7 research outputs found

    The University of Bologna career guidance project: bridging secondary schools and university with the e-learning experience

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    The University of Bologna has started the Career Guidance Project developing several initiatives: self evaluation questionnaires for Secondary Schools students, training courses for admission tests, and an e-learning platform with online modules in order to explain and show the cultural and professional environment of the University. It will be explained the genesis of the Project, the choice of the Learning Management System, the authoring tool advantages and the practical modules implementation. Special attention will be devoted to the analysis of the relationship with Professors and Authors during the modules preparation: the course deployment has been an opportunity not only to explain which are the basic aspects of e-learning effectiveness, but also to stress the importance of pedagogical aspects of a well structured course. The modules have been offered to several Secondary Schools in a pilot edition in Spring 2007. Now there are ten modules available: Industrial Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Medicine and Nursing, Foreign Languages, Arts and Humanities, Psychology, Statistics, Law, Sciences. A new development of the Project will offer to the Erasmus students the possibility to use the e-learning modules to approach the University of Bologna and the preferred Faculty

    Parental Stress and Parental Ratings of Behavioral Problems of Enuretic Children

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    Background: Primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (PMNE) may have a stressful impact on the everyday life of children and parents, and it may represent a cumulative stress factor increasing feelings of “learned helplessness.” Methods: The current study investigated parental stress in a group of parents (n = 330) of children affected by PMNE, compared to a group of parents (n = 330) of typical developing children (TDC). In addition, the study evaluated whether parents of PMNE children experience more emotional, social, and behavioral problems in their children, compared to parents of TDC. Finally, the study correlated frequency of enuresis with stress values and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) subscales and total stress with CBCL. Both groups were given The Parental Stress Inventory-Short Form (PSI-SF) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Results: Parents of PMNE children showed significantly higher stress level than parents of TDC. Nocturnal enuresis, as a demanding clinical condition difficult to control, represents a relevant stress factor. Mothers appeared as more vulnerable to stress than fathers. Parents of PMNE children reported higher behavioral and emotional problems, compared to reports of parents of TDC. PMNE children appeared to their parents as having lower competency in social activities, school performance, and social relationships than TDC. Moreover, they were rated as more withdrawn, anxious-depressed,more aggressive, inattentive, and withmore somatic complaints than healthy children. It was always the mother who rated a significantly higher number of emotional, social, and behavioral problems compared to fathers. Correlational analysis showed that the higher the frequency of enuresis, the greater the parental stress level, the lower the social activities, school performance and relational competencies and the higher the emotional, social and behavioral problems in children, according to the parents’ evaluations. The greater the parental stress level, the lower the competencies rated and the higher the behavioral problems detected by parents

    Neuropsychological Profile, Emotional/Behavioral Problems, and Parental Stress in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    Background: The aim of our study was to trace a specific neuropsychological profile, to investigate emotional-behavioral problems and parental stress in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1/High functioning (ASD-HF), Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) disorders and to highlight similarities and differences among the three groups. Methods: We retrospectively collected the data from a total of 62 subjects with ASD-HF (n = 19) ADHD (n = 21), SLD (n = 22) and 20 typical development. All the participants underwent neuropsychological standardized test for the evaluation of cognitive profile (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Edition—WISC-IV), behavioral and emotional problems (Child Behavior CheckList CBCL), and parental stress (Parental Stress Index Short Form—PSI-SF). The scores of the ASD-HF, ADHD, and SLD groups were compared using non-parametric statistic methods (Kruskall–Wallis H test and U Mann–Whitney for post-hoc analysis). Results: The ASD-HF group were significantly higher in all areas of the WISC-IV than the other two clinical groups. The SLD group performed significantly lower than ASD-HF in Working Memory Index. The SLD group showed lower scores on the somatic problems subscale than the other two groups. In the Difficult Child subscale of the PSI-SF, parents of ADHD children scored lower than the mothers of SLD subjects and higher than the fathers of SLD subjects. In all three groups there are specific deficiencies compared to the control group in the cognitive profile, behavioral and emotional problems, and parental stress. Conclusions: Our comparative analysis highlighted similarities and differences in three groups of children with different neurodevelopmental disorders, helping to better define cognitive, behavioral, and emotional characteristics of these children and parental stress of their parents

    Il questionario di benchmarking per le UniversitĂ  che offrono blended learning: un'esperienza costruttiva

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    Questo lavoro riguarda l'esperienza di benchmarking coordinata dall'ESMU (European Centre for Strategic Management of Universities) a cui l'Università  di Bologna ha aderito nell'autunno 2008. Sebbene il progetto sia ancora in corso, abbiamo valutato di interesse per il congresso Sie-l presentare il questionario, in quanto le Università  partecipanti, coordinate dall'ESMU e da consulenti dell'EADTU (European Association for Distance Teaching Universities) hanno collaborato per realizzazione di una versione adatta alle Università  tradizionali che erogano blended learning

