15 research outputs found

    Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in young men:the determinants and effectiveness of a tailored, mobile, gamified intervention

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    Abstract Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour (SB) are harmful to health, but both globally and in Finland, 80% of adolescents are not physically active enough and they sit too much. Unhealthy behaviour seems to accumulate in young men. Factors underlying unhealthy behaviour should be identified, and based on these, effective interventions for health promotion should be developed. In this study we aimed to clarify the determinants of physical activity (PA) and SB in young men. In addition, we studied the effects of a gamified, tailored, mobile PA intervention on PA and subjective wellbeing. Population-based data were collected in call-ups organized by the Finnish Defence Forces in 2010, 2012 and 2013 in the Oulu area, Finland. Altogether 2526 approximately 18-year-old men filled in a questionnaire, attended physical performance tests and went through a medical examination. In 2013, all 811 men who attended physiological measurements were invited to participate in a six-month randomized controlled trial, and 496 (61%) of them agreed to do so and were randomized into intervention (n=250) and control (n=246) groups. The intervention group got access to a mobile service developed in this study. PA and SB were continuously monitored during the trial. The PA and SB of the controls was measured without feedback on behaviour. The profiles “exercising but sitting”, “feeling unhappy”, “symptoms of disordered eating”, “being unfit with appearance-related motivation” and “gaming” were found among the sedentary young men. The men living in both built and natural environments were equally physically active. The mother’s PA was associated with PA in men living in the built environment and the father’s PA with PA among natural environment residents. The intervention had a borderline positive effect on moderate-to-vigorous PA, but there was no change in SB or light PA. Life satisfaction improved both in the intervention group and the control group. Various functionalities related to the PA of the mobile service were considered important. However, the compliance in using the service was limited. Improvements in PA, self-rated health and life satisfaction were seen, especially among the men in the intervention group with low levels of PA and poor subjective wellbeing at baseline. This study complements existing knowledge on the PA and SB of youth and the findings on the effects of technology-based PA promotion. The study adds to literature on individual, environmental and parental factors underlying SB and PA in young men. These findings highlight the importance of individually designed health promotion among young men.TiivistelmĂ€ Fyysinen inaktiivisuus ja liiallinen istuminen ovat terveydelle haitallisia. SiitĂ€ huolimatta nuoret Suomessa ja muualla maailmalla eivĂ€t liiku riittĂ€vĂ€sti ja istuvat liian paljon. EpĂ€terveelliset elintavat nĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€t kasaantuvan erityisesti nuorille miehille. Liikkumattomuuden taustatekijĂ€t tulisi tunnistaa ja kehittÀÀ uusia menetelmiĂ€ nuorten aktivointiin. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ nuorten miesten fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja paikallaan olon taustatekijöitĂ€ sekĂ€ pelillistetyn, rÀÀtĂ€löidyn ja mobiilin intervention vaikuttavuutta. VĂ€estöpohjainen aineisto kerĂ€ttiin Oulun alueen kutsunnoissa vuosina 2010, 2012 ja 2013. YhteensĂ€ 2526 keskimÀÀrin 18-vuotiasta nuorta miestĂ€ tĂ€ytti hyvinvointikyselyn, osallistui kuntotesteihin ja kĂ€vi lÀÀkĂ€rintarkastuksessa. Satunnaistettuun, kontrolloituun, kuuden kuukauden interventioon osallistui 496 nuorta. InterventioryhmĂ€ sai kĂ€yttöönsĂ€ tutkimuksessa kehitetyn mobiilin palvelun, joka sisĂ€lsi pelillisiĂ€ elementtejĂ€. LisĂ€ksi ryhmÀÀn kuuluneiden fyysistĂ€ aktiivisuutta mitattiin jatkuvasti koko intervention ajan kiihtyvyysanturimenetelmĂ€llĂ€ ja he saivat siitĂ€ palautetta. KontrolliryhmĂ€n aktiivisuus mitattiin, mutta he eivĂ€t saaneet palautetta. Viisi erilaista profiilia tunnistettiin paljon istuvien nuorten miesten vastauksista: paljon istuvat liikkujat, elĂ€mÀÀnsĂ€ tyytymĂ€ttömĂ€t, syömishĂ€iriöillĂ€ oireilevat, huonokuntoiset ulkonÀöstĂ€ motivoitujat ja pelaajat. Luonnollisessa ja rakennetussa ympĂ€ristössĂ€ asuvat nuoret liikkuivat yhtĂ€ paljon. Äidin runsas liikkuminen oli yhteydessĂ€ rakennetussa asuinympĂ€ristössĂ€ asuvien poikien suurempaan fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen, kun taas isĂ€n liikkumisella oli positiivinen yhteys luonnollisessa ympĂ€ristössĂ€ asuvien poikien liikkumiseen. Interventio lisĂ€si jonkin verran poikien kohtuukuormitteisen tai raskaan fyysisen aktiivisuuden mÀÀrÀÀ. Paikallaan olon tai kevyen aktiivisuuden mÀÀrĂ€ ei muuttunut. ElĂ€mĂ€ntyytyvĂ€isyys koheni sekĂ€ interventio- ettĂ€ kontrolliryhmĂ€ssĂ€. Vaikka tutkittavien sitoutuminen tutkimukseen oli kohtuullisen heikko, he pitivĂ€t monia tutkimuksessa kehitetyn mobiilin palvelun fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen liittyviĂ€ ominaisuuksia kiinnostavina. Erityisesti niillĂ€ nuorilla, jotka olivat liikkuneet vĂ€hĂ€n tai kokeneet hyvinvointinsa huonoksi tutkimuksen alussa, havaittiin positiivisia muutoksia intervention aikana. Tutkimuksessa saatiin lisÀÀ tietoa yksilöllisten sekĂ€ ympĂ€ristöön ettĂ€ vanhempiin liittyvien tekijöiden merkityksestĂ€ nuorten liikkumiselle ja paikallaan ololle. Tutkimus tuotti uutta tietoa pelillistetyn, rÀÀtĂ€löidyn mobiiliteknologian mahdollisuuksista nuorten miesten aktivoinnissa. Tulosten perusteella yksilöllinen rÀÀtĂ€löinti on tĂ€rkeÀÀ nuorten miesten terveyden edistĂ€miseen tĂ€htÀÀvissĂ€ interventioissa

