198 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kinerja Kompor Gasifikasi Forced Draft Berbahan Bakar Cangkang Sawit

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    Oil production in Riau until the year 2011 has reached 35 million tons and production is produced from palm shell of 2.8 million tonnes . Especially in the application of gasification stove for cooking can improve the efficiency of the use of palm shells . This study uses three units of gasification stove with stove dimension 1 ( H1 = 16 cm , D1 = 10cm ) , stove 2 ( H2 = 16 cm , D2 = 12 cm ) , and the stove 3 ( H3 = 20 cm , D3 = 12 cm ) . The fuel used is oil shell with moisture content of 8% , 9 % and 8 % . Method of boiling water test ( WBT ) is used to evaluate the performance of the stove . Additional parameters such as the operating time and temperature flame of the stove as well as evaluate the performance of the stove . The results were obtained an average start-up time of 4.48 minutes and the operation time of the forced draft gasification stoves reached 13.83 minutes . The thermal efficiency of the gasification burner forced draft is approximately 41.49 % to 60.34 % , with the highest efficiency is a stove with a diameter of 12 cm and height 16 cm . Although the resulting fire is still reddish yellow , but the forced draft gasification stoves capable of producing up to 4.42 kWth heat energy with the highest flame temperature reaches 900oC . These results indicate that the operating conditions of forced draft gasification stoves greatly affect the performance of the stove

    Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dengan Kecepatan Tendangan Sabit Pada Atlet Putra Pencak Silat Walet Puti Pekanbaru

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    The problem in this research was is still lack of speed crescent kick in pencak silat athletes sons walet puti Pekanbaru. It is suspected lack of leg muscle explosive power at the time of the crescent kick. The purpose of this study to determine the correlation of leg muscle explosive power with the speed of a crescent kick. This is correlational study that aimed to know how big the contribution between independent and dependent variabels. After that, conducted data normality test by Liliefors test with significant level α = 0.05, and the result for normality test of variable X, L0maks (0,168) rtable so it was have significant correlation. The result of this research showed: it was significant correlation between leg muscle explosive power with the speed of a crescent kick, rresult (0,727) > rtable (0,666). The conclusion was have significant correlation between leg musle explosive power with speed crescent kick in pencak silat athletes sons walet puti Pekanbaru

    Analisa Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Kedelai Hibridisasi Genotipa Tahan Salin Dengan Varietas Anjasmoro Untuk Mendukung Perluasan Areal Tanam Di Lahan Salin

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    Peningkatan produksi kedelai perlu terus diupayakan, salahsatunya dengan memanfaatkan lahan marginal seperti tanah salin. Pemuliaan tanaman sangat diperlukan untuk menghasilkan varietas unggul, salah satunya dengan hibridisasi dan seleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan vegetatif hasil hibridisasi genotipa kedelai tahan salinitas dengan varietas anjasmoro untuk mendukung perluasan areal tanam di lahan salin. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian dengan menggunakan media tanam tanah salin dengantingkatsalinitas 5-6 mmhos/cm yang dilakukan pada bulan September 2014 sampai dengan Mei 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan pertumbuhan vegetatif mulai F1 sampai F2. Penurunan pada F2 sangat berbeda nyata dengan tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang masing-masing sekitar 33% dan 46%, sedangkan umur berbunga pada 31 hari, lebih cepat 4 hari dibandingkan dengan kondisi optimum. Penurunan kandungan klorofil a, b dan total sebesar masing-masing 26%, 12% dan 7,1%. Namun hanya kandungan klorofil a yang penurunannya berbeda nyata dengan kondisi optimum. Dengan nilai heritabilitas tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang dan umur berbunga masing-masing 0,2; 0,9; 0,3; menunjukkan adanya potensi genetik tanaman untuk dikembangkan di lahan salin untuk mendukung perluasan areal tanam kedelai di lahan salin

    Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L.)

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    The low yield of sweet potato tubers often associated with low soil organic fertilizer content. This research was conducted in Desa Namo Gajah, Medan Tuntungan with altitude ± 25 meters above sea level began from Mei up to October 2015. The research was arranged with non factorial randomized block design with P0 (Control), P1 (manure of cattle (7.5 tons/ha), P2 (manure of cattle (15 tons/ha), P3 (manure of cattle (22.5 tons/ha), P4 (empty fruit bunches composts (7.5 tons/ha), P5 (empty fruit bunches composts (15 tons/ha), P6 (empty fruit bunches composts (22.5 tons/ha), P7 (rice straw composts (7.5 tons/ha), P8 (rice straw composts (15 tons/ha) and P9 (rice straw compost (22.5 tons/ha). Parameter observed were length of plants, length of tuber per sample, the number of tubers per sample, the weight of plant biomass per sample, the average weight of tubers, and harvest index. The results showed that the number of tuber per sample, weight of tuber per sample, the average weight of tuber per sample, and harvest index were significantly effected by organic fertilizer. P3 (manure of cattle (22.5 ton/ha) produces the highest number of tubers that was 1.17 tuber, weight of tuber heaviest was 450.23 grams, the average weight of tuber was 388.88 grams and the haviest harvest index was 0.34