    Implementation of Sample Pooling Procedure Using a Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Real-Time PCR Test Performed Prior to Hospital Admission of People with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Reliability, accuracy, and timeliness of diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection have allowed adequate public health management of the disease, thus notably helping the timely mapping of viral spread within the community. Furthermore, the most vulnerable populations, such as people with intellectual disability and dementia, represent a high-risk group across multiple dimensions, including a higher prevalence of pre-existing conditions, lower health maintenance, and a propensity for rapid community spread. This led to an urgent need for reliable in-house rapid testing to be performed prior to hospital admission. In the present study, we describe a pooling procedure in which oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swabs for SARS-CoV-2 detection (performed prior to hospital admission using rapid RT-PCR assay) are pooled together at the time of sample collection. Sample pooling (groups of 2–4 samples per tube) allowed us to significantly reduce response times, consumables, and personnel costs while maintaining the same test sensitivity

    Parental Stress and Parental Ratings of Behavioral Problems of Enuretic Children

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    Background: Primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (PMNE) may have a stressful impact on the everyday life of children and parents, and it may represent a cumulative stress factor increasing feelings of “learned helplessness.” Methods: The current study investigated parental stress in a group of parents (n = 330) of children affected by PMNE, compared to a group of parents (n = 330) of typical developing children (TDC). In addition, the study evaluated whether parents of PMNE children experience more emotional, social, and behavioral problems in their children, compared to parents of TDC. Finally, the study correlated frequency of enuresis with stress values and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) subscales and total stress with CBCL. Both groups were given The Parental Stress Inventory-Short Form (PSI-SF) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Results: Parents of PMNE children showed significantly higher stress level than parents of TDC. Nocturnal enuresis, as a demanding clinical condition difficult to control, represents a relevant stress factor. Mothers appeared as more vulnerable to stress than fathers. Parents of PMNE children reported higher behavioral and emotional problems, compared to reports of parents of TDC. PMNE children appeared to their parents as having lower competency in social activities, school performance, and social relationships than TDC. Moreover, they were rated as more withdrawn, anxious-depressed,more aggressive, inattentive, and withmore somatic complaints than healthy children. It was always the mother who rated a significantly higher number of emotional, social, and behavioral problems compared to fathers. Correlational analysis showed that the higher the frequency of enuresis, the greater the parental stress level, the lower the social activities, school performance and relational competencies and the higher the emotional, social and behavioral problems in children, according to the parents’ evaluations. The greater the parental stress level, the lower the competencies rated and the higher the behavioral problems detected by parents. Conclusion: The physicians who deal with PMNE children have taken into account the stressful role and emotional dimensions of this clinical condition, both for children and mothers, in order to improve clinical management. Psychological support is needed for parents, and mothers especially, for a more functional stress management related to the PMNE

    Neuropeptides' Hypothalamic Regulation of Sleep Control in Children Affected by Functional Non-Retentive Fecal Incontinence

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    Functional non-retentive fecal incontinence (FNRFI) is a common problem in pediatric age. FNRFI is defined as unintended loss of stool in a 4-year-old or older child after organic causes have been excluded. FNRFI tends to affects up to 3% of children older than 4 years, with males being affected more frequently than females. Clinically, children affected by FNRFI have normal intestinal movements and stool consistency. Literature data show that children with fecal incontinence have increased levels of separation anxiety, specific phobias, general anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and oppositional defiant disorder. In terms of possible relationship between incontinence and sleep, disorders of sleep organization have been observed in the pathogenesis of enuresis so generating the hypothesis that the orexinergic system may have a crucial role not only for the sleep organization per se but also for the sphincterial control in general. This study aimed to focus on specific neurophysiological aspects to investigate on the possible relationship between sleep organizational abnormalities and FNRFI. Specifically, we aimed to measure orexin serum levels in children with FNRFI and assess their polysomnographic sleep macrostructure patterns. Two study groups were considered: FNFRI (n = 45) and typically developed (TD) (n = 45) group. In both groups, sleep patterns and respiratory events were assessed by polysomnographic recordings (PSG) during a period of two nights at least, and plasma levels of Orexin-A were measured in each participant. The findings of this initial investigation seem to support a major role of Orexin-A in sleep organization alterations in children with FNFRI. Also, our data suggest that sleep habits evaluation should be considered as screening and complementary tool for the diagnosis of fecal incontinence in children