    Fyysisen aktiivisuuden yhteys palveluskelpoisuusluokkaan ja palveluksen keskeyttÀmiseen:vÀestöpohjainen kutsuntaikÀisten MOPO-tutkimus

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    TiivistelmĂ€ Varusmiesten kunto on heikentynyt voimakkaasti 1990-luvulta lĂ€htien. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ varusmiespalvelusta edeltĂ€vĂ€n fyysisen aktiivisuuden yhteyttĂ€ palveluskelpoisuusluokkien mÀÀrĂ€ytymiseen ja varusmiespalveluksen keskeyttĂ€miseen. Tutkimus oli osa laajempaa MOPO-hanketta, jonka tavoitteena oli aktivoida nuoria miehiĂ€ liikkumaan ja ehkĂ€istĂ€ heidĂ€n syrjĂ€ytymistÀÀn. Tutkimukseen kutsuttiin mukaan kaikki Oulun kaupungin kutsuntatilaisuuksiin vuosina 2012 ja 2013 osallistuneet miehet (n = 2547), joille mÀÀrĂ€ttiin kutsunnoissa palveluskelpoisuusluokka. Kutsuntatilaisuudessa 1852 (72,7 prosenttia) miestĂ€ vastasi terveys- ja elintapakyselyyn. HeistĂ€ 1398 (75,5 prosenttia) vastasi kyselyn osioon, jolla kartoitettiin vapaa-ajan fyysistĂ€ aktiivisuutta. Vastausten perusteella miehet luokiteltiin fyysisesti aktiivisiin ja vĂ€hĂ€n liikkuviin. Fyysisesti aktiivisten todennĂ€köisyys saada palveluskelpoisuusluokaksi A oli korkeampi kuin vĂ€hĂ€n liikkuvien (p < 0,001). VĂ€hĂ€n liikkuvien todennĂ€köisyys saada lykkĂ€ystĂ€ palvelukseen astumiseen tai vapautus rauhanaikaisesta palveluksesta oli suurempi kuin fyysisesti aktiivisten. Myös varusmiespalveluksen keskeyttĂ€misen riski oli suurempi niillĂ€ kutsuntaikĂ€isillĂ€, jotka olivat ennen kutsuntoja liikkuneet vĂ€hĂ€n (OR 2,3; 95 % CI 1,4–3,9; p = 0,002) tai joiden painoindeksi oli korkea (OR 1,1; 95 % CI 1,0–1,2; p = 0,001). Palvelusta edeltĂ€vĂ€ sÀÀnnöllinen liikkuminen voi edistÀÀ kutsuntaikĂ€isten miesten palveluskelpoisuutta ja vĂ€hentÀÀ riskiĂ€ palveluksen keskeyttĂ€miseen. Korkean painoindeksin ja keskeyttĂ€misen yhteys vahvistaa aiempaa kĂ€sitystĂ€ nuorten miesten ylipainon ja lihavuuden vaikutuksesta varusmiespalveluksesta suoriutumiseen. Lihavuus ja vĂ€hĂ€inen fyysinen aktiivisuus olisi tĂ€rkeÀÀ tunnistaa viimeistÀÀn kutsuntojen yhteydessĂ€ ja kohdentaa riskihenkilöille fyysistĂ€ aktiivisuutta edistĂ€viĂ€ interventioita.Abstract The association between physical activity and fitness for military service classification and the interruption of military service : a population-based MOPO study In Finland, physical fitness of the conscripts has declined since the 1990s. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between self-reported physical activity, fitness for military service classification and the risk for interrupted military service. This study is part of a comprehensive MOPO-project, the goal of which was to promote physical activity and prevent marginalisation among young men. A total of 2547 adolescent men attended compulsory call-ups for military service in 2012 and 2013 and 1852 (72.7%) completed a study questionnaire regarding health and lifestyle. Out of them, 1398 (75.5%) answered a question concerning leisure time physical activity. The subjects were classified into physically active and inactive groups. Physically active adolescent men were more likely to be classified into the military service class A compared to physically inactive men (p < 0.001). Low physical activity level was associated with increased probability of military service deferment and exemption from military service. Low physical activity (OR 2.3; 95% CI 1.4–3.9; p = 0.002) and high body mass index (BMI) (OR 1.1; 95% CI 1.0–1.2; p = 0.001) were associated with exemption from military service. Regular physical activity may improve conscripts’ suitability and fitness for military service and reduce the risk of exemption from military service. High BMI and risk of being exempted from military service highlights the previous perception of the negative effect of overweight for military services. Low physical activity and obesity should at the latest be taken into account at call-ups and target physical activity interventions for physically inactive and obese adolescent men

    Health behaviours associated with video gaming in adolescent men:a cross-sectional population-based MOPO study

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    Abstract Background: Playing video games, a form of sedentary behaviour, is associated with poor well-being and increased risk of morbidity due to chronic disease. However, the association between health behaviours and video gaming is poorly understood. The purpose of this population-based study was to reveal the differences in dietary habits and physical activity for adolescent men with high amount of video games on weekdays, as compared to their peers who play less often. Methods: Seven hundred ninety-six adolescent men (age: mean = 17.8, SD = 0.6) attended compulsory conscription for military service in 2013 and completed a questionnaire regarding the amount and frequency of their video gaming. They also participated in a medical examination and underwent physiological measurements. The participants who played video games more than 3 h/d on weekdays were compared with those who played 3h/d or less. The association between health behaviours and the amount of playing video gaming was analysed using multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results: 24.1% (n = 192) of the participants reported video gaming in excess of 3 h/d. This group had higher incidence of having low physical fitness, having poor eating habits, and being obese. No differences were found in smoking or alcohol drinking habits. Other factors, including low leisure-time physical activity (OR = 1.94; 95% CI, 1.29–2.91), low consumption of vegetables and fruits (OR = 0.83; 95% CI, 0.72–0.97), high consumption of sweetened soft drinks (OR = 1.28; 95% CI, 1.06–1.55) and high amount of sitting time (OR = 1.40; 95% CI, 1.28–1.52), explained one-fourth of the difference. Conclusion: In this population-based study, adolescent men who played video games a lot on weekdays had lower physical fitness, were more often obese, and had poorer dietary habits, as compared to their peers who played less often. Because playing video games typically adds to a person’s total sedentary time, this activity may be associated with adverse health outcomes at a very young age— especially in combination with poor health behaviours. The results of this study can be utilized to promote health interventions targeted at adolescent men so as to raise their awareness of the disadvantages of excessive video gaming

