6,517 research outputs found

    Planetary radar

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    The radar astronomy activities supported by the Deep Space Network are reported. The high power S- and X-band radar transmitters at the Goldstone 64 meter station were used for a radar probe of Mars during January, February, and March 1980, which was designed to provide range and Doppler data derived from signals reflected from the Martian surface, taking advantage of the planet's nearness during opposition

    Glass shell manufacturing in space

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    Residual gases always found in glass shells are CO2, O2 and N2. In those cases where high water vapor pressure is maintained in the furnace, water is also found in the shells. Other evidence for the existence of water in shells is the presence of water-induced surface weathering of the interior shell surface. Water and CO2 are the predominant volatiles generated by the pyrolysis of both inorganic and hydrolyzed metal-organic gels. The pyrolysates of unhydrolyzed metal-organic gels also contain, in addition to water and CO2, significant levels of organic volatiles, such as ethanol and some hydrocarbons; on complete oxidation, these produce CO2 and water as well. Water is most likely the initial blowing agent, it is produced copiously during the initial stages of heating. In the later stages, CO2 becomes the dominant gas as H2O is lost at increasing rates. Water in the shell arises mainly from gel dehydration, CO2 by sodium bicarbonate/carbonate decomposition and carbon oxidation, and O2 and N2 by permeation of the ambient furnace air through the molten shell wall

    Indigenous vegetation types of Hamilton Ecological District

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    The following descriptions of indigenous vegetation types and lists of the most characteristic species have been compiled for the major landform units of the Hamilton Ecological District, which lies within the Waikato Ecological Region (McEwen 1987). The boundaries of the Hamilton Ecological District correspond approximately to those of the Hamilton basin, with the addition of parts of hills and foothills at the margins of the basin. The vegetation descriptions and species lists are based on knowledge of the flora of vegetation remnants in the ecological district, historical records (e.g., Gudex 1954), and extrapolation of data from other North Island sites with similar environmental profiles

    Glass shell manufacturing in space

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    Highly-uniform, hollow glass spheres (shells), which are used for inertial confinement fusion targets, were formed from metal-organic gel powder feedstock in a vertical furnace. As a result of the rapid pyrolysis caused by the furnace, the gel is transformed to a shell in five distinct stages: (a) surface closure of the porous gel; (b) generation of a closed-cell foam structure in the gel; (c) spheridization of the gel and further expansion of the foam; (d) coalescence of the closed-cell foam to a single-void shell; and (e) fining of the glass shell. The heat transfer from the furnace to the falling gel particle was modeled to determine the effective heating rate of the gel. The model predicts the temperature history for a particle as a function of mass, dimensions, specific heat, and absorptance as well as furnace temperature profile and thermal conductivity of the furnace gas. A model was developed that predicts the gravity-induced degradation of shell concentricity in falling molten shells as a function of shell characteristics and time

    Decentralization, Governance, and the Structure of Local Political Institutions: Lessons for Reform?

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    Many governments are devolving power to elected local councils, hoping to improve service delivery and citizen representation by bringing officials closer to the people. While these decentralization reforms hold the promise of improved governance, they also present national and sub-national leaders with a complex array of options about how to structure newly empowered local political institutions. This article draws on cross-national experience and the latest research to identify the trade-offs inherent in structuring local political institutions. The study’s specific interest is in the impact of strong, locally elected councils on governance and representation. Proceeding from an empirical basis that competitive elections are vital for the legitimacy and efficiency of local political institutions, the analysis first questions the impact of four institutional features – central versus local control, local executive versus local council authority, local council structure, and the role of parties – on service provision and fiscal solvency. The article’s second section analyses the impact of decentralization on political representation, with a particular focus on the role of institutional design in combating the threat of extremist parties. A final section summarizes empirical findings and advances some policy-relevant conclusions

    Identification of diverse database subsets using property-based and fragment-based molecular descriptions

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    This paper reports a comparison of calculated molecular properties and of 2D fragment bit-strings when used for the selection of structurally diverse subsets of a file of 44295 compounds. MaxMin dissimilarity-based selection and k-means cluster-based selection are used to select subsets containing between 1% and 20% of the file. Investigation of the numbers of bioactive molecules in the selected subsets suggest: that the MaxMin subsets are noticeably superior to the k-means subsets; that the property-based descriptors are marginally superior to the fragment-based descriptors; and that both approaches are noticeably superior to random selection

