: 7 RevTex pages, 2 Postscript figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