    Parental factors related to physical activity among adolescent men living in built and natural environment:a population-based MOPO study

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    Abstract Introduction: Physical inactivity is a global concern, especially among adolescent men. Little research has been done on the association between parental factors and young adults’ physical activity in the context of residential environment. We aimed to reveal what parental factors are associated with physical activity among adolescent men living in built and natural environments. Methods: A population-based sample of 1,904 men (mean age = 17.9, SD = 0.7 years) completed a questionnaire regarding physical activity, parental factors, and lifestyle in Northern Finland in 2012 and 2013. Geographical information system methods and dominant land-use type were used to define the residential environment in a 1-kilometer radius buffer zone surrounding each participant’s home address. If the residential area included more artificial surfaces, it was defined as a built environment, and areas including more nature were defined as natural environments. Results: According to multivariable analyses, a mother’s physical activity (OR = 1.9; 95% CI: 1.3–2.8) was positively associated with the physical activity of adolescent men living in built environments, and the father’s physical activity was positively associated with the physical activity of adolescent men living in natural environments (2.8; 1.7–4.8). Self-rated health (built 5.9 [4.0–8.7]; natural 5.2 [3.0–9.0]) was positively associated with physical activity level. Those with symptoms of depression were more likely to be physically inactive (built 0.5 [0.3–0.8]; natural 0.3 [0.1–0.6]). Adolescent men were equally physically active regardless of the living environment. Conclusions: The level of physical activity of parents, self-rated health, and depressive symptoms should be considered when designing physical activity promotions for adolescent men according to their residential environments

    Disordered eating behavior, health and motives to exercise in young men:cross-sectional population-based MOPO study

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    Abstract Background: Being overweight is an increasing problem among young people, among whom disordered eating behavior is linked with weight problems as well as unhealthy weight control. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether health factors and motives to exercise differ in young men by the type of disordered eating behavior. Methods: The population-based, cross-sectional MOPO study consisted of 2,096 young Finnish men (mean age 17.9, SD 0.7) attending compulsory call-ups for military service in the Oulu area in 2010, 2011, and 2013. They responded to a questionnaire that included two subscales of the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 indicating drive for thinness and bulimic behavior and questions on health, physical activity, and motives to exercise. The association between disordered eating behavior and related factors was analyzed by binary logistic regression. Results: Altogether, 6.9 % (n = 145) of the men had symptoms of disordered eating, i.e., 5.4 % had a drive for thinness (n = 114) and 3.7 % had bulimic behavior (n = 77). Drive for thinness was associated with a perception of being overweight (OR 3.7; 95 % CI 2.2–6.1), poor self-rated health (2.3; 1.2–4.4), more leisure sitting time (1.1; 1.0–1.2), and body-related exercise motives (body acceptance: 3.0; 1.7–5.2; weight loss: 2.5; 1.4–4.4). Bulimic behavior was positively associated with poor self-rated health (2.6; 1.1–5.8) and several motives to exercise, i.e., due to another person’s suggestion (2.8; 1.6–4.8), competitive sports (2.1; 1.2–3.7), body acceptance (2.1; 1.1–3.9), and weight loss (1.9; 1.1–3.3), but inversely associated with health/fitness-related exercise motives (health promotion: 0.3; 0.1–0.5; muscular strength or physical performance: 0.5; 0.2–0.9). Conclusions: In young men, disordered eating behavior was associated with being overweight, having poor self-rated health, and having a greater amount of leisure sitting time as well as non-health-related motives to exercise. In order to recognize those at risk for disordered eating behavior, evaluating these factors could be beneficial

    Physical activity is associated with cardiac autonomic function in adolescent men

