2,291 research outputs found

    Crystal structure analysis of intermetallic compounds

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    Study concerns crystal structures and lattice parameters for a number of new intermetallic compounds. Crystal structure data have been collected on equiatomic compounds, formed between an element of the Sc, Ti, V, or Cr group and an element of the Co or Ni group. The data, obtained by conventional methods, are presented in an easily usable tabular form

    Covering Pairs in Directed Acyclic Graphs

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    The Minimum Path Cover problem on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) is a classical problem that provides a clear and simple mathematical formulation for several applications in different areas and that has an efficient algorithmic solution. In this paper, we study the computational complexity of two constrained variants of Minimum Path Cover motivated by the recent introduction of next-generation sequencing technologies in bioinformatics. The first problem (MinPCRP), given a DAG and a set of pairs of vertices, asks for a minimum cardinality set of paths "covering" all the vertices such that both vertices of each pair belong to the same path. For this problem, we show that, while it is NP-hard to compute if there exists a solution consisting of at most three paths, it is possible to decide in polynomial time whether a solution consisting of at most two paths exists. The second problem (MaxRPSP), given a DAG and a set of pairs of vertices, asks for a path containing the maximum number of the given pairs of vertices. We show its NP-hardness and also its W[1]-hardness when parametrized by the number of covered pairs. On the positive side, we give a fixed-parameter algorithm when the parameter is the maximum overlapping degree, a natural parameter in the bioinformatics applications of the problem

    Monolithic microwave integrated circuits: Interconnections and packaging considerations

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    Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC's) above 18 GHz were developed because of important potential system benefits in cost reliability, reproducibility, and control of circuit parameters. The importance of interconnection and packaging techniques that do not compromise these MMIC virtues is emphasized. Currently available microwave transmission media are evaluated to determine their suitability for MMIC interconnections. An antipodal finline type of microstrip waveguide transition's performance is presented. Packaging requirements for MMIC's are discussed for thermal, mechanical, and electrical parameters for optimum desired performance

    Note and Comment

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    Power of Municipal Corporations to Grant Exclusive Privileges; Police Regulation of Sleeping Car Berths; The Liability of a Husband for Slander and Libel Committed by His Wife; Sufficiency of a Verdict Which Fails to Fix the Time of an Attempt to Commit Burglary, the Punishment Varying With the Time; Grantor\u27s Remedy on Breach of Condition Subsequent

    Upper and Lower Bounds for Weak Backdoor Set Detection

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    We obtain upper and lower bounds for running times of exponential time algorithms for the detection of weak backdoor sets of 3CNF formulas, considering various base classes. These results include (omitting polynomial factors), (i) a 4.54^k algorithm to detect whether there is a weak backdoor set of at most k variables into the class of Horn formulas; (ii) a 2.27^k algorithm to detect whether there is a weak backdoor set of at most k variables into the class of Krom formulas. These bounds improve an earlier known bound of 6^k. We also prove a 2^k lower bound for these problems, subject to the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis.Comment: A short version will appear in the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testin

    Dimension Spectra of Lines

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    This paper investigates the algorithmic dimension spectra of lines in the Euclidean plane. Given any line L with slope a and vertical intercept b, the dimension spectrum sp(L) is the set of all effective Hausdorff dimensions of individual points on L. We draw on Kolmogorov complexity and geometrical arguments to show that if the effective Hausdorff dimension dim(a, b) is equal to the effective packing dimension Dim(a, b), then sp(L) contains a unit interval. We also show that, if the dimension dim(a, b) is at least one, then sp(L) is infinite. Together with previous work, this implies that the dimension spectrum of any line is infinite

    The parameterized complexity of some geometric problems in unbounded dimension

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    We study the parameterized complexity of the following fundamental geometric problems with respect to the dimension dd: i) Given nn points in \Rd, compute their minimum enclosing cylinder. ii) Given two nn-point sets in \Rd, decide whether they can be separated by two hyperplanes. iii) Given a system of nn linear inequalities with dd variables, find a maximum-size feasible subsystem. We show that (the decision versions of) all these problems are W[1]-hard when parameterized by the dimension dd. %and hence not solvable in O(f(d)nc){O}(f(d)n^c) time, for any computable function ff and constant cc %(unless FPT=W[1]). Our reductions also give a nΩ(d)n^{\Omega(d)}-time lower bound (under the Exponential Time Hypothesis)

    Systems of Linear Equations over F2\mathbb{F}_2 and Problems Parameterized Above Average

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    In the problem Max Lin, we are given a system Az=bAz=b of mm linear equations with nn variables over F2\mathbb{F}_2 in which each equation is assigned a positive weight and we wish to find an assignment of values to the variables that maximizes the excess, which is the total weight of satisfied equations minus the total weight of falsified equations. Using an algebraic approach, we obtain a lower bound for the maximum excess. Max Lin Above Average (Max Lin AA) is a parameterized version of Max Lin introduced by Mahajan et al. (Proc. IWPEC'06 and J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 75, 2009). In Max Lin AA all weights are integral and we are to decide whether the maximum excess is at least kk, where kk is the parameter. It is not hard to see that we may assume that no two equations in Az=bAz=b have the same left-hand side and n=rankAn={\rm rank A}. Using our maximum excess results, we prove that, under these assumptions, Max Lin AA is fixed-parameter tractable for a wide special case: m2p(n)m\le 2^{p(n)} for an arbitrary fixed function p(n)=o(n)p(n)=o(n). Max rr-Lin AA is a special case of Max Lin AA, where each equation has at most rr variables. In Max Exact rr-SAT AA we are given a multiset of mm clauses on nn variables such that each clause has rr variables and asked whether there is a truth assignment to the nn variables that satisfies at least (12r)m+k2r(1-2^{-r})m + k2^{-r} clauses. Using our maximum excess results, we prove that for each fixed r2r\ge 2, Max rr-Lin AA and Max Exact rr-SAT AA can be solved in time 2O(klogk)+mO(1).2^{O(k \log k)}+m^{O(1)}. This improves 2O(k2)+mO(1)2^{O(k^2)}+m^{O(1)}-time algorithms for the two problems obtained by Gutin et al. (IWPEC 2009) and Alon et al. (SODA 2010), respectively