641 research outputs found

    Walking Upright: An Actor\u27s Blueprint of Process and Character Development in Exit, Pursued by a Bear by Lauren Gunderson

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    There has been an increased emphasis for college instruction to incorporate more active and collaborative involvement of students in the learning process. These views have been asserted by The Association of American Colleges (AAC), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and The National Research Counsel (NRC), which are advocating for the modification of traditional instructional techniques to allow students the opportunity to be more cooperative (Task Group on General Education, 1988). This has guided educators and facilitators into shifting teaching paradigms from a teacher centered to a more student-centered curriculum. The present study investigated achievement outcomes and attitudes of learners in a large enrollment (n ~ 200), introductory geology course using a student centered learning cycle format of instruction versus another similar section that used a traditional lecture format. Although the course is a recruiting class for majors, over 95% of the students that enroll are non-majors. Measurements of academic evaluation were through four unit exams, classroom communication systems, weekly web-based homework, in-class activities, and a thematic collaborative poster/paper project and presentation. The qualitative methods to investigate the effectiveness of the teaching design included: direct observation, self-reporting about learning, and open-ended interviews. By disaggregating emerging data, we tried to concentrate on patterns and causal relationships between achievement performance and attitudes regarding learning geology. Statistical analyses revealed positive relationships between student engagement in supplemental activities and achievement mean scores within and between the two sections. Completing weekly online homework had the most robust relationship with overall achievement performance. Contrary to expectations, a thematic group project only led to modest gains in achievement performance, although the social and professional gains could be considered as significant as the academic merit. The qualitative data substantiated the achievement success and revealed a positive relationship between a student centered learning environment and attitudes regarding learning geology. Our findings indicated a positive trend favoring active learning instructional practices, particularly methods that emphasize independent and active thinking, and analyzing of data. Of particular interest was the correlation between the amount of student ownership in an activity and students\u27 attitude toward authenticity and application in learning. Students\u27 perceptions and attitudes provided depth in program evaluation and helped in identifying which components used in teaching methodologies were the most effective towards learning. Although the exigencies of high enrollment introductory courses set limits for this study, the outcomes support the positive influence that active learning has on achievement performance in a high enrollment, introductory Geology course

    Robot design for a vacuum environment

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    The cleanliness requirements for many processing and manufacturing tasks are becoming ever stricter, resulting in a greater interest in the vacuum environment. Researchers discuss the importance of this special environment, and the development of robots which are physically and functionally suited to vacuum processing tasks. Work is in progress at the Center for robotic Systems in Microelectronics (CRSM) to provide a robot for the manufacture of a revolutionary new gyroscope in high vacuum. The need for vacuum in this and other processes is discussed as well as the requirements for a vacuum-compatible robot. Finally, researchers present details on work done at the CRSM to modify an existing clean-room compatible robot for use at high vacuum

    Generating Information-Diverse Microwave Speckle Patterns Inside a Room at a Single Frequency With a Dynamic Metasurface Aperture

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    We demonstrate that dynamic metasurface apertures (DMAs) are capable of generating a multitude of highly uncorrelated speckle patterns in a typical residential environment at a single frequency. We use a DMA implemented as an electrically-large cavity excited by a single port and loaded with many individually-addressable tunable metamaterial radiators. We placed such a DMA in one corner of a plywood-walled L-shape room transmitting microwave signals at 19 GHz as we changed the tuning states of the metamaterial radiators. In another corner, in the non-line-of-sight of the DMA, we conducted a scan of the field generated by the DMA. For comparison, we also performed a similar test where the DMA was replaced by a simple dipole antenna with fixed pattern but generating a signal that spanned 19-24 GHz. Using singular value decomposition of the scanned data, we demonstrate that the DMA can generate a multitude of highly uncorrelated speckle patterns at a single frequency. In contrast, a dipole antenna with a fixed pattern can only generate such a highly uncorrelated set of patterns when operating over a large bandwidth. The experimental results of this paper suggest that DMAs can be used to capture a diversity of information at a single frequency which can be used for single frequency computational imaging systems, NLOS motion detection, gesture recognition systems, and more

    Experimental Synthetic Aperture Radar with Dynamic Metasurfaces

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    We investigate the use of a dynamic metasurface as the transmitting antenna for a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging system. The dynamic metasurface consists of a one-dimensional microstrip waveguide with complementary electric resonator (cELC) elements patterned into the upper conductor. Integrated into each of the cELCs are two diodes that can be used to shift each cELC resonance out of band with an applied voltage. The aperture is designed to operate at K band frequencies (17.5 to 20.3 GHz), with a bandwidth of 2.8 GHz. We experimentally demonstrate imaging with a fabricated metasurface aperture using existing SAR modalities, showing image quality comparable to traditional antennas. The agility of this aperture allows it to operate in spotlight and stripmap SAR modes, as well as in a third modality inspired by computational imaging strategies. We describe its operation in detail, demonstrate high-quality imaging in both 2D and 3D, and examine various trade-offs governing the integration of dynamic metasurfaces in future SAR imaging platforms

    A survey on subjecting electronic product code and non-ID objects to IP identification

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    Over the last decade, both research on the Internet of Things (IoT) and real-world IoT applications have grown exponentially. The IoT provides us with smarter cities, intelligent homes, and generally more comfortable lives. However, the introduction of these devices has led to several new challenges that must be addressed. One of the critical challenges facing interacting with IoT devices is to address billions of devices (things) around the world, including computers, tablets, smartphones, wearable devices, sensors, and embedded computers, and so on. This article provides a survey on subjecting Electronic Product Code and non-ID objects to IP identification for IoT devices, including their advantages and disadvantages thereof. Different metrics are here proposed and used for evaluating these methods. In particular, the main methods are evaluated in terms of their: (i) computational overhead, (ii) scalability, (iii) adaptability, (iv) implementation cost, and (v) whether applicable to already ID-based objects and presented in tabular format. Finally, the article proves that this field of research will still be ongoing, but any new technique must favorably offer the mentioned five evaluative parameters.Comment: 112 references, 8 figures, 6 tables, Journal of Engineering Reports, Wiley, 2020 (Open Access

    Stereoscopic Video Deblurring Transformer

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    Stereoscopic cameras, such as those in mobile phones and various recent intelligent systems, are becoming increasingly common. Multiple variables can impact the stereo video quality, e.g., blur distortion due to camera/object movement. Monocular image/video deblurring is a mature research field, while there is limited research on stereoscopic content deblurring. This paper introduces a new Transformer-based stereo video deblurring framework with two crucial new parts: a self-attention layer and a feed-forward layer that realizes and aligns the correlation among various video frames. The traditional fully connected (FC) self-attention layer fails to utilize data locality effectively, as it depends on linear layers for calculating attention maps The Vision Transformer, on the other hand, also has this limitation, as it takes image patches as inputs to model global spatial information. 3D convolutional neural networks (3D CNNs) process successive frames to correct motion blur in the stereo video. Besides, our method uses other stereo-viewpoint information to assist deblurring. The parallax attention module (PAM) is significantly improved to combine the stereo and cross-view information for more deblurring. An extensive ablation study validates that our method efficiently deblurs the stereo videos based on the experiments on two publicly available stereo video datasets. Experimental results of our approach demonstrate state-of-the-art performance compared to the image and video deblurring techniques by a large margin
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