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    Abstract Introduction: Moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) has been shown to be associated with autonomic regulation of the heart measured with heart rate variability (HRV). Only a limited amount of studies have examined this relationship among adolescents, and the effects of increasing PA on HRV is not well established. The aim of this study was to investigate how overall self-reported PA associates with HRV in a large population of adolescent men. Methods: The study was part of the Finnish MOPO study consisting of 3629 young men (mean age 18, SD 1 years) enrolled for military call-ups in 2009—2013. Overall PA, including both the intensity and frequency of habitual exercise, was assessed by a questionnaire and the respondents categorized into four groups of PA (low, moderate, high and top). Short-term HRV, physical performance and body composition were measured. Results: HRV, as indicated by mean ln rMSSD, increased according the PA categories as follows: low (3.65 ms (SD 0.7), p<0.001 vs. other groups), moderate (3.78 ms (0.6) p<0.001), high (3.85 ms (0.6) p<0.001) and top activity (3.93 ms (0.6) p<0.001) According to the multivariable linear regression analysis, a significant positive relationship (ÎČ = 0.129, p<0.05) was observed between self-reported PA and ln rMSSD independent of body mass index, waist circumference and fat percentage. Conclusions: Physical activity was positively associated with cardiac autonomic regulation, in adolescent men. A linear increase in HRV according to PA was observed, suggesting that even slight increments in PA might be beneficial for cardiac autonomic regulation The results emphasize the importance of physical activity in improving cardiac health in young people

    Physical activity, residential environment, and nature relatedness in young men:a population-based MOPO study

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    Abstract Background: In general, nature relatedness is positively associated with physical activity, health, and subjective well-being. However, increased residence in urban areas, and the decrease in natural spaces, may affect the younger generation most adversely. The associated environmental changes can increase youths’ risk of spending most of their time indoors, and weaken their nature relatedness, making them less likely to enjoy nature’s health benefits. This is a serious public health issue, since inadequate physical activity, combined with minimum time spent in green space, can affect health across the whole lifespan. Thus, to develop effective interventions for physical activation and promote health and well-being among young men, further knowledge of the determinants of their nature relatedness is necessary. Aims: To explore factors related to nature relatedness, including physical activity, physical activity with parents, and residential environment. Methods: The study population consisted of all 914 young men (mean—17.8 years; SD—0.5) who participated in mandatory call-ups for military service and completed the study questionnaire in 2013. The questionnaire inquired about their nature relatedness, demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, physical activity, health, and subjective well-being. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to assess the features of their residential environments. Multivariable linear regression was used to analyze the data. Results: Physical activity (p = 0.021) and physical activity with parents at primary school age (p = 0.007), and currently (p = 0.001) as well as good self-rated health (p = 0.001), and father’s higher socioeconomic status (p = 0.041), were positively connected to nature relatedness. Conclusions: Physical activity in general, physical activity with parents, and nature relatedness were positively related. This knowledge can be utilized in promoting physical activity and health among young men

    Inköp i Virtual Design and Construction : En fallstudie

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    Construction firms currently spend more than half of revenue on purchase of materials and services. This makes effective management of suppliers an important part of corporate strategy. Also, since firms become more specialized, more services have to be purchased; the consequence is an increased dependence of suppliers. This suggests that construction companies need to aim towards long-term open collaboration with suppliers. However, currently, purchasing is performed in a short-term and competitive manner. The current fixation on price obstructs a reduction of total costs of the entire supply chain. Price is just the tip of the iceberg and under the surface