63 research outputs found


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    Objective: This study was undertaken to carry out a comparative pharmacognostical evaluation of three botanical source plants used in the name of classical Ayurvedic drug Jivanti.Methods: Leaves of three source plants of jivanti belonging to Asclepiadaceae family i.e. Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.), Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. and Wattakaka volubilis (Linn. f.) Stapf were evaluated for morphological and microscopical characters including quantitative microscopy, surface study, powder microscopy and histochemical studies.Results: Morphologically all the three species showed some similar characters like simple, opposite leaves with reticulate venation. The shape of the leaves were ovate to oblong in L reticulata and H ada-kodien whereas W volubilis was having broadly ovate or suborbicular leaves. Multicellular glandular warty trichomes, rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, lactiferous cells were observed in all the three species whereas prismatic crystals were also present in W volubilis. Palisade ratio and stomatal index were higher in H ada-kodien followed by L reticulata. Characteristic differences in the organoleptic characters like colour, taste, touch were observed in individual powder samples. Test for lignin, calcium oxalate crystal, starch grain and tannin showed a positive result in all the three samples.Conclusion: The present study reports specific pharmacognostical characteristics for the identification and differentiation of each botanical source plant. The observed results can also serve as a reference for any further investigations


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    Objective: The leaves of Biraskala have been reported for its ethnomedicinal claims for the management of aphthae, heart pain, menorrhagia and post-partum problem. Botanically it has been identified as Dalbergia volubilis Roxb. This research article overcomes the lacuna and explores the anatomical, Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) barcoding and preliminary phytochemical analysis including High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC).Methods: After proper authentication, leaves were exposed to macroscopy, microscopy and micrometric analysis and physicochemical, qualitative, quantitative and HPTLC study as per of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API). DNA barcoding of the fresh tender leaves samples were carried out following standard methods.Results: Macroscopically leaves are compound, unipinnate, imparipinnate, rachis base pulvinus, leaflets 11-13. Microscopy of T. S. of rachis resembles anatomical structure of stem. Schematic outline of T. S. of petiolule is circular in shape with single layer epidermis is followed by ground tissue and centrally located vascular bundle. Schematic outline of T. S. of leaflet is bulged in the center and the extending arms of lamina are linear. Surface study reveals stomatal index to be 33.33. The genetic barcoding confirms the species D. volubilis. Loss on drying was found to be 8.78±0.57. HPTLC results shows 6 peaks and 7 peaks at 254 and 366 nm.Conclusion: D. volubilis, is a woody climbing unarmed inland shrub with stipules modified into hook and imparipinnately unipinnate compound leaves, are the key field identification character of the plant. Typical microscopical characteristic are presence of solitary crystal mostly embedded in sheath surrounding the vascular bundle and paracyctic type of stomata


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    Objective: The Areca catechu L. is a tropical fruit, which is also called betel nut and is widely distributed in different parts of the world. Areca catechu L is used for various treatment aliments in the form of various preparations especially in powdered form and it used extensively in Ayurveda to treat Mukhavikara, Aruchi, Yonishaithilya, Shvetapradara etc. Areca nut is commonly used as betel nut or supari, as it is often chewed wrapped in betel leaves (Paan). The aim is to assessment of Mahabhautika dominance in Pugaphala by pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical study.Methods: Microscopic, macroscopic study and phsico-chemical analysis of Pugaphala Churna.Results: In present study Pugaphala was selected as a Parthiva dominant drug according to its Rasa Panchaka, after that its Mahabhautika dominancy was assessed by pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical study and results also support that in Pharmaceutical study loss on drying is 4.4%w/w, in Pharmacognostical study Rhomboidal crystal, Lignified scleroid etc. were found these characters also showed that Pugaphala is having dominancy of Prithvi Mahabhuta.Conclusion: Prithvi dominancy in Pugaphala is scientifically assessed by Pharmacognostical and Pharmaceutical study

    Micro evolution of bitter taste domain drugs

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    Ayurveda classified the drugs in various ways and one of which the classification is based on Rasa (taste) dominancy. Rasa is essential to identify drugs and to know its therapeutic application. In this study the drug has been selected according to Charaka classification of Tikta Rasa (bitter taste) drugs with an aim to find out the similar characters among all the drugs having bitter Rasa dominancy. Till date there is no data available regarding the pharmacognostical evaluation in concern bitter taste. For the first time selected five bitter drugs are subjected to various pharmacognostical evaluation, result reveals that Organoleptic characters of all five drugs give bitter taste, microscopic evaluation revealed that presence of starch grain, vessels, fiber , brown content are dominant in all five raw drug and all the five powder subjected to alkaloid test by using dragondroff reagent and give positive result for alkaloid


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    Objective: This study was undertaken to carry out genetic barcoding, pharmacognostical and phytochemical studies on leaves of Pothos scandens L. belonging to the family Araceae. Methods: P. scandens, was collected from Cochin, Kerala, during the month of August 2019. Its leaves were examined for pharmacognostical characters and physicochemical, qualitative analysis and HPTLC studies was carried out following standard protocols recommended by the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Genetic barcoding of the fresh tender leaves samples was carried out through following standard methods. Results: Leaves are simple, alternate, broadly winged petiole. Transverse section through winged petiole portion showed U-shaped, epidermal cell along with cluster crystals. Transverse section through midrib boat-shaped structure, mesophyll undifferentiated, consist parenchyma cell, epidermis with thick cuticle along with waxy coating. Leaves powder shows green in color and microscopy reveals the presence of prismatic crystals, raphides, fibres, acicular crystals and monocot type 1 stomata. The plant is identified as Pothos scandens based on sequence homology and phylogenic analysis. Qualitative results show the presence of carbohydrates, protein, alkaloids and tannins. HPTLC profile shows 7 spots at both short UV and long UV and ferulic acid and kaempferol were identified through quantitative HPTLC. Conclusion: Pothos scandens is a climber with simple, alternate leaves. Acicular crystals and raphides, mucilaginous cavities, undifferentiated mesophyll are key characters of the identification of its leaf. DNA Barcoding results helps in correct identification of Pothos scandens. The results obtained from the phytochemical study will be helpful in the determination of the strength of purity and also for further standardization of the plant