    Kajian Kuat Tekan Beton Pasca Bakar Dengan Dan Tanpa Perendaman Berdasarkan Variasi Mutu Beton

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap mutu beton 15 MPa, 20 MPa, 22 MPa dan 25 MPa dengan sampel berupa kubus 15 cm × 15 cm × 15 cm. Jumlah sampel penelitian pada masing-masing mutu beton sebanyak 9 buah sehingga total keseluruhan sampel penelitian sebanyak 36 buah. Pembakaran dilakukan pada suhu 400oC dan lamanya pembakaran selama 3 jam.Perendaman beton pasca bakar dilakukan selama 14 hari.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan variasi mutu beton (15 MPa, 20 MPa, 22 MPa, dan 25 MPa) didapatkan nilai kuat tekan rata-rata pada pada perlakuan standar menghasikan kuat tekan rata-rata sebesar 26,00 MPa, 26,67 MPa, 28,44 MPa dan 29,48 MPa. Pada perlakuan beton pasca bakar dengan perendaman menghasilkan kuat tekan rata-rata sebesar 19,41 MPa, 22,37 MPa, 24,15 MPa dan 25,85 MPa. Sedangkan pada perlakuan beton pasca bakar tanpa perendaman menghasilkan kuat tekan rata-rata sebesar 24,89 MPa, 25,78 MPa, 28,67 MPa dan 30,52 MPa. Penurunan kekuatan beton pasca bakar tanpa perendaman pada mutu beton 15 MPa dan 20 MPa sebesar 4,274% dan 3,333% dan peningkatan pada mutu beton 22 MPa dan 25 MPa sebesar 0,781% dan 3,518%. Penurunan kekuatan beton pasca bakar dengan perendaman sebesar 25,356%, 16,111%, 15,104% dan 12,312%

    Pertumbuhan Kedelai Melalui Aplikasi Asam Askorbat Dan Inokulasi Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskular Pada Lahan Salin Dengan Tingkat Salinitas Yang Berbeda

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    Utilization of saline soil for soybean cultivation will decrease soybean production. Micorizainoculation and ascorbate acid treatment on saline soil will give a positive response to the soybeangrowth and production. This research was conducted at experimental field Kecamatan Percut SeiTuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang during Februari – Mei 2013, using split split plot design with threefactors. The main factor was salinity level were electrical conductivity 4-5 mmhos/cm and II:electrical conductivity 6-7 mmhos/cm. The sub plot was giving of ascorbate acid (0 dan 500 ppm)and MVA inoculants (MVA inoculants type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4 and type 5) as sub sub plot.The result of the research showed that single factor micorhizae innoculation or ascorbate acidapplication showed gave a positive response of root infection degree, root dry weight, root volume,shoot dry weight, number of pods per plant contains, the number of empty pods per plant and 100seed weight. Aplication mycorrhizal and ascorbic acid on Saline soils with dhl 4-5 will increasesoybean growth, production, and highest degree of root infection

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tiga Varietas Kedelai Hitam (Glycine Max (L.)Merril) Dengan Pemberian Berbagai Jenis Bahan Organik

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    The use of black soybean is still very little compared to yellow soybeans are widely used as raw material for food. The low production of soybean Indonesia one of them because there is not maximal knowledge of farmers in the use of technologies that support sustainable agricultural. Using improved varieties and availability of organic materials is the main requirement to increase soybean production. The objective of the research is to determine the variety and type of organic material on the growth and production of black soybeans.The experiment was conducted in Setia Budi Street, Simpang Pemda District of Medan Selayang on December 2015 to March 2016, using a factorial randomized block design with three factors, the first factor is varieties (Cikuray, Detam-2, Malikka) and the second factor is organic matter (Kontrol, Kompos Jerami Padi, Biochar, Bokashi). Observed were plant height, root dry weight, seeds per plant dry weight, dry weight of seeds per plots, the dry weight of 100 seeds, dry weight of seeds per hactare.The results showed that application of varieties increased plant height 4 and 6, dry weight of seeds per plots. The dry weight of 100 seeds, dry weight of seeds per hactare and organic matter increasing the seeds per plant dry weight, dry weight of seeds per plots and dry weight of 100 seeds
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