67 research outputs found

    Os Dez Princípios de uma Boa Prática com TIC

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    A importância que actualmente se concede à integração das novas tecnologias na educação impõe uma reflexão sobre as práticas pedagógicas hoje vividas nas nossas escolas e a sua repercussão na educação. Este estudo tem como propósito compreender os efeitos das boas práticas e apresentar os 10 princípios de boas práticas com TIC escorados num estudo realizado com professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico na região do grande Porto. Esperamos assim contribuir para uma reflexão crítica sobre a inclusão das TIC e realçar o seu potencial na educação

    The smartphone in the context of the classroom in the primary school and in the higher education

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are implementing unique changes in the most diverse fields nowadays. The smartphone, in particular, because of its technological convergence characteristics and because it is a tool that everyone owns and carries with them, it is an added value for the school and for the student that owns a personalized mobile resource. However, the school is resistant to its inclusion in education and there are contradictory studies: some reveal perverse effects on education, but others show their potentialities [1-3]. This fact shows the importance of teacher training in the selection of a methodology that responds to the inclusion of this tool in education. How to use the smartphone in education? It is a challenge that we intend to answer by showing the potential of this emerging technology in the process of teaching and learning with children from 6 to 9 years of age (primary school) and with adults of higher education (engineering course). In this study, the use of smartphones was observed in three classrooms of the primary school, involving about 60 children, and in higher education classes, involving about 50 students. We used a qualitative approach, case study. Data were collected from direct observers of the educational practices in the different contexts. For data analysis, we used description and data interpretation. The results show that teachers adopt a socio-constructivist methodology centring the student in the learning process: (1) in the use of the tool (technical domain), (2) in the accomplishment of the task, (3) in the reflection and argumentation of the results obtained, (4) knowledge sharing, (5) behaviour management, attitudes, task leadership and (6) self-criticism. It is also verified that they use the smartphone as a resource to motivate the student, stimulate concentration on the task, facilitate the understanding of content, encourage participation in the activity and promote interaction and sharing with others. In addition, the use of smartphones generates emotions and develops cross curricular skills in education as well as facilitating access to information, stimulates the creation of creative engineering projects that have satisfied students not only for the novelty, but also for finding that a pocket tool can perform interesting monitoring and remote control tasks. Thus, the results show that smartphones have a high potential in education, as they can promote an opportunity for methodological recreation and modernization, offer research potential, the development of new educational equipment and tools, new ways of consolidating and evaluating curricular content, development of other expressive abilities in the academic, social and personal life of an individual, as well as develop autonomy and stimulate the satisfaction of the students by returning to education the motivation of the student. It is also a clever way of educating this new generation by finding other ways of learning to learn, learning to do and building knowledge, learning to be and being with others.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interactividade: Uma Nova Modalidade Comunicacional

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    Esta comunicação propõe uma reflexão sobre o desafio que a comunicação interactiva impõe na educação e apresenta um exemplo real vivido numa turma do 1º ciclo

    A imagem de si e o reconhecimento dos outros: o professor do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    O tema da identidade é induzido pela pergunta: quem sou eu? Quem somos nós? Ser professor depende da imagem que o professor tem de si mesmo e da imagem social que lhe reconhece essa categoria. Pretendemos, nesta comunicação, encontrar uma interface de representações que traduzam a identidade profissional docente do professor do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico pelo seu olhar e pelo olhar dos outros. Recorremos a “avaliação 360 º” que envolve Professores, Encarregados de Educação, Presidentes do Conselho Directivo, Formadores e Director de Centro de Formação. Abordar o professor na actualidade significa constatar novas representações do ensino, do acto de ensinar e do saber dos professores, significa prever novos rumos para a escola, novos modos de educação e de gestão do trabalho docente. Concluiu-se que o sistema educativo caminhará para a excelência a partir do momento em que todos os seus participantes estiverem alinhados com a mesma missão para atingirem a visão da educação que melhor serve a sociedade