    AMPK Regulation of Mouse Oocyte Meiotic Resumption in Vitro

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    We have previously shown that the adenosine analog 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR), an activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), stimulates an increase in AMPK activity and induces meiotic resumption in mouse oocytes [Downs, S.M., Hudson, E.R., Hardie, D.G., 2002. A potential role for AMP-activated protein kinase in meiotic induction in mouse oocytes. Dev. Biol, 245, 200–212]. The present study was carried out to better define a causative role for AMPK in oocyte meiotic maturation. When microinjected with a constitutively active AMPK, about 20% of mouse oocytes maintained in meiotic arrest with dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) were stimulated to undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB), while there was no effect of catalytically dead kinase. Western blot analysis revealed that germinal vesicle (GV)-stage oocytes cultured in dbcAMP-containing medium plus AICAR possessed elevated levels of active AMPK, and this was confirmed by AMPK assays using a peptide substrate of AMPK to directly measure AMPK activity. AICAR-induced meiotic resumption and AMPK activation were blocked by compound C or adenine 9-beta-d-arabinofuranoside (araA, a precursor of araATP), both inhibitors of AMPK. Compound C failed to suppress adenosine uptake and phosphorylation, indicating that it did not block AICAR action by preventing its metabolism to the AMP analog, ZMP. 2′-Deoxycoformycin (DCF), a potent adenosine deaminase inhibitor, reversed the inhibitory effect of adenosine on oocyte maturation by modulating intracellular AMP levels and activating AMPK. Rosiglitazone, an anti-diabetic agent, stimulated AMPK activation in oocytes and triggered meiotic resumption. In spontaneously maturing oocytes, GVB was preceded by AMPK activation and blocked by compound C. Collectively, these results support the proposition that active AMPK within mouse oocytes provides a potent meiosis-inducing signal in vitro

    The conductive environment enhances gross motor function of girls with Rett syndrome. A pilot study

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    Introduction: Rett syndrome (RTT) is a neurological disorder usually associated with a mutation in the MECP2 gene. Conductive Education (CE) is an educational approach that has not yet been explored with regard to children with RTT. Objective: Assessing functional abilities of individuals with RTT due to CE intervention. Design: A single subject, AB design. Method: This study assessed the functional skills of three girls with RTT aged 3–5 years before and during participation in a CE programme. Results: Gross motor function improvements were observed at the end of the intervention period. Gross motor skills declined slightly in all participants over the summer holidays but improved again a few months after recommencement of the educational year. Conclusion: Replication of this study with more subjects is justified as is comparison with other educational methods. A home intervention programme should be constructed to prevent decline of skills over the summer vacation

    Anorpiment, As_(2)S_(3), the triclinic dimorph of orpiment

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    The new mineral anorpiment, As_(2)S_(3), the triclinic dimorph of orpiment, has space group P1 and cell parameters a = 5.7577(2), b = 8.7169(3), c = 10.2682(7) Å, α = 78.152(7), β = 75.817(7), γ = 89.861(6)º, V = 488.38(4) Å^3 and Z = 4. It occurs at the Palomo mine, Castrovirreyna Province, Huancavelica Department, Peru. It is a low-temperature hydrothermal mineral associated with dufrénoysite, muscovite, orpiment, pyrite and realgar. It occurs in drusy crusts of wedge-shaped, transparent, greenish yellow crystals. The streak is yellow. The lustre is resinous on crystal faces, but pearly on cleavage surfaces. The Mohs hardness is about 1½. The mineral is sectile with an irregular fracture and one perfect and easy cleavage on {001}. The measured and calculated densities are 3.33 and 3.321 g cm^(-3), respectively. All indices of refraction are greater than 2. The mineral is optically biaxial (—) with 2V = 35-40º and no observed dispersion. The acute bisectrix (X) is approximately perpendicular to the {001} cleavage. Electron microprobe analyses yielded the averages and ranges in wt.%: As 58.21 (57.74-59.03), S 38.72 (38.33-39.00), total 96.94 (96.07-97.75), providing the empirical formula (based on 5 atoms) As_(1.96)S_(3.04). The strongest powder X-ray diffraction lines are [d (hkl) I] 4.867(002) 97, 4.519 (110,111) 77, 3.702 (111) 46, 3.609 (022,112) 82, 2.880 (201,022,121,023) 75, 2.552 (113,131,132) 100, 2.469 (114,130,131) 96. The structure of anorpiment [R_1 = 0.021 for 1484 reflections with F_o > 4σ(F)] consists of layers of covalently bonded As and S atoms. Each S atom bonds to two As atoms at As-S-As angles between 100.45 and 104.15º. Each As atom is strongly bonded to three S atoms at S-As-S angles between 91.28 and 103.59º, forming an AsS_3 pyramid with As at its apex. The As-S linkages within the layers form rings of six AsS_3 pyramids. Interlayer bonding forces are interpreted as van der Waals. The structure of anorpiment is similar to that of orpiment in that it is composed of layers of As2S_3 macromolecules, but arranged in a different stacking sequence