    Quality control parameters of Gandhakadi Yoga tablets W. S. R. To its microscopic evaluation

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    Gandhakadi Yoga is a formulation suggested for Loha Sevanajanya Vikara Prashamana (Iron overload) in Ayurveda Prakasha and can be used as iron chelator which might help to decrease the iron overload. The present study was carried out to standardize the finished product Gandhakadi Yoga tablets for confirmation of its identity, quality and purity. Thus a trial was made to establish the Quality assessing parameters for Gandhakadi Yoga tablets by simple microscopic technique. The characters i.e. black debris of Gandhaka treated with Bhringaraja, light yellow brown content of Gandhaka, fragment of spongy parenchyma of Agastya leaf, oil globules and epicarp cells with tannin content of Vidanga etc. were the characteristic features of the finished product


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    Pippalyadi Yoga is Churna Kalpana described by Acharya Chakrapani in Vandhyatva (infertility). Ovulatory dysfunction is the prime cause of Infertility among the world, Pippalyadi Yoga is useful in patients especially having Anovulation which is known as Abeejatva in Ayurveda. So a new pharmaceutical preparation Pippalyadi Yoga in the form of Churna (powder) was tried to standardize which is economical in terms of time and machinery usage. Pharmacognostical and phyto-chemical observations revealed the specific characters of all active constituents used in the preparation. The present work was carried out to standardize the finished product of Pippalyadi Yoga to confirm its identity, quality and purity. The presence of stone cells, oil globules, olio resin cells, parenchymatous cells, oval & beaker shaped starch grains, pollen grains were the characteristic features observed in the microscopy of the prepared drug. Phyto-chemical analysis showed Loss on drying 10.07 % w/w, ash value 6.55 %w/w, water soluble extract 14 % w/w, methanol soluble 13.40 % w/w, particle consistency above 60 mesh 4.10 % w/w, between 60-85 mesh 9.20 % w/w, between 85-120 mesh 13.30 % w/w & below 120 mesh 73.37 % w/w & pH 5.0. HPTLC of Pippalyadi Yoga is the preliminary quantitative analysis which shows 8 prominent spots at Rf. 0.09, 0.61, 0.67, 0.74, 0.80, 0.86, 0.91, 1.00 in UV 254 nm and 7 prominent spots at Rf. 0.06, 0.17, 0.63, 0.67, 0.75, 0.82, 0.88 in UV 366 nm. Pippalyadi Yoga, a polyherbal formulation of 4 ingredients was prepared and HPTLC finger print profile was developed and it can be considered pharmacopial standard of Pippalyadi Yoga


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    Context: Arogyavardhini Compound is an emerging formulated herbo-mineral formulation for treatment of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is group of risk factors like, increased waist circumference, insulin resistance, increased triglycerides, decreased high density lipoproteins and hypertension for coronary artery diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Arogyavardhini compound consist equal quantity of Arogyavardhini Rasa and single bulb garlic powder. Arigyavardhini Rasa having proven anti dyslipidemiac and weight reducing effect and Garlic having antidiabetic, antidyslipidemic, antihypertensive effect, the combination called Arogyavardhini Compound has been formulated for management of metabolic syndrome. Aim: Authentication of raw drug of Arogyavardhini Compound and phytochemical evaluation of finished product. Materials and methods: Arogyavardhini Compound was evaluated on the basis of powder microscopy and analytical parameters like pH, Ash value, acid insoluble ash, water soluble extract, methanol extract and high performance thin layer chromatography. Results: Powder microscopy revealed the presence of Annular vessels of Musta, Starch grains of Vacha, Stone cells of Pippali, Stone cells of Chitraka, Oleoresins of Shunthi, etc. Physicochemical parameters such as total Ash value (15.91%), water soluble extract (13.5%), methanol soluble extract (17.2%) were assessed in preliminary physicochemical scanning. HPTLC revealed maximum 09 spots in short wave UV 254 nm. and 07 spots were obtained in long wave UV 366 nm. Conclusion: Pharmacognostical study revealed genuinity of raw drugs. Physico-chemical and HPTLC studies inferred that the formulation meets the minimum quality standards as reported in the API at a preliminary level. The inference from this study may be used as reference standard in the further quality control researches.KEY WORDS: Arogyavardhini Compound, HPTLC,Pharmacognosy, Physicochemical analysis

    Variants of Tribulus species – a scientific study through DNA RAPD – molecular characterization

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    Gokshura a well-known drug in Ayurveda which is extensively used in many disease conditions like dysuria, asthma, diabetes, cough, oedema, cardiac disorders etc. Tribulus terrestris (Family – Zygophyllaceae) is an official source of Gokshura as per API. Five species of genus Tribulus are found throughout India with a slight morphological difference. In this study, three different species of Tribulus genus from different regions were subjected for molecular characterization by RAPD method. Analysis showed that three different samples gave clearly similar banding pattern with each of the random primers used and 80% similarity between the three samples were observed when the results were subjected to band scoring and analysis with clustering. Even through the micromorpholgical observations showed differentiating characters in mature carpels and intrastaminal glands of the selected species
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