12,734 research outputs found

    Uniqueness of Gibbs Measure for Models With Uncountable Set of Spin Values on a Cayley Tree

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    We consider models with nearest-neighbor interactions and with the set [0,1][0,1] of spin values, on a Cayley tree of order k1k\geq 1. It is known that the "splitting Gibbs measures" of the model can be described by solutions of a nonlinear integral equation. For arbitrary k2k\geq 2 we find a sufficient condition under which the integral equation has unique solution, hence under the condition the corresponding model has unique splitting Gibbs measure.Comment: 13 page

    The effect of non-Saccharomyces and Saccharomyces non-cerevisiae yeasts on ethanol and glycerol levels in wine

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    Non-Saccharomyces and Saccharomyces non-cerevisiae studies have increased in recent years due to an interest in uninoculated fermentations, consumer preferences, wine technology, and the effect of climate change on the chemical composition of grapes, juice, and wine. The use of these yeasts to reduce alcohol levels in wines has garnered the attention of researchers and winemakers alike. This review critically analyses recent studies concerning the impact of non-Saccharomyces and Saccharomyces non-cerevisiae on two important parameters in wine: ethanol and glycerol. The influence they have in sequential, co-fermentations, and solo fermentations on ethanol and glycerol content is examined. This review highlights the need for further studies concerning inoculum rates, aeration techniques (amount and flow rate), and the length of time before Saccharomyces cerevisiae sequential inoculation occurs. Challenges include the application of such sequential inoculations in commercial wineries during harvest time

    Tasmanipatus barretti gen. nov., sp. nov. and T. anophthalmus sp. nov.: two new and unusual onychophorans (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae)from northeastern Tasmania

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    Tasmanipatusgen. nov., Peripatopsidae Bouvier 1907, is characterised by eighteen dorsalplical folds on each body segment, in combination with a unique distribution of male crural papillae and a lack of pigmentation over all or most ofrhe ventral budy surface. The type species T. barrettisp. nov. is unique in relation to its combination of I arge size, uniform, patternless colouration, and well-developed crural papillae in both sexes. Tasmanipatus sp. nov. is unusual in lacking eyes and body pigmentation. The two species occur parapatrically in a small area in northeastern Tasmania. Their diagnostic features are described here

    An Unusual Case of Hematochezia

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    Lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB) is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition warranting hospital admission. The most frequent causes include diverticular disease, colitis, hemorrhoids, neoplasm, inflammatory bowel disease, and varices. Varices usually occur secondary to liver cirrhosis and are frequently located in the gastroesophageal region. Those occurring elsewhere are known as ectopic varices. The diagnosis and management of ectopic varices is challenging, and guidelines are not currently available. We report the case of recurrent large-volume hematochezia secondary to a cecal varix in a 60-year-old female with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Initial investigation with CT angiography and endoscopy failed to identify the source of bleeding. A second CT angiogram identified a large varix in the cecum, and the patient was successfully managed with radiological embolization and transjugular intra-hepatic porto-systemic shunt (TIPSS)

    The design and relevance of a computerised therapy program for indigenous Māori adolescents.

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    Background: Depression is a major health issue among Māori indigenous adolescents, yet there has been little investigation into the relevance or effectiveness of psychological treatments for them. Further, consumer views are critical for engagement and adherence to therapy. However, there is little research regarding indigenous communities’ opinions about psychological interventions for depression. Objective: The objective of this study was to conduct semistructured interviews with Māori (indigenous New Zealand) young people (taitamariki) and their families to find out their opinions of a prototype computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (cCBT) program called Smart, Positive, Active, Realistic, X-factor thoughts (SPARX), a free online computer game intended to help young persons with mild to moderate depression, feeling down, stress or anxiety. The program will teach them how to resolve their issues on their own using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as psychotherapeutic approach. Methods: There were seven focus groups on the subject of the design and cultural relevance of SPARX that were held, with a total of 26 participants (19 taitamarki, 7 parents/caregivers, all Māori). There were five of the groups that were with whānau (family groups) (n=14), one group was with Māori teenage mothers (n=4), and one group was with taitamariki (n=8). The general inductive approach was used to analyze focus group data. Results: SPARX computerized therapy has good face validity and is seen as potentially effective and appealing for Māori people. Cultural relevance was viewed as being important for the engagement of Māori young people with SPARX. Whānau are important for young peoples’ well-being. Participants generated ideas for improving SPARX for Māori and for the inclusion of whānau in its delivery. Conclusions: SPARX computerized therapy had good face validity for indigenous young people and families. In general, Māori participants were positive about the SPARX prototype and considered it both appealing and applicable to them. The results of this study were used to refine SPARX prior to it being delivered to taitamariki and non-Māori young people