there are hidden costs for management of: operations, supplies, inventory, capital and supplier relationship as well as cost of administration, R&D, support and maintenance which all have to be considered in order to reduce the total cost of ownership. Also, alongside this, virtual construction technologies are introduced to improve the product. This creates opportunity for integration of new information in BIM-models to support the purchasing process. Only using BIM limits users to the product, which creates the risk of organizational and process costs being left behind. Virtual Design and Construction, VDC, is a more holistic approach that also takes into account the organization which designs and builds and the process followed by the organization to design and build the product. In this study VDC is explored as a possible aid in the construction company’s purchasing activities.The study is based on existing theory in the fields of purchasing, construction process and Virtual Design and Construction and a case study of the purchasing process at Veidekke Entreprenad AB. In the case study the purchasing process is mapped during tendering, production preparation and production through interviews. To make sure the entire process was covered respondents were selected to cover different roles in the construction company. From covered purchasing theory a specification for purchasing was created for comparison with the studied purchasing process.In the case study, a manual and experience-based purchasing process was identified where relationships with suppliers was primary transactional. Purchasing activities are primarily based on paper-based documentation and streamlining tools to facilitate the purchasing process is missing. Supplier selection is primarily based on past experience and available information about past suppliers are stored in old project archives which requires that a person looking for information have to know where to look. Selection of final supplier is based on price or estimated total cost. In the process, similar activities are carried out but a standardized approach to procurement is missing and the only measurement performed regarding purchasing was reduction of purchasing price from tendering estimates. However, the case study also showed a purchasing process in transition and henceforth project buyers will be responsible for all project purchases. Based on theory and the case study three areas are presented, where VDC can support the purchasing process:‱ Implementation of location-based scheduling (LBS) enables project management in aspects of time as well as in space. LBS creates an opportunity to improve delivery schedules and visualization of the production in time and space. These delivery schedules can be the basis for procurement of materials and delivery based on production needs. Visualisation of production can be used to prioritize purchasing work and to support material and service supplier selection. During negotiation visualization can be used as a tool to ensure that criteria for negotiation improve production flow.‱ At the centre of VDC lies continuous measurement to enable control and predictions of the process. Objectives are established in three levels: Project outcome objectives which are measurable at the end of the project; Project process objectives which influence project outcome are measured regularly; Project controllable factors used by leaders to support daily decisions. This framework can also be used for measuring purchasing- and supplier performance to support supplier selection and continuous improvement. ‱ Integrated Concurrent Engineering (ICE) can be used to make sure that purchasing flexibility is not compromised. Through the usage of cross-functional teams of buyers, planning managers and production managers and an ICE procedure it is possible to explore alternative products and solutions. It is also possible to maintain flexibility in negotiation with suppliers to develop the most favorable technical- and financial solution. The method also opens up for the early involvement of suppliers in order to secure production flow. To achieve full effect, a procedure in which the construction company can affect project design is needed.The results show room for improvement in several areas. To facilitate the development of Veidekke’s future work in the field of VDC, a development model which covers all sub-disciplines of VDC is presented, exemplified using the purchasing process. The model is based on the three maturity levels of VDC implementation. The purpose is to provide support to the implementation and integration of the purchasing routines in the VDC process within the company.Validerat; 20130226 (global_studentproject_submitter

