31,356 research outputs found

    Zener diode function generator requires no external reference voltage

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    Function generator utilizing parallel impedance networks with zener diodes produces functions which are discontinuous in slope. The function generated appears at the output of the parallel network in the form of a voltage varying in time

    Inclusion of known integrals in the optimal trajectory problem

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    The classical problem of determination of the rocket trajectory which minimizes mass expenditure during motion between two points in the field of a single gravitating body is analyzed. The known integrals of the system are incorporated into the adjoint equations resulting in a reduction from a seventh-order adjoint system to a third-order adjoint system. The first case which is treated in that of planar motion under specific end conditions. In this case a regularization of the recently derived equations is achieved. The general three-dimensional case is also reduced from a seventh-order adjoint system to a third-order adjoint system. In this case a regularization has not been found

    Algae Living in Salamanders, Friend or Foe?

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    Roughly speaking, our bodies use energy from the sun, but we can\u27t use sunlight directly. Instead, plants and algae collect sunlight and store it as chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. We can access that fuel directly when we eat plants, or indirectly when we eat other animals that eat plants. However, in some invertebrate animals (those without a backbone) the relationships to algae are more intimate. Tiny single-celled algal symbionts can actually live inside the cells of living corals and small animals like hydra that live in water. The algae live in a safe environment inside animal cells and are provided with building block materials to function. They use sunlight to convert the building block materials into larger molecules to store energy and build cellular structures. At the same time some of that stored solar energy is directly transferred to the host animal, allowing it to live in otherwise nutrient poor environments. Thus the algae and their hosts depend on one another to live and thrive. These mutually beneficial relationships are called photosymbioses. [excerpt

    Preliminary study of advanced life-support technology for a Mars surface module

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    Subsystem definition of advanced life support technology for Mars surface modul

    Silicon strain sensors enable pressure measurement at cryogenic temperatures

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    Miniature pressure transducers with diffused, heavily doped silicon strain-gage sensor elements, operates over a wide temperature range. Small thermal mass combined with close coupling between a metallic diaphragm and sensor elements minimizes sensitivity to temperature transients

    Development and Verification of a Flight Stack for a High-Altitude Glider in Ada/SPARK 2014

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    SPARK 2014 is a modern programming language and a new state-of-the-art tool set for development and verification of high-integrity software. In this paper, we explore the capabilities and limitations of its latest version in the context of building a flight stack for a high-altitude unmanned glider. Towards that, we deliberately applied static analysis early and continuously during implementation, to give verification the possibility to steer the software design. In this process we have identified several limitations and pitfalls of software design and verification in SPARK, for which we give workarounds and protective actions to avoid them. Finally, we give design recommendations that have proven effective for verification, and summarize our experiences with this new language