    A review of food-based dietary guidelines in Africa: opportunities to enhance the healthiness and environmental sustainability of population diets

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    Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) are important tools for promoting healthy eating and nutrition education at the population level. Currently, more than 100 countries worldwide have developed FBDGs with majority of existing FBDGs in highincome countries. However, there are a few countries in Africa which have developed FBDGs. This review describes and compares the characteristics of existing FBDGs in Africa. Data were extracted from all existing FBDGs from African countries which have been archived in the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) online repository of FBDGs. In addition, supporting documentation from other sources linked to the identified FBDGs were also reviewed. Extracted data were coded and synthesized to describe the purpose of the FBDGs, the process for developing the FBDGs, and how healthy diets were expressed in the FBDGs. In addition, the FBDGs were examined for content on considerations for planetary health, and non-dietary recommendations. A checklist was used to extract the evidence in the identified documents. Of the 47 African countries in the WHO Africa region, only eight FBDGs were identified from seven countries. South Africa had two FBDGs (including a FBDG for young children). Multi-disciplinary technical working groups were convened in developing majority of the FBDGs. The working groups utilised scientific evidence on diet-related diseases and nutrient requirements as a basis for recommendations. All the FBDGs were intended as a tool for promoting healthy diets among the lay population. The FBDGs that were reviewed included between six and sixteen dietary messages. Diet diversification was promoted as the most common recommendation across African country FBDGs. The recommendations often promoted consumption of four to six food groups communicated using text as well as images (food guide). Local availability and cultural acceptability were important values promoted as part of an optimal diet in some of the countries. However, none of the recommendations addressed environmental sustainability. Apart from South Africa, none of the FBDGs had been evaluated or revised. Across Africa, there is a need for increased focus on developing new FBDGs or revising existing ones as a tool for meeting the dietary information needs of populations at risk of malnutrition in all its forms

    Essential oil composition of different fractions of Piper guineense Schumach. et Thonn from Cameroon using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and their insecticidal effect on Sitophilus oryzae (L.)

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    Essential oil fractions from dried seed powder of Piper guineense were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and evaluated for their insecticidal effects on Sitophilus oryzae L. The GC-MS analysis showed quantitative and qualitative differences between the oil fractions. Chromatographic results revealed chemical constituents like eugenol, piperanol, pinene, carene, copaene with insecticidal properties. New chemotypes were seen in the different fractions. Instead of β- caryophyllene reported in literature, α-caryophyllene was found in all the different fractions. Caryophyllene oxide, an oxygen-containing  sesquiterpene was present in all fractions except n-hexane. In addition to α-phellandrene present in all,  β-phellandrene, a monoterpene hydrocarbon was found in the n-Hexane fraction. Contact toxicity on wheat grains showed that all fractions caused significant (P < 0.001) mortality of the weevils. The oil fractions also showed variable contact toxicity on impregnated filter paper. All doses of the n-hexane fraction were very toxic to the test insect than the control, causing 100% mortality after five days of exposure. All the fractions produced a strong repellent activity against the test insect. These results suggest that P. guineense has potentials for development as an organic insecticide against S. oryzae and other pests of stored grains.Key words: Piper guineense Schum. et Thonn., essential oil fractions, chemotypes, toxicity, repellency, Sitophilus oryzae (L.)

    Pre-mRNA Splicing Modulation by Antisense Oligonucleotides

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    Pre-mRNA splicing, a dynamic process of intron removal and exon joining, is governed by a combinatorial control exerted by overlapping cis-elements that are unique to each exon and its flanking intronic sequences. Splicing cis-elements are usually 4-to-8-nucleotide-long linear motifs that provide binding sites for specific proteins. Pre-mRNA splicing is also influenced by secondary and higher order RNA structures that affect accessibility of splicing cis-elements. Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) that block splicing cis-elements and/or affect RNA structure have been shown to modulate splicing in vivo. Therefore, ASO-based strategies have emerged as a powerful tool for therapeutic manipulation of splicing in pathological conditions. Here we describe an ASO-based approach to increase the production of the full-length SMN2 mRNA in spinal muscular atrophy patient cells