1,545 research outputs found

    Targeting regulatory T cells by curcumin: A potential for cancer immunotherapy

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    Immune system has critical roles in fighting against several diseases like cancer. Cancer cells evolve several ways to escape from the immune system to remain alive and trigger new phases of cancer progression. Regulatory T cells are one of the key components in tumor immune tolerance and contribute to the evasion of cancer cells from the immune system. Targeting regulatory T cells could provide new horizons in designing and development of effective therapeutic platforms for the treatment of various malignancies. Curcumin is the bioactive pigment of turmeric and a well-known phytochemical with a wide range of pharmacological activities. A growing body of evidence has demonstrated that curcumin affects manifold molecular pathways that are implicated in tumorigenesis and cancer metastasis. In this regard, some studies have indicated that this phytochemical could target regulatory T cells and convert them into T helper 1 cells, which possess anti-tumor effects. On the contrary, curcumin is able to increase the number of regulatory T cells in other conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease. Herein, we describe the anti-cancer roles of curcumin via targeting regulatory T cells. Moreover, we summarize the effects of curcumin on regulatory T cell population in other diseases. © 2019 Elsevier Lt

    Molecular Actuators in Action: Electron-Transfer-Induced Conformation Transformation in Cofacially Arrayed Polyfluorenes

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    There is much current interest in the design of molecular actuators, which undergo reversible, controlled motion in response to an external stimulus (light, heat, oxidation, etc.). Here we describe the design and synthesis of a series of cofacially arrayed polyfluorenes (MeFnHm) with varied end-capping groups, which undergo redox-controlled electromechanical actuation. Such cofacially arrayed polyfluorenes are a model molecular scaffold to investigate fundamental processes of charge and energy transfer across a π-stacked assembly, and we show with the aid of NMR and optical spectroscopies, X-ray crystallography and DFT calculations that in the neutral state the conformation of MeFnH1 and MeFnH2 is open rather than cofacial, with a conformational dependence that is highly influenced by the local environment. Upon (electro)chemical oxidation, these systems undergo a reversible transformation into a closed fully π-stacked conformation, driven by charge-resonance stabilization of the cationic charge. These findings are expected to aid the design of novel wire-like cofacially arrayed systems capable of undergo redox-controlled actuation

    Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes: A new therapeutic approach to osteoarthritis?

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    Degenerative disorders of joints, especially osteoarthritis (OA), result in persistent pain and disability and high costs to society. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms of OA have not yet been fully explained. OA is characterized by destruction of cartilage and loss of extracellular matrix (ECM). It is generally agreed that there is an association between pro-inflammatory cytokines and the development of OA. There is increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and "a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs" (ADAMTS). Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been explored as a new treatment for OA during the last decade. It has been suggested that paracrine secretion of trophic factors, in which exosomes have a crucial role, contributes to the mechanism of MSC-based treatment of OA. The paracrine secretion of exosomes may play a role in the repair of joint tissue as well as MSC-based treatments for other disorders. Exosomes isolated from various stem cells may contribute to tissue regeneration in the heart, limbs, skin, and other tissues. Recent studies have indicated that exosomes (or similar particles) derived from MSCs may suppress OA development. Herein, for first time, we summarize the recent findings of studies on various exosomes derived from MSCs and their effectiveness in the treatment of OA. Moreover, we highlight the likely mechanisms of actions of exosomes in OA. © 2019 The Author(s)

    The role of fibromodulin in cancer pathogenesis: Implications for diagnosis and therapy

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    Fibromodulin (FMOD) is known as one of very important extracellular matrix small leucine-rich proteoglycans. This small leucine-rich proteoglycan has critical roles in the extracellular matrix organization and necessary for repairing of tissue in many organs. Given that the major task of FMOD is the modulation of collagen fibrillogenesis. However, recently observed that FMOD plays very important roles in the modulation of a variety of pivotal biological processes including angiogenesis, regulation of TGF-β activity, and differentiation of human fibroblasts into pluripotent cells, inflammatory mechanisms, apoptosis and metastatic related phenotypes. Besides these roles, FMOD has been considered as a new tumor-related antigen in some malignancies such as lymphoma, leukemia, and leiomyoma. Taken together, these findings proposed that FMOD could be introduced as diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers in treatment of various cancers. Herein, for first time, we highlighted the various roles of FMOD in the cancerous conditions. Moreover, we summarized the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of FMOD in cancer therapy. © 2019 The Author(s)

    Investigation of correlation of the variations in land subsidence (detected by continuous GPS measurements) and methodological data in the surrounding areas of Lake Urmia

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    Lake Urmia, a salt lake in the north-west of Iran, plays a valuable role in the environment, wildlife and economy of Iran and the region, but now faces great challenges for survival. The Lake is in immediate and great danger and is rapidly going to become barren desert. As a result, the increasing demands upon groundwater resources due to expanding metropolitan and agricultural areas are a serious challenge in the surrounding regions of Lake Urmia. The continuous GPS measurements around the lake illustrate significant subsidence rate between 2005 and 2009. The objective of this study was to detect and specify the non-linear correlation of land subsidence and temperature activities in the region from 2005 to 2009. For this purpose, the cross wavelet transform (XWT) was carried out between the two types of time series, namely vertical components of GPS measurements and daily temperature time series. The significant common patterns are illustrated in the high period bands from 180–218 days band (~6–7 months) from September 2007 to February 2009. Consequently, the satellite altimetry data confirmed that the maximum rate of linear trend of water variation in the lake from 2005 to 2009, is associated with time interval from September 2007 to February 2009. This event was detected by XWT as a critical interval to be holding the strong correlation between the land subsidence phenomena and surface temperature. Eventually the analysis can be used for modeling and prediction purposes and probably stave off the damage from subsidence phenomena

    Bacterial biofilm in colorectal cancer: What is the real mechanism of action?

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    Human colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer around the world. Colorectal cancer has various risk factors, but current works have bolded a significant activity for the microbiota of the human colon in the development of this disease. Bacterial biofilm has been mediated to non-malignant pathologies like inflammatory bowel disease but has not been fully documented in the setting of colorectal cancer. The investigation has currently found that bacterial biofilm is mediated to colon cancer in the human and linked to the location of human cancer, with almost all right-sided adenomas of colon cancers possessing bacterial biofilm, whilst left-sided cancer is rarely biofilm positive. The profound comprehension of the changes in colorectal cancer can provide interesting novel concepts for anticancer treatments. In this review, we will summarize and examine the new knowledge about the links between colorectal cancer and bacterial biofilm. © 202