    A plataforma Moodle no 1º ciclo do ensino básico e no ensino superior

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    Actualmente é indiscutível o papel das TIC como recurso pedagógico no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Esta integração implica riscos, desafios, promessas e novas oportunidades que permitem a criação de um cenário educacional mais diversificado, mais aberto, mais comunicativo e mais abrangente. Esta comunicação apresenta dois casos de aplicação das TIC com recurso à plataforma Moodle: no 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Superior. Esta mostrou ser uma plataforma flexível, pois adapta-se a destinatários com necessidades e objectivos diferentes, e que promove entusiasmo e motivação para a aprendizagem melhorando as práticas que se desenvolvem nas aulas.Nowadays, the ICT role as a pedagogical resource in the teaching-learning process is unquestionable. This integration implies risks, challenges, promises and new opportunities, which allow the creation of a more diversified, more open, more communicative and more extensive educational scenario. This paper presents two examples of an ICT application, with resource to the Moodle platform, at elementary education and post-secondary education. These two case-studies proved that the platform is flexible, since it adapts itself to users with different reeds and aims, and it is a source of enthusiasm and motivation for learning, improving the practices developed during classes

    What teachers do, observe, and feel in pedagogical practice through the use of digital resources

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    In the context of the initial teacher training, namely in the Supervised Pedagogical Practice, it is imperative that the future teacher has the opportunity to develop skills that dignify him in the 21st century, but also that he is encouraged to (re)create the new educational paradigm, finding propulsive impulses of dynamic spheres of innovation and entrepreneurship, responsibility and opportunity for growth. In this sense, and knowing that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have an enormous potential for renewal of the educational paradigm and teaching professionalism (Quadros Flores, 2016), the study aims to know educational experiences with ICT: what they do, how they do and what teachers do feel and what impacts do they observe. In this context, we analysed seventeen lesson plans that applied digital resources carried out in the primary school by future teachers attending the Master's Degrees in “Pre-School Education and Teaching of the First Cycle of Basic Education” and Master's Degree in “First Cycle of the Basic Education and Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Second Cycle of Basic Education”. Three activities were selected with the criterion being innovative, useful, usable and transferable to other contexts. In order to understand what they observe and feel during the implementation of the practices, we opted for a qualitative methodology of a case study. Data were collected from a questionnaire with two open questions applied to seventeen future teachers carrying out the Supervised Educational Practice (internship) in the primary schools. For data analysis, we used content analysis. The results show that, when teachers use technological resources, they adopt a constructivist methodology and that, during the class, they observe impacts on the student, on the learning process and on the school results. The analysis of the answers also reveals effects in three dimensions, essential in the process of teaching and learning: in the motivation, as a means by which the learning is realized, in the understanding that in turn it gives meaning to the learning and the satisfaction, as the result of the motivation that facilitated the comprehension and that, therefore, improves the results of the students and the professional accomplishment of the teacher. When questioned about what they felt in managing an ICT class, they looked at the process of teaching and learning, regarding the student and regarding themselves (teacher). They show, therefore, that the feeling experienced by the teacher in the pedagogical act has a direct relationship with the teacher, as a professional (capacity of methodological, strategic and resource selection, creative capacity in the construction of an environment favourable to the process of teaching to learn), as a person (sensations experienced, responsibility, commitment), but also with the impact on the student. Thus, it is concluded that the success of technology integration depends mainly on the teacher, his technical training in the domain of the tool and his professional training in methodological domain, as well as other skills, such as creativity, resilience, entrepreneurship and leadership.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mediated Information and Flipped Classroom - Information Retention Level Assessment

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    The Flipped Classroom methodology uses audiovisual products in general and video in particular as a means to make content available to students. In this study, we intend to verify and evaluate if there are significant differences in the retention of information mediated by the audiovisual products according to the type of resource that carries it. For this purpose we created eleven prototypes using the "Articulate Storyline ©" program. In these prototypes the information was presented exclusively in the following typologies of resources: i) Video; ii) Video, Audio and Text; iii) Video and Text, iv) Video and Audio; v) Image, Audio and Text; vi) Image and Text; vii) Image and Audio; viii) Image; ix) Audio and Text; x) Text; xi) Audio. In this study, the data revealed that the average levels of information retention mediated by the various typologies of resources were higher than 60%, either immediately after receiving the information or after eight days; and that the highest retention occurred when information is mediated through video, audio and text simultaneously with 92.31% and the lowest retention when information is only available through the 64.62% image.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A construção de uma cultura de paz através do conhecimento em rede

