8 research outputs found

    Measurement of the hyperfine coupling constants and absolute energies of the 8p 2P1/28p \ ^2P_{1/2} and 8p 2P3/28p \ ^2P_{3/2} levels in atomic cesium

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    We report measurements of the hyperfine coupling constant for the $8p \ ^2P_{1/2}levelofatomiccesium, level of atomic cesium, ^{133}Cs,witharelativeuncertaintyofCs, with a relative uncertainty of \sim0.019%.Ourresultis0.019\%. Our result is A = 42.933 \: (8)MHz,ingoodagreementwithrecenttheoreticalresults.Wealsoexaminethehyperfinestructureofthe MHz, in good agreement with recent theoretical results. We also examine the hyperfine structure of the 8p \ ^2P_{3/2}state,andderivenewvaluesforthestateenergiesofthe state, and derive new values for the state energies of the 8p \ ^2P_{1/2}and and 8p \ ^2P_{3/2}$ states of cesium.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Measurement of the static Stark Shift of the 7s 2S1/27s \ ^2S_{1/2} level in atomic cesium

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    We report a new precision measurement of the dc Stark shift of the 6s\hspace{1mm} ^2S_{1/2} \rightarrow 7s\hspace{1mm}^2S_{1/2} transition in atomic cesium-133. Our result is 0.72246 (29) Hz(V/cm)−2\textrm{Hz}(\textrm{V}/\textrm{cm})^{-2}. This result differs from a previous measurement of the Stark shift by ∼\sim0.5\%. We use this value to recalculate the magnitude of the reduced dipole matrix elements ⟨7s∣∣r∣∣7pj⟩\langle7s ||r||7p_{j}\rangle, as well as the vector transition polarizability for the 6s→7s6s \rightarrow 7s transition, β~=27.043 (36) a03\tilde{\beta} = 27.043 \: (36) \ a_0^3. This determination helps resolve a critical discrepancy between two techniques for determining the vector polarizability.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Measurement of the Lifetime of the 7s2s1/2 State in Atomic Cesium Using Asynchronous Gated Detection

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    We report a measurement of the lifetime of the cesium 7s 2S1/2 state using time-correlated single-photon counting spectroscopy in a vapor cell. We excite the atoms using a Doppler-free two-photon transition from the 6s 2S1/2 ground state, and detect the 1.47-μm photons from the spontaneous decay of the 7s 2S1/2 to the 6p 2P3/2 state. We use a gated single-photon detector in an asynchronous mode, allowing us to capture the fluorescence profile for a window much larger than the detector gate length. Analysis of the exponential decay of the photon count yields a 7s 2S1/2 lifetime of 48.28 ± 0.07 ns, an uncertainty of 0.14%. These measurements provide sensitive tests of theoretical models of the Cs atom, which play a central role in parity violation measurements