    Satellite imaging-based residential greenness and accelerometry measured physical activity at midlife:population-based Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 study

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    Abstract Background: Recently, the importance of light physical activity (LPA) for health has been emphasized, and residential greenness has been positively linked to the level of LPA and a variety of positive health outcomes. However, people spend less time in green environments because of urbanization and modern sedentary leisure activities. Aims: In this population-based study, we investigated the association between objectively measured residential greenness and accelerometry measured physical activity (PA), with a special interest in LPA and gender differences. Methods: The study was based on the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (5433 members). Participants filled in a postal questionnaire and underwent clinical examinations and wore a continuous measurement of PA with wrist-worn Polar Active Activity Monitor accelerometers for two weeks. The volume of PA (metabolic equivalent of task or MET) was used to describe the participant’s total daily activity (light: 2–3.49 MET; moderate: 3.5–4.99 MET; vigorous: 5–7.99 MET; very vigorous: ≄8 MET). A geographic information system (GIS) was used to assess the features of each individual’s residential environment. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was used for the objective quantification of residential greenness. Multiple linear regression and a generalized additive model (GAM) were used to analyze the association between residential greenness and the amount of PA at different intensity levels. Results: Residential greenness (NDVI) was independently associated with LPA (unadjusted ÎČ = 174; CI = 140, 209) and moderate physical activity (MPA) (unadjusted ÎČ = 75; CI = 48, 101). In the adjusted model, residential greenness was positively and significantly associated with LPA (adjusted ÎČ = 70; CI = 26, 114). In men, residential greenness was positively and significantly associated with LPA (unadjusted ÎČ = 224; CI = 173, 275), MPA (unadjusted ÎČ = 75; CI = 48, 101), and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) (unadjusted ÎČ = 89; CI = 25, 152). In women, residential greenness was positively related to LPA (unadjusted ÎČ = 142; CI = 96, 188) and inversely associated with MPA (unadjusted ÎČ = −22; CI = −36, −8), vigorous/very vigorous physical activity (VPA/VVPA) (unadjusted ÎČ = −49; CI = −84, −14), and MVPA (unadjusted ÎČ = −71; CI = −113, −29). In the final adjusted models, residential greenness was significantly associated only with the amount of LPA in men (adjusted ÎČ = 140; CI = 75, 204). Conclusions: Residential greenness was positively associated with LPA in both genders, but the association remained significant after adjustments only in men. Residential greenness may provide a supportive environment for promoting LPA