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    As novas tecnologias representam desafios inovadores e novas oportunidades para todos os cidadãos e países, independentemente do seu nível de desenvolvimento. Porém, os que perderem esta onda tecnológica encontrarão barreiras que limitarão o seu crescimento, pelo que há assim necessidade de um contributo global para que a tendência tecnológica se implemente democraticamente e venha a contribuir para o bem-estar dos cidadãos. Esta comunicação promove uma reflexão sobre as potencialidades da Web 2.0 na construção de uma cultura de paz e desafia toda a comunidade de educadores para a paz para uma participação activa na sociedade do conhecimento, uma sociedade em rede. Neste sentido, apresentámos boas práticas como possíveis modelos que impulsionem o nascimento de outras práticas colaborativas

    Ict in primary school: theories and practices in the mother tongue

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    Change processes taking place nowadays, particularly the interests and motivations of the new generation who now attends school, require the renewal of pedagogical practices of teachers and therefore the attention of their trainers in University. The teaching practice (pedagogic stage) is a privileged time for curricular integration of ICT integration of theory and practice during the orientation process made by the first author. We developed during an academic year an exploratory study. The data were collected in the reports of teachers' training, in the orientation sessions and in the observation of the pedagogical practice of these teachers in primary school. The analysis was made through the content analysis. We have selected for this article some student teacher practices that are integrative activities focused on the learning of the mother tongue. Thus, we present: a) theoretical guidelines for the use of ICT in the mother tongue in Primary School; b) examples of curriculum integration of ICT in this context; c) integration of this work in pedagogical practices of student teachers; d) the reflexive and critical ideas expressed by these teachers. Finally, we discuss the need to develop in an integrated way digital literacy, reading and writing. Thus, we intend to contribute to a widening of educational discourse in the panorama of the initial teacher traininginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factors That Inhibit or Promote The Integration of ICT in Education

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    The integration of digital technologies in education stimulates methodological changes with an impact on the ways of teaching to learn and learning to learn and, therefore, requires up-to-date digital resources available for innovative educational practices. In general, there have been projects that equipped Portuguese schools, but without concern for teacher training and, therefore, it is crucial to understand if the inclusion of these resources in the current educational environment promotes innovative practices or if there are still obstacles preventing change and the development of a student profile for the 21st Century [1]. The purpose of this study is to understand if the current reality still hinders change in education, or facilitates this change by making available a digital technological educational environment that supports innovative and dynamic practices that prepare students for the reality in which they live in. We also want to know if a classroom equipped for the frequent and effective use of ICT is enough and what makes teachers include digital technological resources in their educational practices. In this context, an exploratory quantitative and qualitative study was chosen. Data collection was carried out by open and closed questionnaire surveys. As for the analysis, in the first phase, three open questions were analyzed in 14 questionnaires applied to trainees in public elementary schools (1st cycle of basic education), and two open questions in five questionnaires applied to cooperating teachers, guiding these students to teach in the same schools. In the second phase, three closed questions were analyzed in a questionnaire applied to approximately 1200 teachers in the Porto metropolitan area. Trough the analysis of the results obtained in both phases mentioned above, four categories related to the obstacles that currently exist in primary schools and that negatively influence the teaching and learning process were identified. It was not surprising that the existence of digital technological resources in the educational context is not sufficient, since there are other factors that inhibit or promote the use of ICT. The obstacles which inhibit the frequency of use impose measures within the context of teacher training, including a reflection on the course syllabus. The factors that promote the use of ICT focus mainly on three categories. It was possible to verify that the success of the integration depends on: a) the articulation of aligned projects that involve the availability of various technological resources, namely computers and wireless networks; b) the context of the educational community; c) the training of children, the technical and pedagogical training of teachers and their creative capacity in the construction of strategies and didactic resources as well as their vision of education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio